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[590]Clan match--serious builds

Discussion in 'Builder' started by killatron46, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    My tower. ^_^

    Resources: 250 Wood & 224 Stone

    Note: Remove the entrance team door before collapsing the stone.

    You can also place stone directly right of the team doors in the tower to then collapse on attacking enemy knights, as LucasTT mentioned. It is expandable, as the workshop is one tile left of the main tower. The workshop will be automatically destroyed if any enemies come near so they can't access the bombs, healing, siege or arrows.

    Attached Files:

  2. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    added The Bunker to OP.
  3. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Um, just quickly wanted to upload BoW's "real" tower :p
    delankski, Digger101 and Kalikst like this.
  4. Digger101

    Digger101 Shark Slayer

    Well, I was on CTF and decided to build a gather based building and this is what I came up with, not sure how much stone and wood is required but I don't think (on a scale of low-high) it's a low between a medium
    screen-13-06-23-12-01-47.png screen-13-06-23-12-01-57.png
  5. kl4060

    kl4060 Haxor

    Just a question. Is a building that defends well considered good? Or is a building that is hard for the enemy to take over and use it against you good?
  6. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Ideally you want a building that provides protection to your team without hindering their movement. So a building the defends well would combine these aspects, but really isn't related to being taken over because an enemy builder can place 3-4 stone and take over any building you can make.
    Conquerer likes this.
  7. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    A major flaw that I noticed was there were no doors on the way up to the roof. An enemy knight in gather could throw a bomb in der and fuck up the workshops or your team.
  8. Digger101

    Digger101 Shark Slayer

    Also thanks for the tip, I will move all workshops one block back, but really this only happens if someone opens the door or bj over/catapulted.
    Conquerer likes this.
  9. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    ;_; Knights throw bombs over towers with no roofs regularly in my gather experience
    kl4060 likes this.
  10. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    Here is the evolution of my basic building:
    It's backwards in the pick, the strongest one should be the furthest to the right, but basically, I start with a very low resource, very easily spam-able tower, and just rush and spam them for map domination.

    If my knights aren't good rushers, then i start to ease off and upgrade, going from the short basic one with only a quarters, and adding a bombshop, probably a doorway (although the second one in the pic doesn't have one :L ), and maybe some blocks to sheild from arrows or lobbed bombs.

    If I plan on camping for the rest of the match, then I go and add an archer's nest, notice the second door, that will make it twice as difficult for the other team to just ladder up and break through the archer's nest, which i have found to be a big problem. There's also a wall at the back to prevent bombjumpers, and a drop trap. Notice that my knights may stand on the drop trap, and then re enter the tower via the archer's nest, to avoid opening low doors for bombs.

    If i decide to get a catapult, then I'll usually build the tower up a bit higher (after adding another doorway above the archer's nest), before making a spot to place the cata.
    Conquerer, killatron46 and Digger101 like this.
  11. Alright, so I've been recently playing more builder on Gather and decided to come up with my own ideas concerning building as I got bored of reproducing designs of others. After messing around for a while I came up with this building which is a collision or mash-up of others ideas. I just took the most useful features of towers I saw here and tried to mix them up. It usually works good but I still don't know whether the tower is most important in winning a game or competent team of knights or more generally team. Maybe it just happened that rest of my team was competent enough to win a gather game regardless of this tower :p. Anyways, I guess both are equally important. I hope you'll like it and provide me some feedback on this.

    This is the first version I was using until recently.

    But then I noticed that overhang is just too low and is too vulnerable for bomb spam and goes off first, so after some bad experiences I decided to make this tower a little bit taller as bombjumpers were a problem I couldn't handle too often either and came up with this:


    The cost of entire tower approximately fits in the basic 250 wood and stone. Just requires a little bit more wood. As I see the pros of this design are following:
    1. It's fully repairable from inside.
    2. Easy to climb from both sides and equally hard to climb for enemy from inside.
    3. You can jump from the higher door without any damage received.
    4. Overhang serves as both good archer nest and cata nest/shield.
    5. Might be a little difficult to get past it by bombjump.

    And here's the late-game version of this design with shops and shizz.

    Digger101, killatron46 and delankski like this.
  12. Canadian98

    Canadian98 Haxor Tester

    Only problem I have with your tower Kal, is that one bomb can destroy the upper half if placed correctly. For example one knight bomb jumps over and quickly places a bomb there, you're fucked.
    Kalikst, Conquerer and killatron46 like this.
  13. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Really kalikst, it looks great except for what canadian pointed out, if you added an arch support after initial rush was decided against you that would improve the tower quite a bit.
    Kalikst and Conquerer like this.