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[753][Gen] Do you still find builder fun to play as?

Discussion in 'Builder' started by ComboBreaker, May 17, 2013.

  1. Invaders

    Invaders Shark Slayer

    There is a time for doing that and a time for battle. I like the time where I'm not dieing every five seconds.
    Apronymous likes this.
  2. Ne3zy

    Ne3zy Haxor

    agree with all
  3. SeanAS

    SeanAS Meth Addict Donator
    1. Zen - [Zen] - (Invite Only)

    Builder is for me, MORE fun to play. It doesn't take as much skill as classic which is good for me, because, I have little skill at builder. ;)
  4. Ne3zy

    Ne3zy Haxor

    that's the problem, now building = minecrafting
    16th and Apronymous like this.
  5. SeanAS

    SeanAS Meth Addict Donator
    1. Zen - [Zen] - (Invite Only)


    Ya, but it's pretty fun for me idk.
  6. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Building != minecrafting.. Of course you can stay at your base and keep on spamming more factories and dorms, but you're way more useful making decent-sized forts on the front lines as you advance. This aspect hasn't changed much; if you manage to fortify the land that your knights have taken, you won't be pushed back. Unless the enemy brings in a ballista, of course.
  7. SeanAS

    SeanAS Meth Addict Donator
    1. Zen - [Zen] - (Invite Only)

    Well that's what I mean. I go forward and build a decent forward tower equipped with a mounted bow, because, they are almost unstoppable.
  8. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    Really great update!!!! I can make a bridge as long as I want, no supports needed, really fun, connected island to another island, building bridges and building a big bridge from one base to the other, of course there are frequent cases of fire, and if you make it out of stone, there is always bomb,keg or ballista that might crush it down, but its more fun building bridges now lol.
  9. SeanAS

    SeanAS Meth Addict Donator
    1. Zen - [Zen] - (Invite Only)

    I don't like the unsupported bridges, just think about how unfair that can be.
    Apronymous likes this.
  10. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    A ballista can easly take out any skybridge. I really dont understand how anything can be unfair if the other team can do it as well and destroy the other one.
  11. CrispyChips35

    CrispyChips35 Bison Rider

    Personally, playing as builder in KAB is alot more complicated and confusing. In classic KAG, being builder is really simple, you just have to know how to build good and effective towers and defenses, but in KAB, i have to know alot more stuff, like building workshops, planting, making food and so on. Once again, this is a personal opinion, for other players it may be as simple as in classic KAG.
  12. PinXviiN

    PinXviiN Haxor

    For me, I find builder much more fun than anything else! I don't play WAR like all of you do, I play on test_mode enabled and/or sandbox servers. I have a huge creavity ideas what makes builder even more fun.
    Oh and you say building is now minecrafting? So? Everything in KAG/B is minecrafting! Building = Minecrafting. Creativity = Minecrafting. Killing zombies = Minecrafting. Exploding = Minecrafting.
    To be fair, I want to see much more new cool stuff in KAB (and want the food back :>:(:), especially for builders.

    So chill out guys, builder is the basic class here, we can't remove it from the game or all the fun dissapears
  13. whatever1works

    whatever1works Drill Rusher

    The last update is the bomb... just wish they didn't nerf builders melee, now it's freaking impossible to go as battle builder (considering archers have better melee than a builder.. i mean wtf is that)
  14. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor


    They fixed it, you must add a support after 30 squares or so, but today, form the new update I cant join any servers, at all servers I see not responding, I will create a topic for that error.
  15. SeanAS

    SeanAS Meth Addict Donator
    1. Zen - [Zen] - (Invite Only)

    Ya, I saw that, I like it. :)
  16. lomichelotti

    lomichelotti Shark Slayer

    thats becouse they must do an kag2 and stay the old kag as kag 1, and not update the old kag to 1.0