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Command and emoticons menu - need suggestions!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MM, Oct 11, 2011.

  1. MM

    MM THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I am making a menu were you will be able to pick predefined commands to send over chat. Sort of like Counter-Strike has a little menu under V.

    What I need is suggestions what you want there.
    What would you use MOST?

    There are 3 categories:

    So please reply in the following format:

    - You can group your texts/icons in some subcategories
    - Texts/icons can be team specific ("Die red scum!" for blue team and vice versa)
  2. Strathos

    Strathos KAG Guard Tester

    I. "For honor!"; "For the King!"; "Run for your life!"; "Show no mercy!"; "Stop hiding behind those walls, cowards!"; "My sword is bigger than your sword"; "I like pillaging"; "Dibs on his helmet!"; "It's hammer time!"
    II. "Give me resources"; "Need backup on front!"; "Cover me ass!"; "Move (so I can build)"; "Flag/base is under attack!"; "They have our flag!"
    III. arrows; bombs; resources
    Neat likes this.
  3. Chosen

    Chosen Shopkeep Stealer

    Firstly, I believe open chat should be full of pompous, ridiculous one-liners that probably only really corny knights warriors would use. Or something. I think that team chat, however, should mainly consist of strategic and rather specific phrases. Anyway, here are some of my suggestions.

    Also, regarding teamchat, perhaps divide maps into grids, and allow people to select a command, and then the letter and number of a grid square, typing would be most efficient, I think. I shaped my solutions to be compatible with this.

    I. "There can only be one!"; "Finish him!"; "You can't hide forever!"; "Go! Go! Go!"; "Stand your ground!"
    II. "Build an outpost at X!"; "We need catapults at X!"; "The enemy is attacking at X!"; "The enemy territory has a severe breach at X!"; "I need some help at X!"
    III. trollface; bomb; catapult; outpost; flag
    Carver, trelawney and Neat like this.
  4. archont

    archont Shopkeep Stealer

    How about permanent orders? Sometimes it's not clear where you want to put that tower, where the enemy is digging or what position to fortify. Place your cursor over the target (like a bedrock ledge), choose appropriate team chat symbol for build fortification here. The symbol remains over the target area for 60 seconds, starting at 50% transparency, rising to 75% transparency at 50s and fades away to 100% transparency at 60s.

    1. Dirty unwashed blue / Dirty unwashed red (icon of dirty knight/archer)
    3. Noob (puzzled knight holding sword the wrong way)
    4. Mooning (remember the mooning scene from Braveheart? We have to have this)

    1. Need archer cover (icon: lots and lots of arrows)
    2. Low on health
    3. No bombs
    4. No arrows
    5. No resources
    6. Take this!/Catch this! (icon of hand giving resources, used when you want to give someone something)
    7. Advance!
    8. Fall back!
    9. Tunnel

  5. AHrEJl

    AHrEJl Shopkeep Stealer

    1. Rush! 2. Rush in tunnels 3. Enemy near base. 3. Defend base. 4. Need builder help. 5. Need archer help. 6. Need knight help. 7. Hold this positione. 8. They brake our wall. 9. Builder need repair it. 10. Enemy in tunnels.
  6. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    I. "In your face!"; "Hail to the king, baby!"; "Eat this!"; "Griefer!"
    II. "Pls move!"; "Outpost needed!"; "They got our flag!"; "They took our outpost!"; "Push! Almost at their flag!"
    III. ZzZZz; thumb up; thumb down
  7. lehoon

    lehoon King


    1. Cover me
    2. Boost me up
    3. You idiot! <-- really important one
    4. Take these resources
  8. Jimlad11

    Jimlad11 Shipwright

    Just a humble request for a "Trollface" taunt. It would be so fitting in some situations.
  9. SirSalami

    SirSalami THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Your mother was a hamster!
    Your father smelt of elderberries!
    Other random monty-python quotes...

    Need more [class / cowbell]
    Attack / Charge!
    Incoming attackers!
    Retreat / Ruuun!

