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[590] The Archer Turtle

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by Alaiscool, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    quite good a design, easy and fast, yet effective. basic protection for archers.
  2. Alaiscool

    Alaiscool Arsonist

    OMG! I just had an amazing idea! The only weakness of these to builders is for a builder to cover the shooting hole with stone, so why don't we place a single trap door in front of the turtle! That way when enemy builders come over they wont be able to place a block there! (Genius)
  3. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    Enemy Bombs
    Enemy Builder
    Enemy Knight

    I figured it out. If the problem is the enemy, why don't we just kill the enemy?
    Pretty good idea if I mus' say so myself.
  4. Alaiscool

    Alaiscool Arsonist

    buillders must be no.1 target when in this thing and knights are only dangerous if they have bombs.
    </br>--- merged: Apr 4, 2013 5:26 AM ---</br>
    thanks for all the feed back :D
  5. VERY nice. Will definitely be using this one. Good Job.
  6. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    why did you leave a window for light?
  7. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Here's what I'd suggest as a little change to the last one posted
    The gold is supposed to be where you leave the dirt, basically you have a skeletal frame as the original builder.
    This is rather cheap, as posted above not very sturdy or very safe (from bombs/etc). You can make it safer from digging by adding more stone to the sides, but this doesn't particularly protect against bombs, this does however mean that if you plan to leave this as the bottom of a tower and build on it later, it's a very simple thing to do, and if this area becomes a liability you can stone it off at that point.

    The way to cure against bombs being thrown IN at this point would be simple, digging a pit underneath, don't bother to put anything in the pit, just dig it.
    This is just enough where you won't take (much) damage from the bomb as an archer up above, won't need to worry about falling (unless you're a scrub or something, then add a last bridge to the left side there).

    As for sealing/moving up, that's also not too hard.

    some stupid variations I made in a few seconds, I'll probably test these if I'm bored enough later:
    To hurt those that bomb in from the right side there, impairs a bit of the bomb catchability of the bottom, but instead turns it into a short term hiding area for the archers from the knights, and allows them to shoot up at them as well.

    A quick and dirty variation to make it mean nothing to attack the bottom relatively
    Feel free to ignore all of this as perfectly useless as well.
    Domis likes this.
  8. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    I have a 95% belief that I can't be bothered testing that,
    a) The friendly team will be damaged by the spikes on team doors,
    b)Team doors can't be placed on a workshop. At least, without editor they can't. c:
  9. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    The workshop is by mistake, it was a quick thing and I accidentally dropped a shop :<

    I wasn't hurt by the spikes at all during a little testing.

    It's probably still ass, I haven't used it enough and don't enjoy archer too much.
    Domis likes this.
  10. Apronymous

    Apronymous Bison Rider

    How does one get out of there?
    Guitarman likes this.
  11. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    I'd hate to be stuck in there when an enemy makes his/her way in...
    *nervous shiver* archer rape :eek:
    Guitarman likes this.
  12. Alaiscool

    Alaiscool Arsonist

    The window was so you can see :3
  13. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    Why is letting the enemy see you a good thing?
  14. Alaiscool

    Alaiscool Arsonist

    Just for this screen shot, usually it would not be there, and thats in real fights and stuff.
    Aftermath likes this.