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Discussion of competition

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by vampo, Mar 23, 2013.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. vampo

    vampo alchemist Donator Tester

    how is this not competition? you see something that you can improve. you improve it -> TO COMPETE WITH IT. ???:huh?:
    finally you acknowledge that your pitting competition against cooperation as mutually exclusive is bogus. only, you're still claiming it isn't. you're basically saying that all sports are unhealthy and should be done away with and that any form of economy or barter should be abolished. most if not all of what you've described involves competition.

    -edit- oof - sorry shad, you're right. will refrain from this topic.
    Beef likes this.
  2. Reactorcore

    Reactorcore Shark Slayer

    Alright, Shad, but just one more post.

    Heres "Define compete" in google:
    1. Strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others who are trying to do the same.
    Especially this part:
    "...defeating or establishing superiority over others..."

    To improve something you're dissatified with or see potential in is not competing.
  3. vampo

    vampo alchemist Donator Tester

    if this needs to be moved to misc, feel free. anyway, if you're reading this and confused, read this thread and you'll understand. got sick of off topic.

    your drive to improve is a strive to win something by establishing superiority over others who have done the same. almost word for word from your provided definition. improving someone else's work is establishing superiority. it is competing. that is the text book definition of competition.
    rocker2 likes this.
  4. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Merged the last two posts of the source topic into this one... Unfortunately it screwed up the order a bit :p
    vampo likes this.
  5. Reactorcore

    Reactorcore Shark Slayer

    I find that absurd.

    So lets say I'm sitting on a wooden chair that is horribly uncomfy.
    Annoyed by this, I get motivated and I move my ass to get myself a big, cozy couch.
    So at this point I'm supposed to say "HAHA TAKE THAT YOU CHAIR, I WIN"...?


    I don't see your logic here man. I don't care about being superior, I just want to make my life better. Whats that got to do with competition?
  6. vampo

    vampo alchemist Donator Tester

    you care about creating a chair that is superior to the chair created by your predecessor. you think chairs make themselves?
    Varion and Hella like this.
  7. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    That would be motivatation in the situation where there are no other competitors. If two teams were both given a chair and told to make it better than the other teams, then that is competitive motivation.

    There is still motivation if you aren't in competition, and that's a simple fact, but striving to do better can only be done if there is something to do better than. If I had that hard, uncomfortable wooden chair, I would want to make it better; however, how do I define it to be better? I need to have encountered other chairs that I consider softer, more comfortable, less wooden, and those are the chairs that I strive to be better than.

    In ZF mode, this principle is still there. What is the aim? To survive for a long time, longer than you have done previously; or, alternatively, to simulate what has come before, and, if possible, to better it. Ultimately, if you have an aim in anything in life, it is in comparison to what has previously happened, and the target of matching or doing better than that.
    Varion, vampo and Reactorcore like this.
  8. Reactorcore

    Reactorcore Shark Slayer

    Dude, the motivation is focused on making your life better by having a better chair, not focused on making sure the older chair sucks.
    What competition is about, is making sure the other side sucks or looses so you get enjoyment from that. These two things don't connect at all.
  9. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    That's not competition at all, man.
    Competition can be as simple as playing a game with each other where you are against one another. There doesn't need to be any negative feelings involved, and it can be for pure fun.

    Football, in the english sense (read: soccer), is a competitive game, yes? Of course it is, two teams compete to score the most goals. So where does the idea of a 'friendly' match come in? You try because it is fun, winning is fun. Then again, so is losing, because it's a challenge and it gives you the chance to prove yourself.
    If I played a game of KAG where I was on one team, and the best players around were on the other, and I had to take them on alone, by your definition, there is no point in me playing at all. I would disagree, because that would be a fucking blast. It would be stupid amounts of fun, even if I was destined to lose from the beginning.
    The challenge of improving myself is what drives me on, not making everyone look like shit in comparison. If that were the case, then I wouldn't help teach tactics to newer players.

    KAG in itself is only gently competitive; I probably spend at least as much time in-game chatting as I do being awesome. There is no focus on making sure the other person sucks, but there is a focus on winning for the sake of enjoyment. There is no real overwhelming competitive hatred on the whole, because that would be a stupid thing to endorse.
  10. Reactorcore

    Reactorcore Shark Slayer

    Alright, my choice of words in my previous post may have been overly harsh, but my point is still there. Lets look at that quote you pulled up again.

    It doesn't say what exactly is competing. The core of how does competition exactly works.

    In soccer and KAG, when you join in, your personal goal is to improve yourself and others by testing each others abilities and learning from them. Thats not competition. Competition is about someone winning... and someone loosing. Thats what the "define compete" definition brings up in google and the dictionary.

    In a competitive design, you can utilize it as a platform for self improvement and helping others, sure.
    But the thing is, a competitive platform pits you constantly into situations where you're set on a path to become superior to another. This constant friction-based environment runs the risk of changing the way you think and behave, the more serious you get into the competing side of it.

    That said, it is possible to keep it within safe limits, by not allowing yourself to degrade to those levels, but that also means you'll never go over a certain threshold of competency, which requires more serious competitiveness to achieve. So basically, you'll get better and better with the strategy you described, but there is a limit to how good you can become unless you're willing to cross the line and get serious about it.

    And when you do, thats when the shit hits the fan. Eventually.
  11. VanHuek

    VanHuek KAG Guard Tester

    How about all we do is lie on the ground and never play another computer game or enter real life? That way there is no competition or co operation.
    One likes this.
  12. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Does that mean that you're saying that competition is fine as long as you don't become competitive?

    On a side note, one of the synonyms that is put forward by google is emulate.
    Emulation is key to what we are talking about. If you are unhappy with the idea of competition, then why not seek out emulation, since everyone does that naturally anyway?
  13. Reactorcore

    Reactorcore Shark Slayer

    Wait, what did I say to make you think that? :huh?:
    And besides that, cooperative gameplay does not have these issues, so why do you mention that there?

    Yeah, technically thats correct, but a competetive design will eventually turn you competetive sooner or later, unless you willing to stay mediocre forever.

    As for emulation, you may be onto something here, the more I think about it.
    Instead of relying for another person to loose, you strive to reach his level and when you do, you look for another person above you and repeat again. Hmm. This may be an idea worth researching...
  14. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    So, the next thing to ask would be what exactly is wrong with being competitive?
  15. Reactorcore

    Reactorcore Shark Slayer

    Because when you do, you're pretty much saying ok to the idea of "I enjoy to watch others loose". That becomes your focus.
  16. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Why does it have to be said that "I enjoy watching others lose"? Could it not be accepting the fact that "I enjoy winning"?
  17. In Reactorcore's head, competition leads to neo-nazism.
  18. Reactorcore

    Reactorcore Shark Slayer

    Ok, it can be that if you want, but the meaning didn't change.

    What is winning?

    What does it take for you to win? What conditions must be met?
  19. VanHuek

    VanHuek KAG Guard Tester

    Well you can always help me with my 'rather large' co op/single player/multiplayer game mode; far from competitive; if you want (although I won't be paying for it- unless itS programming.
  20. Reactorcore

    Reactorcore Shark Slayer

    We'll see, I've got big plans too and I want to see what I can do alone at first. Later on we can join forces somehow if it seems like a good idea.
Mods: BlueLuigi