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ARENA Open: Summer

Discussion in 'Old Events/Giveaways/Contests' started by Ej, Jun 9, 2013.

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  1. 24 HOURS LEFT !!!
  2. MCrypa

    MCrypa Haxor

    Was looking forward to this, but I unfortunately realized I'm not going to be there. I should blame myself for being so uninformed. Good luck to Bammboo, I'm sure you'll take on whoever substitutes me :thumbs_up:
  3. Guitarman

    Guitarman Haxor Tester Official Server Admin

    I'm not falling of any floating islands this time.
    WarrFork likes this.
  4. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    i recall for arena open autumn
    Guitarman likes this.
  5. Shadreki

    Shadreki ᴋᴀɢ ᴅᴡᴇʟʟᴇʀ Donator

    Baaah, who else fell out from the map? /gg
  6. Space_and_Time with a direct seed
    nickleskoves with a direct seed

    • Taiga - 8 points
    • Whale - 7 points
    • WarrFork - 7 points
    • Mexer - 4 points
    • Brilly - 4 points
    • RaMmStEiN2012 - 2 points
    • Bammboo - 2 points
    • CharSnake - 2 points
    • Fucu - 2 points
    • Dildor - 2 points
    • Jerloch - 2 points
    • Symphony_Soldier - 2 points
    • norill - 1 point
    • Harlekin - 1 point

    Aside of 4 direct seeds, top 4 of the ranking qualifies for La Grande Finale*

    *the name can be subjected to a change
  7. Superblackcat

    Superblackcat baideist baide Staff Alumni Tester

    Grats Nick!
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