    Keep !!!, Smiley, Frowney, Skull, Castle
    General Resources Icon
    Catapult Icon
    Outpost Icon
    Workshop Icon

    While I think archont's ideas of placeable emotes is great, chickens and mooning icons are even better!

    Edit: Also it would be AWESOME if the quick chat was in 5 or so major languages, showing only the appropriate language that you chose in the game.
    Neat likes this.
  10. smalltrouble

    smalltrouble Shipwright

    I. For Sparta! We took ye flag.
    II. Repair the Base! Build a Catapult. Get out of the tunnel and fight!
    III. Builder, Archer and Knight.
  11. Strech

    Strech KAG Guard Tester

    I've always loved quick chat menus...

    1-We need a Builder to breach their defences! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    2-We need more fortifications! ++
    3-We need more fighters!
    4-5-6-7-8-9-0We need a wall/tower/outpost/bridge/ladders/bombs/support buildings! +++

    2-Hold this position!
    3-They have breached our defenses! +
    4-Enemies behind our lines!
    5-They are tunneling us! ++
    6-They are near our flag!
    7-We have breached their defences!
    8-We have breached their defences with a tunnel! +

    1-I need backup! ++++
    2-I need backup to build an outpost! +++
    3-I need bacup to build fortifications! +++
    4-I need backup to build a tunnel! +
    5-I need backup to set up siege weapons!

    I've put a plus near every phrase i think i'll use often
  12. Lurivar

    Lurivar Shipwright

    I : You shall not pass !
    II : More archers / More knights to the battlefield !

    Edit : fail, the second was already posted =)
  13. Trae

    Trae Shopkeep Stealer

    I: My favourite color is blue(red if red)! NO, Yellow!(knighttaunt) ; Target in sight. YOUR HEAD (archer) ; Thatssss a nice casssstle you got there (builder)
    II: I require assistance! ; I´m fine! ; Need more resources!
    III: :D :B): "sigh" D:
    Yeah, and a localized ping if possible could be extremely nice, esp as builder, to guide people around. Could be a small sign that lasts for 5 sec, or a bobbing arrow or something.
  14. kalidor

    kalidor Shopkeep Stealer

    Probably one of the most important things the in-game menu should have is a quick "GRIEFER" message.
    Other than that most of what I want has already been posted.
  15. Bandwagonman

    Bandwagonman Shopkeep Stealer

    What about animated emotes?
    A "yes nod" and a "no shake" would be most excellent.
    Carver likes this.
  16. Mornaval

    Mornaval Shopkeep Stealer

    I'm all for quick chats though I'd like to request a menu option to disable having to see them. Though I'd want to be able to just see my team's quick chats for orders, it's the quick taunts I don't care much for.

    I guess I'm just not fond of the quick taunts, even in previous games I've played where there was a spam filter I ended up disabling them altogether.
  17. SirSalami

    SirSalami THD Team THD Team Administrator

    I feel the need to justify proper medieval humor for the taunts. This should do the trick.

  18. Carver

    Carver Meitantei-san Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    I. Global (Archer Taunts)
    "Boom headshot!"
    "I run faster with a knife!"
    II. Team General
    "We're under fire!"

    I'm not sure if certain classes should get specific emotes (like only builders able to ask for raw materials, archers>arrows, knights>bombs). Archers could also ask for archery posts, If so, I'd suggest a subsection for class specific commands (It's not really useful right now, but I assume it'd grow as classes get more abilities and such...)

    In addition, I'm not quite sure about the nature of emotes. I really can't see them being commands, because they're too vague. (e.g. does a castle mean "build a castle" or "defend the base"?), but they're pretty good for simple personal commands, like asking for resources or conveying that you're low on health.

    Here's a list I compiled of the currently suggested commands (thanks to everybody!).
  19. Miczu

    Miczu Shopkeep Stealer

    MM just remember not to hard code this. Give server a simple .txt file with basic formating options and every server can become with time original and maybe even do something new with it,
  20. archont

    archont Shopkeep Stealer

    Very bad idea. A comm rose is something you want to have constant and universal across servers.