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B834 - Spikes, Better Necromancer and Lots of Fixes

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Geti, Jul 31, 2013.

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  1. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    New update - Work in progress and more to come, but should address a few of the concerns people have been having. Important changes in bold as usual. Check the new spikes - they let your run past but also restab. They do less damage as requested to prevent paving the world in hurtiness and cost the same.

    Sprite operations have been sped up a fair bit as well - if factories were lagging for you when onscreen please post here if that is fixed - if not we may need to take more drastic measures.


    [fixed] twitter feed messages ignoring escapes like '
    [fixed] spikes stacking
    [fixed] saw animation
    [fixed] mounted bow cant shoot backwards on vehicle
    [modified] arrows smash into smaller gibs rather than big wood ones
    [fixed] gib randomisation sucks
    [fixed] mounted bow jitter in 2 high spaces
    [fixed] saw rotation inconsistencies
    [added] way funnier princess name :rekt:
    [modified] warboat hp buffed +50%
    [modified] bombs can go through 1x1 holes again :D
    [fixed] water bombs collide with people again
    [fixed] bombs dont go through shielded enemies now (makes it easier to bombjump enemy bombs reactively)
    [modified] single player section quite a bit, necromancer section is a little harder but more straightforward
    [fixed] support issues when building on doors
    [fixed] trap blocks not destructing when fallen on trap blocks
    [added] trap block gibs
    [fixed] flying when suicide
    [removed] put in backpack help text
    [fixed] help texts wrapping counter and showing again after some time
    [fixed] can't destroy blocks where ladder is
    [fixed] ladder water leak
    [fixed] not being able to destroy block under ladder
    [modified] hall class change and factory buttons are unavaiable unless you are inside the room
    [fixed] can access hall inventory as other team
    [modified] hall buttons except research dont work from outside (so you can still vote when far away)
    [modified] stronger longboat
    [added] saw scroll to trader
    [fixed] door collapses sometimes not happening
    [fixed] spikes invisible bug
    [modified] spikes more visible when retracted
    [modified] spikes do 0.5 damage
    [modified] spikes auto-restab (dont get trapped in spike pit)
    [modified] spikes have delay on their stab
    [modified] challenge map some more
    I3lue, Noburu, FuzzyBlueBaron and 6 others like this.
  2. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Nooo! :(
    My single-man conquest sessions are over.
    NinjaCell and inactive_account like this.
  3. mvlabat

    mvlabat Catapult Fodder

    Sweet changes. When will the patch be released?
    Geti likes this.
  4. Hawxx

    Hawxx Bison Rider

    Thank god for fixing those spikes :D Anyway neat update.
  5. LostPix

    LostPix Base Burner


    This update nerfed you.
    </br>--- merged: Jul 31, 2013 12:23 PM ---</br>
    I just ran the game and most blatant problem now is getting inside the warboat when you are in water, it's impossible to get in and I also noticed players falling through the boat when spawning inside, fix up the collision.
    mvlabat likes this.
  6. PinXviiN

    PinXviiN Haxor

    I'm still waiting for more heads/hats. Since you promised 200+ heads/hats, then I'm still waiting for it.
    hans_02 and Hawxx like this.
  7. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Just bomb the doors and change once you're in there. Just means you cant go builder to smash the actual doors down.

    Yeah sure let me get right on that really important issue crucial to the games enjoyability.

    If only it was that easy. Box2d has been fighting us the whole way, it sounded like a good idea at the time (dynamic rolling vehicles! physical boulders! etc) but imo it's just not suited to these kinds of games. Too late to rip it out now though. We'll do what we can of course. The players spawning outside the boat is due to them lagging fwiw, they spawn, the boat moves, they actually spawn into the game clientside, the position is below the boat/inside the front of the boat, they end up below it. We'll probably have to move the spawn point or similar up to combat the symptoms of this - we can't fix the lag :)

    As soon as it's done compiling, probably already is.

    Edit; I've got to get to bed soon - if I have to leave before the auto-devblogger posts, can someone merge the threads if discussion splits, or ideally nuke the devblogger topic as it happens? Forgot that that was a thing and don't really want the discussion in two places. Cheers.
  8. LostPix

    LostPix Base Burner

    Thanks for responding Geti, new bug I noticed, not sure if it's server's fault, workbench destroys itself once you build something from it.
    Rubixxcube likes this.
  9. Hawxx

    Hawxx Bison Rider

    Yeye, we need more hats :O
  10. NKking

    NKking KAG Escadrille Donator
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    ehhh. I whish I could test all that cool stuff, but I am to busy working :( . Also a small idea maybe you could make so that people could sell scrolls back to the merchant in case they bought the wrong scroll of found the scroll that was already researched.
  11. Metaphoenix

    Metaphoenix Shark Slayer

    Still going to pave the world with hurt, just needs more of it
  12. eamono

    eamono Arsonist

    yay! now it won't always be Hold bomb -> throw bomb behind enemy -> jab him while he is sheilding the other way -> heuheuheu
  13. Bint

    Bint Haxor

    This changes everything :eek:
  14. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

  15. Bint

    Bint Haxor

    I'm guessing it's another ancient reference?
  16. not really ancient

    fairly hermetic though
    FuzzyBlueBaron and Mazey like this.
  17. mvlabat

    mvlabat Catapult Fodder

    Workbenches are broken =( There should be a hotfix.
  18. Xanoxis-Rawr

    Xanoxis-Rawr Arsonist

    We need more 32/64 people servers :<
    Noburu and amgtree like this.
  19. mvlabat

    mvlabat Catapult Fodder

    Yeah ) I remember the time when 128 people server was launched in Alpha. It was just EPIC )
    Noburu likes this.
  20. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Shannon is actually a pretty new reference.
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