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RP - The Mythic Age

Discussion in 'Spamcan' started by Cerbercre, Mar 18, 2013.

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  1. Cerbercre

    Cerbercre Brolord 弟兄主 Donator
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    :bison: A new period of enlightenment begun in 2032, and many new discoveries were made. However, the most important wouldn't be the hoverboard or the virtual reality headset, but the existence of mythical creatures. The clumsy Professor David Win was awarded generously for the astonishing find after stumbling across an elf colony when he became lost in a forest. Now married to the leader's daughter, he is an active supporter of supernatural rights. He, in conjunction with the government, has built a boarding school near the country town of Temor called the "Unity Boarding School" where his dreams of uniting all species might come true. Many have mixed views about the newly found occult's but with something big looming ahead, being accepted by the rest of the human race might be the least of the pupil's worries.
    Blukey is Game Master (GM)
    The role of a gamemaster in a traditional role-playing game is to weave the other participants' player-character stories together, control the non-player aspects of the game, create environments in which the players can interact, and solve any player disputes. The basic role of the gamemaster is the same in almost all traditional role-playing games, although differing rule sets make the specific duties of the gamemaster unique to that system.

    1. No god modding, auto killing, auto hitting and overpowered characters that cannot die.
    2. No trolling, spamming and flaming on the thread will be tolerated.
    3. Keep ooc down to the minimum and put parenthesis around it.
    4. Bios must be lengthy at best, in detail about the character and how we can get to know them.
    5. In the "other" section in the bio, please put your characters favorite type of food so we know you read the rules.
    6. Keep all paragraphs spaced out and readable, we will ask you to rewrite your posts if we cannot understand what you are trying to say, this is the same with bios.
    7. Try to let people know when you are leaving so that they do not wait for you to post. You can let us them via the RP conversation.
    8. Be creative and have fun!
    9. Pick a race off thy official Encyclopedia of Myth
    Age- (Should be a reasonable age, no over 9001, please. Preferably 14+ However, If it's old (like 1000+)your back story should be a bit longer)
    What is your race-
    Racial Appearance-(What you look like in your non-human form)
    Human Appearance-(Self explanatory, but optional)
    Short History- (Doesn't have to be a life story, but if it is, that's okay, many people like to know some good history)
    Reason(s) for attending the school- (Self explanatory)
    Are you good or evil and why- (If you choose a evil race, it doesn't necessarily mean that you are evil and vice-versa with the good races)
    What is your personality like- (Can be revealed in role play)
    What grade are you in- (Freshman- First year of school, Sophomore- First few years of school, Junior- half way down with school, Senior- Last year of school.)
    Other- (Post any other stuff that you would like people to know)

    We will be opening this RP with the characters leaving their homes and or exploring the town of Temor which will then lead up to them going to their first day of school. From there you will see a custom school roster along with rules of the school.
    soulrealm, feet and Canadian98 like this.
  2. Zeeee80

    Zeeee80 Haxor

    Name- Dramoria Detrius

    Age- 513 (14 in human years)

    What is your race- Light Dragon

    Racial Appearance- Dramoria is a golden dragon and many would say that he is adorable looking. When Dramoria is in his dragon form he is about the size of a large horse, one third the size of his parents. He is thin, but not scrawny. He is also a tad bit long. He has eyes that shimmer like a golden sun. His teeth and claws are sharp.

    Human Appearance- When he is in human form he stands around 5 foot 6 inches. He has blond hair with the same, magnificent, color of eyes. He usually keeps up with the style of the humans when it comes to clothing and he usually doesn't wear shoes.

