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[590] quick collapsable slope trap

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by Aevenien, May 2, 2013.

  1. Aevenien

    Aevenien Bison Rider

    • added build number+moved
    Hello, I want to present you an easy to build, low-resource trap that can be built on the slopes or at the top of towers. It protects your team against incoming rushing enemies, reaching your territory. There are 2 ways of how to build this.

    Even if the enemy destroyed doors on the tower and climbs up, they can't pass, because it's blocked. Also they can't hurt you, slash/shoot you standing on the door. All you must do is collapse some blocks on the enemy (1 is enough). Although the enemy knights can destroy a door, blocks will collapse on them automatically and hurt them.

    2) Similar to the first trap, you can put it on the slope. Your teammates can walk through it and don't get stuck. :)
  2. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    2 Knights destroy the slope version. Boost up, break shop tile.
  3. Mexer

    Mexer Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. No Control - to be deleted. inactive

    You can add extra concrete blocks around that workshop block if needed.
  4. Parkour up the slope one ez
    Guitarman likes this.
  5. Guitarman

    Guitarman Haxor Tester Official Server Admin

    In reference to the slope version:
    This is a semi-well done miniature parkour practice ledge :thumbs_up:
    As a slope trap, meh.
  6. Crabmaster

    Crabmaster Bison Rider
    1. Zen Laboratories

    The wall version does look useful. But the slope version, with enough reaction time and maybe some luck, can be avoided if there is no one guarding it to drop the block. With enough timing and maybe some good internet I could see breaking the door and slipping past the block before it falls enough to kill you. However if you add a second block on top of the shop tile I could see it being more effective (but in a lot of cases still easy to jump over).
  7. Aevenien

    Aevenien Bison Rider

    Of course a trap can be edited easily, I've tested a possibility of escaping it (it takes up to 2 hearts or kill). Notice, that 50% of people can't jump over 4 blocks and this trap :p It can become automatical, knight just need to destroy a door and blocks are collapsing immediately on him/them. :)

    Edit: Hello, I wanted to say that I used my slope trap in real game, it has been destroyed 5 times, killed 13 ppl (I was counting :P) but it doesn't matter, because I built it again and again in 10 seconds. Once it killed 4 people by 1 block :)
    CrystalClear likes this.
  8. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    Nothing new, i've seen this countless times... Ill post a link later when I find it.
    Digger101 likes this.
  9. wrong section+no build number, only one warning this time \o/

    also the hill trap can be just jumped over
  10. You can five tile jump over the new slope
  11. Mexer

    Mexer Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. No Control - to be deleted. inactive

    Seems like people don't have imagination here, like it would be hard to place one more block over that edge block, or/and spikes.
    Konfitur likes this.
  12. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    It's not that you can't, it's that he didn't.
    thebonesauce likes this.
  13. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    don't post in building critique if you don't know what parkour is

    they must've be some stupid people
  14. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    why don't we just accept that he has posted the absolute minimum for this trap to work?
    of course he's gonna add a wall of blocks so you can't climb over it,
    there's gonna be an archer nest to prevent sneaky archers from arrowladdering,
    and it's gonna be protected by builders.
    Now, is there still a weakness, except for bombs, catas and builders? (which are every buildings weakness)

    I think it's good.
    Its a shame that it can't be hidden, though, because there's got to be some empy space for it to work :(
    Aevenien likes this.