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Spawning Entities at Coordinates?

Discussion in 'Modding [KAG Classic]' started by applevac1998, Jun 11, 2013.

  1. applevac1998

    applevac1998 Shipwright

    Hi, I need to know if it's possible to spawn entities at coordinates, because... well, it's top secret. Basiacally, it's for a sexy new gold server that's gonna come out that's gonna be fricking awesome :). Anyways, it'd be nice if you could tell me how too. Thanks!
  2. AdrianC

    AdrianC Haxor Tester

    You can spawn blobs with the addBlob command, for example to spawn a keg:
    addBlob(`keg`, `Entities/Items/Keg.cfg`, 60,50,0);
    where 60 is the X axis starting from left, 50 the Y axis starting from top and 0 is the team(0 for blue, 1 for red, 2 neutral).
  3. applevac1998

    applevac1998 Shipwright

    I'll just say it. I need a workshop to spawn things at coordinates. And I know how to use addBlob. I'm a coder, for god's sakes.
  4. MCrypa

    MCrypa Haxor

    I'm guessing falling meteors or crates dropping down. Anyway, you can specify coordinates when using addblob. Although, in your case, it might be a bit trickier.

    I think I read something about it in this thread: click me
    If it's not there, then you'll just have to wait for somebody else as I'm not particularly good at coding.
    Not in the main post. Somewhere in the comments/replies.
  5. applevac1998

    applevac1998 Shipwright

    *spongebob voice* "That didn't help at all!"
    Yeah, I read the whole thing, it's not there. All I can see is zer0 saying "I have no clue."
  6. VanHuek

    VanHuek KAG Guard Tester

    There is no way to add workshops using RCON commands.
  7. applevac1998

    applevac1998 Shipwright

    Didn't I just say this? You would think that people could read T.T
  8. VanHuek

    VanHuek KAG Guard Tester

    As per what you deleted you can use kScript to do that and look for the output in console commands.

    Edit: Also you hadn't made yourself that clear originally you could just have expanded?
  9. applevac1998

    applevac1998 Shipwright

    VanHuek, please rephrase that sentence in a way that I can understand.... "As per what you deleted you can use kScript to do that and look for the output in console commands." Do you mean that I can somehow use kScript to look at the addBlob output and then somehow graft it into the workshop coding? Because if that's what you mean, please do explain how T>T
  10. VanHuek

    VanHuek KAG Guard Tester

    Search for kscript on the forums. It uses tcpcon, for example I use it to connect to irc if someone says !admin or you can type !players in irc to see who is online or !msg to converse with the server.
  11. applevac1998

    applevac1998 Shipwright

    Thanks vanhuek, that was a huge help. Don't tell the other guards, but you're the best one I've ever met in all my time on kag :)
    VanHuek likes this.
  12. VanHuek

    VanHuek KAG Guard Tester

    Thanks, you can ask for help on irc from me or master. Ignore the others :) mazey is good too with kscript.
    Mazey likes this.