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WAR Win Condition Overhaul Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Chrispin, May 4, 2013.


Do you like the current win conditions?

  1. Yes .

  2. No.

  3. Maybe so. (The current ones could use tweaking.)

  1. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    And it's lame to spawncamp them until someone finally catches that builder hiding down there. Having a clear goal to destroy all the barrack structures feels a lot more like a goal and achieving it feels more like an accomplishment. Also I've said it before and I'll say it now: NO nomad builder spawning on the edge of the map for 2 minutes if an enemy has been in a close range to it. NO NO NO.
    Chrispin, Contrary, Alpaca and 2 others like this.
  2. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    I agree with the idea that there should be a building you have to destroy, but I don't think it should be the barracks. It should be something in the very back (or maybe you can choose where to place it at the start), and it should have a LOT more health than the barracks, so that a single enemy who snuck into your base can't just destroy it in 3 seconds before anyone notices him.
  3. Cirom

    Cirom Bison Rider

    I had a few ideas for win conditions in WAR, but I think the "destroy Dock!" idea was the best. However, my ideas were as follows.

    [1] - WAR Respawn Overhaul
    Same win conditions - kill all other players, except the respawn system given an overhaul to make it easier / more difficult to accomplish depending on the situation. Basically, when player RED_1 dies, he will respawn in [x] seconds. If RED_2 somehow manages to die while RED_1 is still in "respawn time", the respawn time will be increased by [y] seconds - killing lots of the enemy will prevent them spawning, essentially. As soon as the respawn duration is up, all waiting players will spawn at once. (Instead of what seems to be just random players in the current version - and all players share the same respawn duration.)

    [2] - "Timered Spawn" system
    Same win conditions - kill all other players. This time, if a player dies, he will respawn in [x] seconds. For every death after that, the respawn time will increase by [y] seconds. (ie: After 10 deaths, the next respawn time will be [x+9y]) - The respawn duration here is per-player, so if one player just runs out and suicides, he's only really hurting himself. Each player will respawn to their own timer, so there's no spawning in "waves" or anything like that.
    allknowingfrog likes this.
  4. Chrispin

    Chrispin KAG Guard Tester

    The idea is to have multiple barracks spread across the map so that you don't just get ninja'd like that, but I admit there is a slight flaw with the barracks as it stands. Since they would cost gold and we already have tunnels to get us anywhere we want, there is not much incentive to build a barracks anywhere else besides the original spawn area. I'm thinking we could either make the barracks double as a tunnel, remove dedicated tunnel workshops from the game, or both.

    Also I don't know if you were a tester or not, but the thing you're suggesting used to be the way WAR worked before separate workshops were added in for the nursery, barracks, factory, storage, and kitchen. You can still spawn in the main base entity if you have commands enabled with !war_base. One reason it was removed was because it got ninja'd so easily, but I think your idea could definitely work if the health and damage done to this thing is done right next time around. The health may just have to scale with the # of players on the server, which I wouldn't be too excited about because it can cause confusion. Another reason this WAR base was taken out was because it was just so damn bulky and centralized too many tasks. It was not only a spawn, but also a storage, nursery, armory, tunnel, and workshop all-in-one. If we could just downsize the war base, make it act as just a barracks and maybe a tunnel, and also make it resistant to more than 10 seconds of fire due to satchels or fire arrows, your idea just might work.
  5. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    maybe it could have either an automatic turret on it, to prevent a single enemy from breaking it with stealth, or at least some form of garrison mode where you can man turrets in it during an attack, but that wouldn't help with the nija'ing
  6. Cirom

    Cirom Bison Rider

    Ninja-ing should be a valid strategy though - you should get rewarded by sneakily making it into the enemy base without dying - the reward being you destroy said base.
  7. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    the reward being you destroy their shops and cripple their defenses so that the rest of your team can come and attack them, not being that a single player can cause a team with massive towers filled with factories and weapons to lose the game in all of 3 seconds just because no one noticed him swim through a dark tunnel.
    Apronymous and Chrispin like this.
  8. I personally think A dock would be perfect as a main objective. It would go behind the main island, and well... I think it just plays along nicely with the water and boats in war mode. And it makes the win conditions not so retarded because, as stated before the current win conditions are very random. Also I think the "We surrender option" would be very good.:)
  9. PadaV4

    PadaV4 Shopkeep Stealer

    Just give us ctf. Screw the war >.<
  10. Lieber

    Lieber Is Probing Uranus Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    CTF isn't done and people like War.
  11. Vaine

    Vaine Horde Gibber

    The problem;

    Winning in war mode is a problem at times. The fact that a team can have an immense, and very successful raid/rush, come away from it with the enemies spawn as their own land and then...

    You realise the enemies are not spawning on their spawn, your team hunt only to find that they're underground, laughing, exclaiming various insults, claiming they are intelligent to flee.

    This can put me off playing war mode at times, as the way to win is not very good in my books. Heck, I don't even know the winning conditions, only that you must kill the opposing team and be at their spawn, none of the numbers.

    The solutions;
    • One of the more obvious solutions is to add a flag to war mode, but this takes away the point, and CTF mode is what flags are for.
    • Making a barracks on the enemy spawn and holding it for a certain amount of time, say, a minute or two.
    • Tickets
    • Stealing the enemy team's old man
    • Surrender, holding a vote amongst your team to surrender, like a next map, but only amongst your team
    Please, feel free to suggest your own solutions
    All in all, the war mode winning conditions either need to be altered, or make the winning conditions easier to complete.

    //The threads were so similar that I just merged them. ~ Hella
  12. Apronymous

    Apronymous Bison Rider

    It defaults to 80% dead and at least 16% of the map away from the enemy's fuzzy black wall (as of the second most recent update, 762 might have changed these numbers).
  13. SuperTurdBoy

    SuperTurdBoy Tree Planter

    The new win condition for Build 780 is pretty good, getting rid of all the population.