    Short History- When Dramoria was laid as an egg it was a time of unrest for mythical creatures who were being hunted down into extinction. His parents, realizing that to save their offspring, they would have to disappear from humankind altogether. So they flew to what would be called North America, a place free of prosecution for their kind. They went deep inland until they found the Rocky Mountains. His parents then made a home high up in the mountains and they waited for him to hatch.
    In the year 1500, he finally hatched and his parents were overjoyed. they then named him and for the next 300 years they taught him the ways of his kind, but then the humans came. They were sad to see it happen but they guessed it would be only a matter of time before they arrived. One day when Dramoria was watching the humans from afar he tried to mimic them in their ways and to his surprise he changed into one. He was scared to tell his parents for he did not know what they would think of him, but he eventually did and to his surprise his parents transformed to. They then went on to say that they could of stayed with the humans but they would not have been able to hide his egg.
    In 2032, when the humans finally became aware of the supernatural, his parents rose to the occasion and helped usher in a new age. One where all beings of Earth could be happy and peaceful. Dramoria was then told that he would have to attend a school for the supernatural and humans, so they could better co-exist for future generations. The only thing Dramoria wanted to do however, was see the world and fly.

    Reason(s) for attending the school- His parents decided it was a good idea for him to try to mingle with others and learn more about the human culture. He however, would rather be somewhere else spending his time flying in the majestic sky.
    Are you good or evil and why- Good, for his parents taught him not to hate or be cruel, but nice and caring for others, no matter what they are.

    What is your personality like- Dramoria does not like to fight, but if he must he does. He gets along with people well. He is a caring dragon who doesn't like to see people get hurt. Once he gets to know a person well enough, he will usually tease them. All together Dramoria is a loving dragon that would rather converse then fight.

    What grade are you in- Freshman

    Other- Humans only thought that dragons breathed fire, but that was not the case. Dramoria has many breath abilities while in dragon form, for example he can shoot fire, ice, and a specialty to his species alone, he has a breath power that allows him to heal others. When in dragon form, he can communicate telepathically with others. Dramoria also likes to eat what the humans would call "Apple pie", however he usually just sticks to an all meat diet.
    kevron11 likes this.
  3. feet

    feet Bison Rider

    Name: Damian Hiller (Alias: Sebastian Mason)
    Age- 16
    What is your race- Mostly human, part Faerie
    Racial Appearance- He appears like most humans, and has Caucasian skin and black hair cut short from a recent trip to the hairdressers. He has small translucent wings on his back that have a misty appearance and are yellow and green. His eyes are a startling green, often mistaken for contact lenses.
    Short History-
    Damian is the adopted son of Albert Hiller, an active protester against supernatural beings and owner of Rede, one of the biggest tech companies in the world. His half-brother, 20yo Ryan, works as a model, lives by himself and is the result of a failed marriage between Albert and a famous actress. When they broke up, she claimed he spent too much time at work, so Albert adopted a 2yo Damian to fill the void in his life. Ryan, of course, was pissed off.

    When he was curious about how he came to be at an orphanage, Damian asked a member of the staff. He said that he was placed into care after his mother committed suicide when she broke up with her husband for irreconcilable differences. His father refused custody of Damain.

    A favourite of the paparazzi for his outrageous behaviour, Damian knew he was descended from the fae when he discovered wings growing out of his back when he was 13. Naturally, he didn't tell his father. For unknown reasons, his wings didn’t grow too big, allowing then to be hidden under loose clothing at the cost of being able to fly. He also developed the ability to use and feel magic but was unaware of it until he accidentally set fire to the curtains in his father's bedroom while looking for a key for the house. Oops.

    His father found out about his unique ability when he went to the hairdresser and he didn’t know what to do. He loved his son, but as one of the higher profile members of the Anti-S Movement he couldn't take the chance that someone might find out about his unique condition (in his words) so he enrolled Damian under a false name to Unity Boarding School. Free from the clutches of his home, Damian, now under the alias of Sebastian, is glad for the chance of living away from his father.
    Reason(s) for attending the school- His father, not wanting for anyone to know that he has a part-fae son, enrolled him under the name Sebastian Mason to avoid suspicion.
    Are you good or evil and why- Sebastian is slightly good, because that's what he's been taught. He has no aspirations to take over the world or anything.
    What is your personality like- Sebastian, having hidden his secret from his father for three years, is somewhat a loner sometimes out of habit, though he can be quite outgoing and mischievous when he chooses to be.
    What grade are you in- Sophomore
    Other- He is skilled in Parkour, sometimes sneaking out at night to leap of buildings. He loves avocado and tuna sushi, as well as the colour blue and heavy metal. He secretly dreams of owning his own glass bottom boat and growing out of the shadow of his father and Ryan.
  4. TotalPotato

