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Co-ordinated Knight Raid: Unstoppable?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Noc, Sep 25, 2011.

  1. Noc

    Noc Bison Rider

    Today I played a great game. We were losing horribly, and our last outpost was minutes away from capture. Someone shouted "Everyone Switch to Knight and gather at outpost!" Within seconds, half of our team joined. "Raid!" He shouted. We piled off our fortification and landed on the opposing team. The knock back system didn't give them a chance, although we lost a couple men. We pushed on and reached a huge enemy wall. We drilled a hole in it and brought it down. Enemies on the other side finished us off, but when I spawned I saw another huge group. This one had a couple builders too, and included almost our whole team. "Raid!" Another knight shouted. We once again piled off and met the enemy where the wall had previously fallen. Our builders stayed behind us while we tore apart their unorganized clump of classes. I, a few other knights, and the builders once again got to work. Us knights faced off with some opposition, while the builders began tunneling through the wall. It was amazing how, because we fought one enemy at a time, not one of us died. The enemy got knocked back into a teammate, and killed by him. The heart went to whoever needed it."Raid!" I heard in the distance. More knights on their way. Before long, our whole team drove through the fort and we took over the outpost. This wanton once more, until we got the flag and won.

    I admit I exagerated a bit, but this truly happened,. We went from losing to winning in a few minutes, and the enemy team couldn't stop us. I'd like to see this much more often, and will definitly have my clan doing this.
    Beef and AHrEJl like this.
  2. AHrEJl

    AHrEJl Shopkeep Stealer

    gratz man)
  3. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Mass bunnyhopping jab spamming knights is overpowered? Who would have thought?!?!?!
    Neat likes this.
  4. hansel

    hansel Shopkeep Stealer

    So not even one person thought of chucking a bomb in there? Really?
    Valkyrie, Cagar and Neat like this.
  5. the9thdude

    the9thdude Shipwright

    All it really takes is one Knight shield pushing against the group while holding a bomb. Works surprisingly well.
    Noc, Cagar and Neat like this.
  6. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Sadly, this works.

    Fortunately, you can stop clumps of knights in their tracks by doing what 9th dude said. I've had a few +4 and +5 in my time. Usually you should do this before the group gets too big.
  7. Rainbows

    Rainbows KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Or a dropped stone just before as they get to the wall
  8. kiro

    kiro Garde KAG Donator Tester

    It's ever more powerful when a bunch of knights are in a tunnel, digging toward the enemy's flag.

    It happened to me and it was EPIC. We were about 10 knights, digging ultra fast, and nothing could stop us. There were sometimes 2 or 3 knights who tried to kill us, but it seems most of the opposite team members didn't give a sh** about us, and just minded their business :D

    We were only stopped when we finally reached the flag and destroyed their entire base, and we won 5 minutes after.

    Team work = great work :)
    Noc and illu like this.
  9. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    There are definitely ways to stop as long as you are above/it's not in a very tight spot.

    Shielded bomb, dropping rocks, a catapult a bit back, dropping ladders, shooting arrows into the mess, jumping on heads and running past to draw some away (get behind them and wreck havoc).

    I'd say the real power is when the whole team works together as a team instead of all splitting up and running along merrily as usually happens. You'll notice this even when you see 2-3 archers that are well synced taking down anything coming their way, or 2-3 knights constantly going out together and protecting each other as they climb walls to kill archers, or hop around enemy knights. With some teamwork and knowing which classes to choose, it's awesome what you can accomplish.
  10. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    I disagree. Mass archers seems overwhelming, but they don't do anything. Many many times I have seen a team coordinate and go mass archer, slowly lose ground. They eventually switch to all knight and steamroll for a prompt victory.

    In fact just today we had myself, Bilbs, SpitfireXero, Auri, and the rest of the team all being archers, all pushing, all bouncing on heads and climbing up walls. Didn't do shit for the whole time we were at it. We switched to mass knights and we smashed through two large walls within a small fraction of the time we were playing mass archer.

    On an even smaller scale, where archers are even better than in large games, the same thing happens. For example I was in a game with Geti and Corleone. Me and Corleone were doing the usually bouncing on heads shooting up fools climbing up walls crap. We were winning, but very very slowly. We realized that the only reason we were gaining ground at all was because of Geti, slowly hacking away at the walls all on his lonesome. We switched to knight and started winning at triple the speed we were before.

    I'm not complaining, archers are going to get a massive huge buff in the coin update, but you should know that knights win games. Knights and only knights. One or two of the other classes lends valuable support, but knights are what wins games.
    Fellere825, AJ and Noc like this.
  11. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Ah, I meant defense there. Was going against a lot of archers and a nice thick wall with nothing but bedrock in the pit underneath, and we were pretty much getting murdered as there were 6-8 archers all coordinating attacks. They mostly eventually went knight to push forward, but it let a knight or two slip by while they decimated any of us that came close.

    We probably could have countered with a forward catapult to knock that thing down though since we did have some higher ground a bit behind the mountain.
  12. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    No more stuns please! Fed up with all the different stuns that limit us doing everything. For example, the fall stun, you can't prep a bomb, fall from a height and then chuck it down for a surprise attack because you get stunned and drop your bomb. Why? You don't lose any health. You shouldn't get stunned unless you lose health.
    Noc likes this.
  13. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Might I ask why?
  14. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Knights are also better at defending. In KAG attacking is the best defense. Even with mass archer frankly you can't kill the knights fast enough before they reach your wall and chip at it. Having one archer on your team can be pretty useful as he can fuck up bomb throws, but you don't want any more than that and even that single archer isn't always better than just having another knight.

    "Blah blah I'm so pro I get multikills errday" I don't really see how you can get +5 and +6's consistently. Yes there have been instances where I have gotten crazy large multikills, big +6's and consecutive +3s and such, but can you do it consistently? It doesn't matter if you completely wreck one wave of knights, they're back on their feet, charging at you before their gibs hit the floor.
  15. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    That's what I've been saying in my previous three posts in this thread. I'm glad you've finally caught on.
  16. Im_a_Turtle

    Im_a_Turtle Haxor

    Archers are just eye candy at the moment (also good for camping on skybridges) but other than that, just eye candy. Knights are the ones that do all the work.
  17. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Pff, that's a lie.

    I get stunned ALL the time and I can play, and you know it.
  18. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    @Cagar you should stop trying to insult everyone's playing ability to support your points. Especially when you're insulting some of the best like Neat.
  19. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    The way you are presenting it you are suggesting that there are only two possibilities, that what we are saying is incorrect or that we are bad at the game. Neither of those are the case and saying that implies insult.

    And what makes you think I'm not looking "from the eyes of a good player"? Again, another implied insult, again you are suggesting that I am not in fact a "good player". I am looking at it in terms of players who have more or less reached the skill cap. You seem to be somewhat obsessed with the idea of there being some immense gulf between "pros and noobs" when there isn't. This isn't chess, Cagar. Pro archery consists of sitting behind a piece of cover and spamming into crowds. Pro Knight skills consists primarily of jumping away from the enemy while charging up slashes.

    "I'm the best knight." What? What? Not only do I not see how this supports your argument at all, but it simply underlines your false sense of self worth and worship of KAG "pro" ness.
  20. Catakus

    Catakus KAG Guard Tester

    Pfft, that's nothing. I can list 14 people right now that have gotten +6.