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Default Colour Palettes

Discussion in 'Maps' started by jackitch, May 4, 2013.

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  1. jackitch

    jackitch :(){ :|: & };: Global Moderator Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    //LOCKED Please see the Resource Page here.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2013
    lukepop, Guitarman, Mr_NeL and 10 others like this.
  2. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    1. What type of doors are those? Wood or stone?
    2. What type of tree is that? Are trees in KAB objects that all work the same way and can no longer be painted wherever like KAG trees?
    3. Is there a default color for Mossy Stone, Mossy Background and Rubble?
  3. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    Are you sure they're all correct?
  4. FG

    FG Fran Donator

    BasePNGLoader.as doesn't have the scroll colours, the light pink is the scroll of sudden gib.
    Screenshot (63).png
  5. jackitch

    jackitch :(){ :|: & };: Global Moderator Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    1. I don't know, but I will check. I just did the palettes in an hour without doing any sort of checking. I haven't even made a map yet.
    2. From what I can gather, it's a random pick between the pine tree and the 'bushy' tree as shown by the following code on lines 280-296:

    else if (type == tree_offset)
    if (map.isTileSolid( map.getTile(offset + map.tilemapwidth) )) // load trees only at the ground
    	CBlob@ tree = server_CreateBlobNoInit( Random( offset, 35 ) < 21 ? "tree_pine" : "tree_bushy" );
    	if (tree !is null)
    		tree.setPosition( getSpawnPosition( map, offset ) );
    		if (map.getTile(offset) == CMap::tile_empty)
    		map.server_SetTile(offset, CMap::tile_grass + Random( offset*3, 3) );
    3. I don't know for sure, but what I do know is you can create your own custom colour palettes for any block and most objects that are in the game. If you wanted all blocks to be a different shade of pink, you could do that. (Keep in mind there'll have to be some sort of standard, since we'll want to share maps, right?)

    No, but I included a little disclaimer at the bottom of my post which you probably didn't see.

    Thanks, I meant to add those as well as the tradingposts, but never got around to it. I'll add those and update the OP as soon as I have time.
    Froghead48, kaizokuroof and FG like this.
  6. Froghead48

    Froghead48 Haxor

    any chance you can find the RBG Value's and post them here?
  7. Squeal

    Squeal Shipwright

    Just looking around the scripts, this might be of use.
    Froghead48 likes this.
  8. Froghead48

    Froghead48 Haxor

    i think those are the RBG i was looking for. Thanks!
  9. jackitch

    jackitch :(){ :|: & };: Global Moderator Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    OP updated: palettes now include trading posts and scrolls.
    FG and Froghead48 like this.
  10. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    Any standard will probably originate from whoever does it first (like this thread)
    Froghead48 likes this.
  11. Antman

    Antman Base Burner

    Is there a .png file for this I could use? The preview images don't work as all the colors are slightly out.
    I could make one if people want it, unless there's one we can already use :)

    Made a .png RGB thing (Looks similar to my old one), I'll post a thread for it if requested.
  12. jackitch

    jackitch :(){ :|: & };: Global Moderator Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    OP updated to fix some mistakes I found, please re-download the palette if you haven't already fixed your own.

    Please send me a link to it and I'll add it to the OP. Best to have this kind of stuff all in one thread.

    EDIT: Double-update, added png palette Make that a triple-edit, added photoshop psd for the png file and spoilered pics
  13. Antman

    Antman Base Burner

    King Arthur's Gold BETA Map RGB's.png
    King Arthur's Gold BETA Map RGB's V2.png
    Hope you guys like it :D
    There's a few things I'm unsure about, hence the ?'s, but I've used it to make a few maps already, so I'm almost certain there's no wrong colours. :) I chose to make two versions because I can zoom in to %200 with the wide version and still see all of it, with my monitor being 1366 x 768.

    Let me know if something needs fixing, or something needs adding.
    Bint likes this.
  14. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    I can't get players to spawn where they should be. None of the spawns work. It always defaults to edge of map and it's getting really frustrating.
  15. lavalord

    lavalord Haxor Staff Alumni Donator Tester

    I confirm that Antman's"red/blue spawn" colour is correct. Make sure you're saving as 24 bit.
  16. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    I am.
  17. lavalord

    lavalord Haxor Staff Alumni Donator Tester

    Try raising the spawns into the air by one-two-three-four block height.
  18. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    Still nothing. Here is the map and screens of where I should not be spawning.


    Attached Files:

  19. lavalord

    lavalord Haxor Staff Alumni Donator Tester

    Just tested it, that's weird...
  20. Antman

    Antman Base Burner

    Try copy how the spawns are on WARDraft, in Base/Maps.
    I assume they work, being in default KAG. Just have the stone underneath and only the main spawn colour, not the other spawn colour.

    I have no idea to be honest, just a thought. Sorry if I said something really stupid :p
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