    TotalPotato Haxor
    1. KRPG

    Name- Gabriel Essen & Lanithro (Demon of the air)
    What is your race- Human innocent, very small part titan. Demon innocent
    Racial Appearance- Very similar to human form however slightly more muscular and colour-less eyes surrounded by protruding veins
    Human Appearance- Wild medium dirty blond hair, slim, 5'11 with bright green eyes. wears a hoodie with a checkered black and white pattern on the shoulders and wrists with dark baggy jeans and pure white converse with black laces and a long grey scarf lazily wrapped around his neck just covering his chin.
    Short History- Gabriel lived a normal life with his two parents in a small town everything was quaint. His dad a almost famous priest in their small community and his mother a seemingly perfect housewife. However this was to change quickly, it was a dark night a storm had been raging for days and Gabriel was unable to get any sleep due to the obnoxiously loud lighting so he decided to go down stairs to find comfort from his parents.

    They were not to be found.

    He heard noises in the basement and neither of his parents to be found so he decided to investigate as it wasn't unusual for them to be occupied at this time of night with exorcisms and so on,. He cautiously walked into the basement to find dozens of men organised into a circle each one their heads covered in cloaks all chanting in time and to Gabriel's horror a man in the center writhing in pain rolling around on the ground, his face masked by a brown sack. When Gabriel saw this he charged forwards to help the man ignoring the obvious danger when suddenly the chanting reached its climax a strange aura filled the room and the man was motionless.

    Suddenly the mans eyes shot open, they were entirely red! Gabriel tried to move back but couldn't his legs wouldn't move he was too terrified. The man or whatever it was now rose to its feel and approached Gabriel moved his hands in front of his face worried the thing would attack him, it raised its hands and Gabriel prepared for the worse but as he did he noticed some chains around the things arms suddenly thrash backwards retaining it, he was safe. Or so he thought. The thing smirked and opened its mouth revealing what seemed like a inferno flooding upwards from its throat. Gabriel's eyes quickly closed in hopes this was just a dream but it wasn't. His eyes once more opened again but not from his own will, he felt a throbbing around his hands and eyes. What he could see was something he couldn't believe with a swift movement of his hands the fire was swatted away with a deep gruff but almost friendly voice commenting "I won't let you hurt this child". His body moving again without his permission ran from his home. After seemingly hours of running his body finally stopped he was met by a voice in his head, it seemed like it wanted what was best for him and over the weeks after he begun to trust the entity, it called itself Lanithro however Gabriel prefers to call him 'Thro' It seems that all he is interested in is the protection of Gabriel. Despite leaving his home under such strange and mysterious consequences Gabriel seemed pretty happy after finding a advert about a school which specializes in the strange among humans and other races ((Sorry if this is abit long-winded or poorly written ;,,: )
    Reason(s) for attending the school- After feeling like he was unable to return home he decided to join the school hoping him and Lanithro would be safe there.
    Are you good or evil and why- Good as is constantly pushed to do the right thing by his partner despite the violent nature of a titan
    What is your personality like- Strong moral compass, very emotional but doesnt normally act upon them and sometimes socially awkward due to a isolated upbringing
    What grade are you in- Sophomore
    Other- I hope the story covers most stuff, oh almost forgot. He generally likes any food that is warm due to the time he has spent away from home he appreciates any meal especially warm ones
  5. feet

