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[753] Pickup is silly

Discussion in 'Classes & Mechanics' started by Gofio, May 10, 2013.

  1. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    I have been playing with beta a lot lately,
    And aside from all archer-related, one thing actually bugged me:
    The C-button.

    Especially when using my saw, I kept picking up the wrong items.
    Now, my idea is simple:
    Pickup prioritising.
    For example, when logs, a saw, and some wood, are in the same place,
    the wood would have 1st priority, then the logs, and lastly the saw.
    Some more examples: (from now on I'll use <'s for priority)
    Gold > Stone > Wood
    Fire > Regular
    Everything > Trader (coz' no one is making dem burgers anyway, and it's annoying to keep picking him up)
    This way you won't keep picking up the wrong items.
    There are some situations in which someone would rather pick up wood, instead of gold, but those are always calm: If an enemy is chasing or nearby, builders are not going to check on their wood storages, but they will try to take some gold with them, if they see it lying around.
    In a calm situation, you can just move the gold away, and pick up the wood.
    If that wouldn't work, an precision function could be added too,
    which has to be activated by pressing some button while aiming at the object you want to pick up.
    (Holding Shift when C is pressed would make the game ignore the priorities)
    It is even possible to make it moddable, so that players can adjust the priorities to their likings, or disable them.
    Please criticise, hint, expand on -- my suggestion.
  2. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    I agree with your idea, and I like your suggestion. Things really are more difficult than the need to be to picked up. However, I would suggest we move back to the old interface we have in Alpha, where a menu pops up of all the different items in grabbing distance, I think that would be easier to mod in than priorities.

    I think that a return to the alpha system for picking multiple items up would be better. :p
  3. Froghead48

    Froghead48 Haxor

    i think this would be the best solution. i hate all the fussyness in BETA, its way too complicated to pick up something on the ground, and then replace something in your inventory with it.
    delankski likes this.
  4. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    I think picking up is the best it has ever been, thanks to the fact that you can easily mouse over what exactly you want to pick up. Still, dry grabs could definitely be worked on though.
  5. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    This seems inconsistent to me. I'll be mousing over something in a pile and not pick it up.
  6. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    Its a problem though, when you want to pick up something in a hurry, or in a crowded place.
    As I already said, I got this idea coz' of the saws.
    when you want to throw a log, you move you mouse to the place you want to throw the log to.
    After that, you may move it back, but when you have to throw five logs, you'll probably just keep it there,
    because in the old KAG, you'd pick up whatever was at your feet.
    And then you pick up the saw and throw it, instantly killing all unlucky builders who happened to be in the path of the menace you threw at them.
  7. MM

    MM THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    This definitely bothers me too and I'm not too happy with picking stuff up. More suggestions will be welcome.
    Problem with prioritizing is that every item has different priority for different people and different contexts and situations. Not so easy.
    BlueLuigi and Gofio like this.
  8. Can't you just check for the amount of items on the map? If there is 50 arrow packs in 10 tiles, it's pretty damn obvious that you don't spam C to pick up an arrow pack.
    I think the old pie menu could be good too, just needs to categorize stuff instead of showing multiple objects (eg. multiple arrow packs showing in the menu as one, not 20).
    you could also easily scale priority like this:
    1) objects with time running out:
    ----1) lit kegs
    ----2) lit bombs
    ----3) lit satchels
    ----4) unpacking boat crates
    ----5) unpacking creates
    2) battle items:
    ----1) drills (they tend to be dropped when overheat, insanely annoying)
    ----2) kegs
    ----3) satchels
    ----4) bombs
    3) items created in factories:
    ----1) food
    ----2) trampolines
    ----3) crates
    ----4) lanterns
    4) other stuff (resources, arrow packs, etc.)

    When you press C, you pick up the object the highest on that priority list, every next C click picks the next one and so on.
    I know the list isn't perfect but it's from the top of my head and even this would be better than what we have atm.

    Of course I assumed that knights autograb bombs, builders mats and so on.
    jcjc012, BlueLuigi, Cpa3y and 3 others like this.
  9. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    that's something I already though of.
    Why don't you make a folder with the priorities?
    Then you could just adjust the order if you wanted.
    jcjc012, Brandon816 and BlueLuigi like this.
  10. Crabmaster

    Crabmaster Bison Rider
    1. Zen Laboratories

    How about we mix the Alpha and Beta ways of doing things? That might work to satisfy everyone a little better? Being able to either just select things by pressing C and mousing over them, but also have a little menu pop up which shows everything in range that you can manually pick up too. (Of course like Ej said, making the piles stack in the menu to make sure you screen wouldn't just fill up when around a lot of different things would be good.)
    Apronymous and Gofio like this.
  11. Kuja

    Kuja Shark Slayer

    The op-post is too long to read, but i agree, that picking up system is quite messy.
    Along with inventory managment.
    jcjc012 likes this.
  12. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    It's a long post because it involves significant explanation. If we're to discuss things, then a good starting point is necessary, a Gofio fulfilled that need.

    Personally, any advancement on the system would be cool, because often that little thing I need is covered by pile of logs, making it next to impossible to pick up. Prioritisation and a pie-wheel type thing could be fantastic.
    jcjc012, Gofio, Apronymous and 2 others like this.
  13. Kuja

    Kuja Shark Slayer

    The good thing to do it - is make small pickup-menu, when you hold C. You press C, get list of objects you see and can pick up, and when you release C you pick up object you've been pointing at in menu or if you didnt choose any (got cursor anywhere, but menu) - you pickup closest item, which will be highlighted in the menu.
    Current items highlight system totaly messes up, when you get small and big objects together, like grain seeds and logs.

    Also, i think all inventory system should work like this - this simplifies micro. For now, game has too much pointless micro.

    Also, i think that when you open storage, you should get your inventory on screen too, so you could see, what are you getting, and see if you 've taken items you want.
    jcjc012 and LadyHawk like this.
  14. MM

    MM THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Thanks for the input guys.
    How do you find the pickup improvements in the latest builds?
  15. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    Wish I could just keep inventory on screen at all times. as a hotbar or part of the HUD. you only get 1-4 slots so i dont see the big deal
    hierbo, jcjc012, Apronymous and 2 others like this.
  16. Kuja

    Kuja Shark Slayer

    maybe, but if it will be on-screen AND clickable, you might click something by mistake. Just showing what slots contain - might be neat. Maybe, some button shorcuts to work with inventory would be nice to have too.

    If there were no changes since yesterday - still quite messy. The problem with small and big objects in one pile occurs quite often. Depends from factory position, mostly, but still. Might get some optimisation.
    jcjc012 likes this.
  17. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    I would much rather have button shortcuts for inventory than emotes.

    Adding a tiny hotbar for inventory would be much more useful than the current builder HUD which only tracks wood/stone/gold but not how many stacks you have and doesnt always autostack.
  18. PinXviiN

    PinXviiN Haxor

    I hate it when i pick something up whats further but want to pick the thing closer to me. Also i was able to pick up drill behind 2wide wall O.o
    Apronymous likes this.
  19. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    You dislike walls of text?
    What did you expect to find in suggestions?

    "fix da pikubs iz silly no good maik prioritehz"?

    You should check the dutch forums, if that's what you're looking for.
    </br>--- merged: May 15, 2013 3:27 PM ---</br>

    wait what!?
    A Gofio!?
    Digger101 and Apronymous like this.