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[590] Advanced Knight Technique Guide

Discussion in 'Knight' started by Force, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    Hey Guys,

    I was going to create a guide on the triple bomb jump, and I thought about how there wasn't any detailed guide at all on doing a 5 tile slash/vault, I might as well create an advanced knight technique guide.

    Today I will be covering:

    · 5 Tile Slash/Vault (with video and explanation)

    · Triple Bomb Jump (with video and explanation)

    The 5 Tile Slash/Vault:

    This technique is probably one of the most useful things to ever learn, though it is considered as parkour, I also think of it to be very useful in combat, to surprise the enemy. It is always applicable in-game and regularly comes in handy when playing. It is also one of the hardest to learn. It requires patience, timing and perseverance to truly master. Practice is the key to learning this. Start of with the basic 5 tile and slowly make your way to the hardest one to complete. I would recommend finding an empty server and making the 5 tile walls or going onto a any good parkour server. The 5 tile slash/vault turns up almost everywhere, whether it is in a RTDM map or even CTF. Most people don't know how to do this and I still find knights wasting bombs and time to get over those 5 blocks, and builders making buildings 5 blocks high.

    How it works: The theory behind it is pretty simple, combining a vault with a slash. The purpose of the vault is to get you up that one extra block, while the slash gets you up the four blocks, thus successfully getting you up 5 blocks.

    Beginner: Skip to 0:10
    Advanced: Skip to 0:33
    Expert: Skip to 0:51

    I will be dividing the 5 tile guide into 3 sub-sections: Beginner, Advanced and Expert. The video is also divided into these sections, and I will give you a time to skip to.

    As the title says, this is the easiest one to complete and is for those who are new to the 5 tile slash/vault concept. There is not much precision timing involved. Preparation is the key. I would recommend first practice vaulting directly upwards without the slash, then once you have mastered that, implement the slash into it.

    How to do the first one:
    1. Charge your slash until it is about a quarter charged.
    2. Hold 'jump' and either 'a' or 'd' depending on the direction you are going and you will vault up from the first block closest to the floor quickly.
    3. When you reach the stone block that is 3 blocks high tap your movement key that is opposite to the direction you are going and you will vault directly upwards.
    4. Release your slash (make sure its mid-air) towards the wall and you will move on top of the wall.

    How to do the second one:
    1. Charge your slash until it is about a quarter charged.
    2. Hold 'jump' and either 'a' or 'd' depending on which side the wall is, hold the one opposite to the wall.
    3. When you reach the stone block that is 3 blocks high tap your movement key that is facing the direction of the wall and you will vault directly towards the wall.
    4. Release your slash (make sure its mid-air) towards the wall and you will move on top of the wall.

    Note: Make sure your slash is always realeased mid-air. If you are on the wall or sliding on the wall the slash wont do anything and it wont work.
    I chose this one as advanced difficulty because it does require extra precision and timing and is a bit harder to accomplish. I would recommend practicing vaulting directly upwards before trying this.

    How to do the first one:
    1. Start your slash.
    2. When your slash is charged half-way, vault directly upwards. Holding 'jump' and the key facing the wall (in this case press 'd') and tap (in this case 'a' ) so that you vault directly up. Making sure you don't touch the wall.
    3. Release the slash. You should be 3 blocks high before you slash. Make sure you are mid-air.

    How to do the second one:
    1. Charge your slash until it is halfway charged.
    2. Still holding the slash, vault away from the wall.
    3. Quickly turn towards the wall and release the slash mid-air. You should move towards the wall and make it up.
    These are the hardest to do. Even after practicing this it will still take a few tries to succeed. They require precision timing and perfect manoeuvring and timing of keys. Practice these over and over again if you want to do them.

    How to do the first one:
    1. As it shows in the video, shield sideways towards the wall and slowly edge off the ledge. Begin your slash when you are nearly in the correct position.
    2. When you reach the optimal position for a vault. Vault upwards while still charging your slash. Making sure you don't touch the wall.
    3. Release your slash mid-air.

    How to do the second one:
    This is exactly like the first one, except basically the opposite.
    1. Shield away from the wall and edge off the ledge. Begin your slash when you are nearly in the correct position.
    2. When you reach the right position, vault upwards and away from the wall.
    3. Face the wall mid-air and slash towards the wall.