    feet Bison Rider

    You could if you really wanted too...
  6. blukey

    blukey Finest Moustache in the Kingdom Donator

    You could go there. 25252525
    Cerbercre and Lieber like this.
  7. lukepop

    lukepop Arsonist

    Name- Runos Artenes/Dominick Smithson
    Age- 16 (In human years)
    What is your race- Elf/Human warlock in training
    Racial appearance- (hasn't been discovered yet) Electric blue eyes glowing fingertips his skin suddenly glows.
    Human appearance- Soft brown hair which is often dirty and pale skin from being inside too much wears a t-shirt and long pants as well as clear brown eyes.
    Short history- Born to one of the humans who were thought to be mutants and one of the elves who chose to leave the colony. When he was younger the social system decided his father was in-adequate so he was raised in a foster home he was lucky that he had a friend in one of the children who had been already raised this boy taught him alot about outside things and later on developing the natural powers he had by pure telling him to keep practising before he became any good the boy was arrested so Runos ran away from home and arrived at Temor where he was looked after by a family who took him in and he lived there for 1 year before he joined the school.
    Reason(s) for joining the school- he hopes to find out more about his powers
    Are you good or evil why- Good he just hasn't had any evil or bad happen in his life.
    What grade are you in- Freshman
    Other- He Has a few books he treasures,enjoys strawberries spaghetti bolognaise and pizza.
  8. toffie0

    toffie0 is sweeter than you <3 Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    Name: Melody Gisp

    Age: 11

    Race: Human, part elf but no one knows it

    Appearance: She has bright long hair that goes up to her waist, she is a normal 11 year olds Hight. She loves to wear dresses through her guardian, mother and father hate her wearing dresses. She has pale skin but not white. She usually wears a wolf t-shirt with dark blue jeans. She has a skinny face and a skinny body.

    Short history: Melody has a powerful power she can't control, when ever she uses it she is usually knocked out for weeks, her mother and father was always worried about her killing herself by using it. Twice she has caused a building to collapse. Her father was killed when she was 6, when a thief came into Melody's house and scared her. Which caused the house to collapse luckily her mother was out with a bunch of friends. She spartaculry survived but injured badly. Her father on the other hand. Her mother died in a fire she had a choice to save herself or save melody. She saved Melody giveing up her own life. Melody has always felt guilty about her mothers and fathers death, and keeps their deaths a secret from everyone else. She now lives with her grandpa in a small village near a forest. Most days Melody spends her day climbing the tree tops and keeps to her self. Her grandpa enrolled her into the Unity Bording school, in hope she would start a new life and mix with other people that are more likened (charastics wise).

    Reason(s) for joining the school: to forget about her previous life, to try and squish her power out of her and make new friends and learn the ways of elves in which it looked like she was ment to be.

    What grade are you in: Fresh man

    Other: she loves fruit, nuts, and water. She is shy, and spends her free time in the trees jumping from tree to tree by herself.

    ( hope I haven't made my Charactor to powerful, and she is old enough. She can be killed if she gets killed before she realised she is about to be killed. Once she is knocked out after two minutes her power would have gone and you can kill her, her power can disappear by a machine / medicine / anything else you can think of. Her power can kill her.
    Cerbercre likes this.
  9. Cerbercre

    Cerbercre Brolord 弟兄主 Donator
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Feet, Zee your in the RP toffie, Potato and lukepop we'll answer you later today :):thumbs_up: You all have great bio's though.
  10. feet

    feet Bison Rider

    Now you can, you pedo.
  11. Cerbercre

    Cerbercre Brolord 弟兄主 Donator
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Lukepop , toffie , potato your in. We'll start the RP soon.
  12. TotalPotato

    TotalPotato Haxor
    1. KRPG

    We wait for anybody else or is this everyone?
  13. Cerbercre

    Cerbercre Brolord 弟兄主 Donator
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    We'll give it till saturday.
    I'll be making a conversation with all the RPers here so we can keep in touch and all that jazz.
  14. //I feel like playing as a female for no reason. Been dreaming too much, nothing ever fits my perfection so...(GTFO I'm not gay/bi)

    Short Bio:
    Name: Mizuki Aoki (Nickname: Miz/Mizu)
    Age: 15
    Race: Half Moon Elf, Half Angel Moon Elf

    Races' Appearance: Slightly paler skin than human. Ranges from Blue to Purple to Black Irises. Slightly taller than average human height. Very slightly pointed ears. Graceful. Ranges from Blonde to White to Grey to Black hair.
    Appearance: Very slightly paler skin. Purple Irises. Slightly shorter than average female human height. Very slightly pointed ears. Light white hair a few centimeters below armpit length.
    Appearance Summary: Pure/Cute
    Clothing Preferance: Elegant/Pure. Sometimes excessive clothing when shy/upset/bad mood.
    Personality Summary: Clueless, Slightly Bashful

    Current Hobbies: Moon gazing, Sleeping, Sitting on top of trees
    Likes: Sweets, Sweet drinks, Sleeping
    Dislikes: Bugs, Slimy things, Not Sleeping

    Reason/s for Attending this School: Interest in humans. Has had no social contact whatsoever. Interest in School. Notion of discovery. A major goal for her life: Attend a school (and meet a human).

