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Plain maps

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kuja, May 15, 2013.

  1. Kuja

    Kuja Shark Slayer

    So there is a server with maps, which have no water.
    These are quite frustrating, because first team to get barracks and rush actually wins. Defences matter nothing, because builder covered by knights can dig down anything (assuming, that its an early phase of a game, and there is no time for major defences) or dig under quite fast. If team also gets military workshop - other team is wasted.
    Archers who get arrows from trees, can troll enemy team pretty hard.

    imho, the start stage matter too much on plain maps, and can be screwed up pretty fast.

    Are we getting rush protection as we had in classic?

    I think, devs spend too much time with their water-and-boat theme, forgetting about gameplay on plains.
  2. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    This thread is about the beta. I'm moving it to the beta section for these reasons.

    It's a sad situation that they've finished development totally, and are never going to change anything in the game, ever again.
    Beelzebub, Galen and Apronymous like this.
  3. Invaders

    Invaders Shark Slayer

    I know right, I want my money back, this game is broken.
    xChapx and Beelzebub like this.
  4. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    no, it's just too hard for yo
  5. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    One does not see sarcasm when it's been written down.
    Villekille707 likes this.
  6. PinXviiN

    PinXviiN Haxor

    I never actully played that server, and never will, after this thread
  7. Ne3zy

    Ne3zy Haxor

    I prefer playing without water, and by water I mean big extensions of it small ones are fine..
    Anyway, if you want to avoid a rush just build some small defences, it's not really hard to do since knights can't break anything now, rushing is a tactic, and when you're rushing you're slowing your base construction. It's fine as it is in my opinion rushing is a double edge tactic, if you don't want to get rushed build defences otherwise rush barracks and military supplies/drill.
  8. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    No, really?
    xChapx likes this.
  9. Kuja

    Kuja Shark Slayer

    The only fast thing you can put up fast - wall of wood. If after barracks enemy will make military supplies, you'll get bombed quite fast.
    The only counter is a drill, which allows you to get stone pretty fast, but who's coming for a drill at start?
  10. ITT:
    OP is mad because he cannot minecraft for first 20 minutes without being punished for it very hard.

    man up, OP
  11. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    It is very frustrating when your teammates don't realise how easy it is to be rushed. I ragequit a lot because they would not listen to me and build barracks first, but kept minecrafting. I can imagine it being a lot of fun when you play with friends and experienced players. It's like a sidescrolling Starcraft 2.
  12. 26doller

    26doller Base Burner

    Boats destroy evrything!

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  13. Ne3zy

    Ne3zy Haxor

    the counter to bombs is a drill ? wtf ?
    also you don't need more that a wall of wood early game, just stop minecrafting, I'm happy you can't anymore.
  14. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    The fuck. Plain maps are the funniest to play in, and yes, a lot of minecrafting teams lose really quickly because they keep on making nurseries and empty factories. They are playing the game wrong and deserve to get their asses handed over to them.
    Ej, Apronymous and Conquerer like this.