    How to do the first one:
    Instead of vaulting towards the wall, you have to vault away from the wall and slash towards the wall.
    1. Charge your slash immediately.
    2. Vault away from the wall immediately after your slash starts (about a quarter charge)
    3. Release the slash towards the ledge.

    How to do a triple bomb jump (without building)
    The triple bomb jump isn't very practical ingame. As most double bombs can get the same distance. But triple bomb jumps can get extreme height that doubles wouldn't even dream of reaching. They are very hard to complete, and require immense skill with a bomb and precision timing that has to be perfect. It has to be practiced repeatedly to complete. It combines 3 different types of bomb jumps. A diagonal shield on bomb jump. A direct sideways facing shield on bomb. And a normal shield glide bomb jump.

    This is a video of me doing the triple bomb jump.
    This bomb jump begins with three bombs on flat ground equal distance away from each other.

    Steps on how to do it:
    1. Place the 'first' bomb away from the direction you want to go.
    2. Place the 'second' bomb on the other side.
    3. Place the 'third' bomb in the middle.
    4. Quickly pick up the 'second' bomb and charge your slash while jumping onto the 'third' bomb. When your slash is fully charged throw it upwards. As you are landing make sure you land directly onto the 'third' bomb.
    5. Pick up the 'third' bomb, you should have been directly on it after step 4.
    6. Jump and shield onto the 'first' bomb and bomb jump, it should have exploded at the right time if you did the steps before correctly.
    7. Face your shield away from the direction you are going and the 'second' bomb should be in the right position. You will bomb jump again towards the direction you are going.
    8. Quickly put your shield up and you will bomb jump again.

    Note: You need a flat piece of land. I would recommend 5 blocks of level land. 4 is the absolute minimum.
    Steps 1-3 have to be done quickly.


    EDIT: I don't know why there are 3 of the beginner, advanced and expert spoilers. Could someone fix that maybe?
    //fixed your spoilers, but I might have messed up some of the line spacing in the process ~PL
    TeQaS, illu, GloriousToast and 7 others like this.
  2. Toy

    Toy Bison Rider


    Is this considered as a triple bomb jump ? :huh?:
    MrError likes this.
  3. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    I generally wouldn't consider that to be a triple. But since the second bomb did seem to affect your distance, it could be just a movement giltch. Also considering how far it got you it probably isn't.
  4. Toy

    Toy Bison Rider

    Ok, thanks. Also, that vault I discovered myself while playing :D
    Force likes this.
  5. Orso

    Orso Haxor Official Server Admin

    Nice tutorials, but I think is easier to watch than to do : for the triple bomb jump, I've tried lot of times and I've succeed only one :)
    Either I like your explanation for the 5 tile slash/vault.
    Force likes this.
  6. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    I really don't think you should be encouraging people to do the triple bombjump IMHO. Its a cool maneuver to show off to a friend or clan mates; maybe once in again it would be viable. However under most circumstances for normal games, clanwars, ect, it would be against your teams' interests to use this bombjump. You will have no extra bombs to bombjump back with the flag, if you even survive. It doesn't seem like to me it really gets you that much farther than a standard double bombjump (which is MUCH easier).

    EDIT: Did a few test bombjumps, the farthest I could get was about 10 tiles farther with triple than standard double. However it does go a lot higher than normal double.
    Orso likes this.
  7. >not taking the 4th bomb with you
    Conquerer likes this.
  8. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    Yeah, I mostly just made this for the looks. If people want to show-off. Not really practical.
  9. -Tj-

    -Tj- Sicarii Donator
    1. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    A triple bombjump is just a waste of minecrafting for coins, a waste of bombs and units because you certainly wont be able to get the triple bombjump to work first time running.
  10. Orso

    Orso Haxor Official Server Admin

    And I've a question, do you succed the triple bomb jump all the time or you just show the 1 time when you succed?
  11. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Sure, its possible to take 3 bomb with you, not just 1 extra. However, it adds another layer of complexity to the bomb jump and makes it that much more unlikely to succeed. Last nite I did 3 in a row without blowing up but the next 10+ after that I blew up, (and I don't count the 50 or so tries before that I failed completely :p).
  12. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    Now I can get it almost every time. Those were the most successful ones with a clear difference too double bomb jumps.