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[FinalDay] Australium <HardZombie>

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by UltraMarine_Val, Feb 16, 2013.

Mods: jackitch
  1. UltraMarine_Val

    UltraMarine_Val Bison Rider
    1. FUN Servers

    Hello all!
    Me present me new server

    -What is the new on this zombie server


    The story:
    The Australium have been lunched and he have ravaged the world. The hight radiation of the Australium have contamined the world and the die revive. You and your friends are pursued by zombies...

    For a bug (you can't move)
    For spectator (when server is full)
    For a zombie bug use

    You can speak english and french on this server, just french and english
    If you insult the players who do not deserve it
    If you spam
    Tempban or Ban
    After 2 kick for usebug whis zombie
    After 2 mutes for insult
    For grief
    For hack

    What is the new on this zombie server ?

    Zombie have 5 life or more
    Zombie heat 2 heart per hit
    Zombie can break stone and wood wall

    Skeleton have 2 life or more

    No migrant

    -Zombie spawn
    Just skeleton or zombie spawn
    Zombie spawn at night
    After a long time, wraith incoming

    5 lifes

    Tutorial for a epic game
    At the start, run and take stone, build a kinght workshop and bombs workshop, eleminate the zombie hord when your bombs and take archer for eleminate wraith. Is a basic help for a good game but you need a teamwork

    The fail:

    I have been sudmerged by zombie
    I have build a kinght and bombs shop but zombie desdroyed me Kinght workshop when i have taked a king
    I haven't build fort and wraith have explosed me
    I have build me base in ground and zombie have desdroyed the stone
    I haven't heal me

    Upade and news
    Zombie skeleton spawn
    Zombie Kinght spawn
    Zombie wrath spawn
    New map
  2. Canadian98

    Canadian98 Haxor Tester

    Calling it Australium makes it look like an Aussie server.
  3. UltraMarine_Val

    UltraMarine_Val Bison Rider
    1. FUN Servers

    No, is the name of the ???SECRET???... :huh?:
    Is a Wink to Team Fortress 2 Fan
    </br>--- merged: Feb 24, 2013 9:43 PM ---</br>
    Bug fix:
    wraith don't spawn
    ZKinght don't spawn

    I have edit me first post
  4. Reactorcore

    Reactorcore Shark Slayer

    I really like this server. The mods included really enhance the game and I'm really happy that you can survive a wraith explosion at full health. This is very good and makes the game much more fun.

    If I can, some suggestions:
    -Make boulders cost 20 stone, not 50.
    -Make boulders more powerful and heavy.
    -Put more than 2 zombie portals underground. 4-6 would be awesome. Underground should be more crowded and dangerous.
    -Have a shop to trade gold to coins. Like 10 gold = 200 coins or similar.
  5. Canadian98

    Canadian98 Haxor Tester

    So you want boulders cheaper, but more op?
  6. Reactorcore

    Reactorcore Shark Slayer

    >More OP


    prove me they are useful on that server.
  7. UltraMarine_Val

    UltraMarine_Val Bison Rider
    1. FUN Servers

    I can't add a new fichier, my accout have a probeme :3
  8. Reactorcore

    Reactorcore Shark Slayer

  9. FlammableSoulz

    FlammableSoulz Drill Rusher

    Can I apply for admin?
  10. blukey

    blukey Finest Moustache in the Kingdom Donator

    I don't think he needs any admins, or he would have stated it.
  11. UltraMarine_Val

    UltraMarine_Val Bison Rider
    1. FUN Servers

    Me need to close me server but loot of people say no, okay i don't totch the server but me change it on BETA
Mods: jackitch