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[758][Gen] Tips for knight combat? (Hitboxes, Damage areas etc.)

Discussion in 'Knight' started by Chaos-Knight, May 18, 2013.

  1. Chaos-Knight

    Chaos-Knight Bison Rider

    I would consider myself a very decent KAG Classic player, but I really dislike the new combat mechanics in the Beta so far.

    I realize it has a lot to do with getting used to the new mechanics, and maybe I'll come to like them eventually, but right now the new combat feels so confusing and unresponsive all of a sudden. When I play as knight it feels almost like my slashes aren't connecting properly, though I think that's not even really it - I just can't put it into better words.

    For the people switching from classic to beta:

    Could someone please describe -or even better draw- how the new hitboxes look and how exactly you need to hit an enemy so your hit actually connects? In KAG classic you could charge your sword and it would hit your enemy basically from any angle, the new charge attack doesn't seem to work quite like that?!

    Any other tips to get better at combat?Please list them here.
  2. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    team mates are usually imbeciles dont rely on them if you want to win
    play builder dig tunnel and use it and tell others about it for success
    i lied your team mates are idiots they wont listen to you, toast
    also i am leet
    It's also generally agood idea to slash then jab once, jabbing twice just leaves enough time to shield and get stunned
    Apronymous likes this.
  3. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    I think the hitboxes are probably fine, probably the best they've ever been in KAG. I think what everyone is experiencing is the lack of lag compensation. You will probably get quite used to it if you play enough. You have to basically just accommodate for laginess. That sounds annoying but on the flipside you don't have the teleport slashes intrinsic to lag compensation.
  4. The combat is directional, fuck all stupid slash campers who could only dance and charge throughout entire classic.

    Force, delankski and Gofio like this.
  5. ComboBreaker

    ComboBreaker Horde Gibber

    -GloriousToast : Hey imbeciles,use tunnel that I've digged!

    *enemy builder drills through the sea bottom after 2 minutes
    Apronymous likes this.
  6. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    *has actually never happened to me EVER*
    1. i use team chat 9 out of 10 times
    2. it was a joke.

    @op basically i think it works like mabinogi; you just have to click on the enemy or in the enemies direction for you to hit most of the times
  7. JTG

    JTG Bison Rider Tester

    True story the combat is like classic except the ranges and timings are tighter, and to EJ you can still slash dance for great success although its probably out of reach for most people now since the kag playerbase won't be able to handle that speed and small range.
  8. Arcrave

    Arcrave http://tinyurl.com/ArcravesTheme Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    I don't think you understand how good it feels to dance around 7-facing charging a slash, waiting for an enemy knight to rush and jab spam... and fuck his shit up every time... best feeling ever. Wait until knight charges reset instead of that stupid stun (Which Geti literally did it to piss me off) ...
    Rubixxcube likes this.
  9. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    It's pretty much said in this thread alerady, you have to actually aim your hits. Never jab against another knight aside from right after succesfully slashing, it'll get in your trouble. Best way to avoid death and get a lot of kills against large groups is to keep mobile; only use the first slash level and dance around the enemies.
  10. SeanAS

    SeanAS Meth Addict Donator
    1. Zen - [Zen] - (Invite Only)

    I find that being the first one to hit is always the best, because, you can just keep charging them with constant single slashes and they get stunned rapidly. This causes them to not be able to do anything. Just keep pounding them with slashes, you will win. :flex:
    Wargod-Loki likes this.
  11. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    You know how knight combat is for me. I charge my sword, swing first, and then get stunned for 10 seconds and die.
  12. SeanAS

    SeanAS Meth Addict Donator
    1. Zen - [Zen] - (Invite Only)

    Ahahahah, sounds like a personal issue. :p
    Wargod-Loki likes this.
  13. CrispyChips35

    CrispyChips35 Bison Rider

    When i play as knight in KAB, the 1v1 fight happens so fast, i get confused and die ._.

    that's fun but this isn't about your Beta experience, kay???
  14. Pecola1033

    Pecola1033 Drill Rusher
    1. Delta Force - Delta

    Only thing i cant get used to is not being able to see your charge circle like in classic and you have to rely on the sound for lashing ;_;
  15. SeanAS

    SeanAS Meth Addict Donator
    1. Zen - [Zen] - (Invite Only)

    Ya, that is true, the charge circle would be nice.
  16. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    <-- Beta nub

    So, does this mean that a shieldbash of sorts exists? If so, what's the mechanic/how2do?
  17. M00SHAK

    M00SHAK Haxor

    Slash used to show a long animated cut through the air. Look how beta shows its and you should be fine with slashing :p

    I do agree, I think beta's control system is a little too fast. It might just be the close camera too...
  18. Joefesok

    Joefesok Builder Stabber

    bout and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.