    Ability/ies: Self-healing (only happens when hurt). Rate of healing is exponential. The more damage she takes, the faster she heals. She cannot revive (or she can be killed).

    Extra Characteristics: Clueless, Sleepy. Tends to fall asleep a lot. Nearly always bubbly. Falls asleep a lot. Tends to faint when too stressed.

    Mizuki has lived with only her mother and father ever since "The Revolution" (which happened before her birth).
    They do not live on the moon, but on Earth, on an extremely high mountain overlooking the rest of the elven population.
    She has had no contact to any creature, except non-mythical animals, and her own mother and father.
    She discovered her ability to heal (like all other Moon Elves can, except everyone else can heal others, but she cannot, however she heals self, exponentially) perchance, after she fell off a tree and scraped her leg against some bark.

    What Grade are you in: New & young & clueless. What do you think?

    Good or Evil: Nearly Neutral (only slightly good due to being clueless)

    Opening Prologue:

    "Mizu~~~Mizu!...Wake up!"

    I open my eyes to find mother smiling at me sweetly. She beckons for me to descend from my tree.

    "Tomorrow you are going to Unity! Aren't you excited sweetie? Come on, we need to pack your belongings! Wouldn't want to forget something now, would you?" she sings.

    I smile and skip towards our house, with mother trailing gracefully behind me, her basket full of sparkling herbs.


    "Daddeeeeeeeeeee!" I shout.

    I pounce on his back, causing him to knock over his little wooden horse.

    "Oh, Mizu, can you ever stop doing that? Look! Your little wooden horse has broken again! Seems like I'll have to spend much more time mending it..." he replied.

    "You're always fixing it! Isn't it about time you fixed the roof in our kitchen? I mean surely, the kitchen roof is more important than my little horsey, right?" I say.

    "That's because you're always breaking it! Oh, I will Mizu, I will fix the kitchen roof as soon as I fix this horsey..." He turns back to the little wooden horse and continues to edit its fine features.

    "Daddy!" I shout again. "I'm going to Temor tomorrow! And I'm going to school! School! To Unity Boarding School!"

    "Oh, you won't be able to leave before I finish fixing your little horsey! Now I'll never get it done with you pouncing on my back all the time right?" he winked.

    "Eita, Mizu! Dinner time!"

    We both get up and stride towards to the dining room, excited for tonight's family feast.


    As I get into bed, I am thinking about tomorrow. All these thoughts that never popped into my mind before, loomed above me...
    What would tomorrow be like? Who would I meet? What are humans like? What do other races look like? What is school like? What do we learn in school? Countless questions swept my mind into a haze of dizziness. One that made me fall asleep peacefully. Goodnight, I thought to myself.

    PS: Let me on this one (race). :S
  15. Cerbercre

    Cerbercre Brolord 弟兄主 Donator
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Soulrealm im not sure your race and such fits the rules.
    Did you even get it off the race site we posted?
  16. ...
    but your so called 'online souce of all things "mythical"' doesn't have my moon elf. jesus, does it even have an elf?
    then what can i change my 'race' to so that i don't need to change anything else (descriptions)
  17. lukepop

    lukepop Arsonist

    Moon elf, moonn eellff, moooon elf, moooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnn eeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllfffffffffffffff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    soulrealm likes this.
  18. Zeeee80

    Zeeee80 Haxor

    ((Kindly reminder, even though we haven't started, please use parenthesis for ooc chat))
    blukey likes this.
  19. Cerbercre

    Cerbercre Brolord 弟兄主 Donator
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    // .. Yea it does have elf. lel
  20. blukey

    blukey Finest Moustache in the Kingdom Donator

    ((I like // better. :C))
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