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Short feedback thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Monsteri, May 3, 2013.

  1. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Give general feedback about the beta here. Keep each line short and use the list feature of the forums.
    • Mounted bows are an overpowered cancer, defense wins all the way. Remove please.
    • War boats NEED ladder movement inside them, the outside needs to be less sticky, the behind should behave like ladders as well.
    • Nerf the scrolls of sudden gib. Really.
    • Do not nerf drills. They make the game worthwhile
    • The sharks do not need to be in every map. They make water combat a cancer.
    Schizoid and I3lue like this.
    • Drill is A++, the best thing you have ever made guys (including RvR)
    • War boats are insane to maneuver in, every big combat features at least one person falling out of the boat instead of moving to the roof to defend
    I3lue and Beef like this.
  2. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    -make a 'door' opening at bottom of ships, atleast warships. Also faster movement when you're alone in a ship, and not as increasing speed this much when you row together
    -recode kag
    Ghozt, LucasTT and Ej like this.
  3. Lieber

    Lieber Is Probing Uranus Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    I have to agree with what Monsteri said. Maybe the Scroll should only gib 5 or 6 enemies instead of all the guys in sight. It would turn the tide of the battle, but not immediately make you win it.
  4. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    • This part of the war boat should weigh one up, this way you'd be able to start up charging in here and progress to the roof of the boat. Engaging into enemy boat is stupid now because if you charge there you get stuck, if you charge on the roof you die.
    • screen-13-05-03-17-53-47.png
    I think it would be cool if you could press E and point a single enemy. He then would be gibbed. As it's a rather huge nerf, It would also be cool to be able to buy them from the traders with gold.
    I3lue likes this.
  5. 16th

    16th Bison Rider

    Players move too fast and fly like supermans. Maybe its fun on TDM, but in other game mods its not. Archers are OP, all noticed that. New building seems more like drawing in editor. Old was perfect imho. Oh and new ladders...they bad.
    Evan5567 and LucasTT like this.
  6. demon2000

    demon2000 Haxor

    Camera in KAB moves step by step, not good. Should be like in KAG: pixel by pixel, or at least opportunity to choose
  7. Crabmaster

    Crabmaster Bison Rider
    1. Zen Laboratories

    • War is fun and feels like it uses teamwork again, this is pretty great, and altogether extremely fun! Hope to see better maps at some point though!
    • Archers are a bit overpowered now, they can easily exploit their very fast arrow fire rate to make it impossible to combat them as a knight, this makes RTDM extremely annoying when most of the other team decides to be archers. (also the backstab is unneeded and just gives them ANOTHER way to kill you)
    • Servers run MUCH smoother, loving the lack of lag!
    • Combat in general, besides fighting archers, is much more fun, more skill based, and looks amazing!
    • The textbubbles when people talk can take up a lot of the screen, unlike the classic ones, that or maybe it is the bright white that throws me off.
    I am overall very positive about this update, my only complaints being the archer balance and the text bubbles, otherwise this is AMAZING!
  8. eamono

    eamono Arsonist

    I only have 3 problems with beta

    1. I would like to be able to see what a factory is producing without going right next to it, if i join a server mid-game i am completely confused as to how the base is laid out, and when i attack the enemy i would like to be able to prioritize what i attack, so i don't run in and destroy the mill saw factory when i could have broken a boat factory

    2.why does it have to be so hard to get into a boat? i mean why can't there be a "open door" or "extend ladder" button on the back of the war boat so i can climb in? no sense

    3.another problem with boats, but why can't i mount a turret on top of the war boat? its a WAR boat, if you got on top to man the turret then you would be open to being shot at, and it's not like the turret has much ammo anyways so it wouldn't be game-breaking-ly powerful.

    but the pros far outway the cons
    - I love how the whole team can pile into 1 boat and charge the enemy with little/no worry of some bomb-jumper wrecking our stuff
    - I love how we can store stuff now
    - I love playing as archer and not being completely useless if someone gets close (but i think insta-kill backstabs are OP, make it temporarily stun the attacker and make the archer incapable of firing arrows/stabbing for 1 second, so the archer can flee from 1 person but is still screwed if he runs into a group)
    - I like fire arrows and buckets
    - I like how gold is more useful now

    the only other things i could say is to re-add in some things from classic, like the ability to see what class everyone is when you press tab, and carrying more then 1 bomb, but all-and-all KAB is a great game and i can't wait for the non-silent (loud?) release, very fun :)
  9. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    You can, last I checked.
    (Just unpack the mounted_bow near the boat.)
    eamono likes this.
  10. Ratka

    Ratka Shipwright

    I myself find the archer knife to be the issue, i can't hit the little bastards let alone catch up to them.
  11. eamono

    eamono Arsonist

    oh... :)

    another problem: long respawn time :QQ:
  12. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Well that has to do with the (frankly poorly conceived) win conditions in WAR: a percentage of the enemy team has to be dead. If they respawned too quickly, then it would be too hard to win.

    Some people are trying to come up with better win conditions. Got any ideas? :gold:
  13. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    couple things (a lot of things)

    1. sandbox no unlimited resources
    2 cant place ladder while under water (nvm it works)
    3. thought team bridges were too op (so why it still there)
    4. plz stop the flcikering that shows i got 0 resources which isnt a problem
    5. hearts and bubbles are now same???
    6. u can hit a tree one way then hit it the other and it will defy gravity and fall away from you
    7. bring back control + esc
    edit just diregard what ever ill say
  14. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Server owners should be able to modify respawn times, but yeah, it's actually sometimes pretty long if you're playing on a default server.
  15. Fernegulus

    Fernegulus Bison Rider

    Drills: Totally overpowered SHIT. It ruins the game once it is made by a team. I think you shouldn't remove it, but slow the speed of holding player.
    Sharks: I know sharks have sharp teeth, but, shush, to eat a war boat?!
    New knight combat: FUCKED UP! Jabbing in every direction is pointless, fighting is now more basing on randomity than skills.
    Archers: They were ruining the game when too many of them in Classic, but now they are QUICK LITTLE BUNNIES BACKSTABBING AND HIDING EVEN WITHOUT GRASS. TOTAL OVERPOWER!!!
    Mounted bows: I would slightly lower the speed.
    WAR mode: It is now pointless to be knight. Shitty bombjumps, archers have melee, builders are to fast. Builder is needed for everything, while knight for nothing.
    WAR mode: Too many opportunities for griefers. Trees dealing damage to friends, you can fill your base (especially tunnels) with water.

    Total: Game is freaking unbalanced.
    ewox250 and Konfitur like this.
  16. 16th

    16th Bison Rider

    corps hurting again? :p
  17. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    • while building u can only do a little hop that makes you unable to even hop up a block
    • shark is op and shouldnt be necessarily man eaters and fighting it i still couldnt kill the same one after 3 deaths\
    • when u reach a spot that u cant build on to it will display a falling animation and you cant build there
    • galen i still dont like u
    • putting fish on fire creates cooked fish. neat
  18. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Para said it above, those seem like bug reports. Please go to the appropriate part of the forum and report them there instead of here, thanks.
  19. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    how can i determine if something is a bug or just a feature? because they can easily seem to me as a feature