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What do you think is better Beta or Alpha

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Granock, Jul 28, 2013.



  1. Beta

  2. Alpha

  1. Ah, you're right. So in my opinion the Beta is better, but I enjoy the Alpha/classic by far more (But isn't that the most important thing? ^^)
  2. Retrofit

    Retrofit Kami go bye bye Donator

    I think its very tough to decide, certainly alpha was allot of good memories, thats all we can agree on.
    In my opinion alpha's movement was allot more refined than beta's, beta seems to be all over the place, alpha was very much more controllable, in beta you seem to just flop about allot, and slash is op and stab is to long range and knights are too fast and archer are now underpowered.

    My dream kag would be everything beta has new; ships, ballista, physical water, sharks (ofc) and so on, in aplha.
    crackwise and DoubleFistFTW like this.
  3. kedram

    kedram Drill Rusher Tester

    one thing i really do not like is that they just now changed how movement is. they made it more like classic which i hoped would never happen. so far i havent played the new build to test it and see if they ruined it. i do think tho that movement didnt need polishing like they said. as long as they fix the ridiculous long sword given to every player due to difference in the attack sprite and what is actually happening il be happy. they never needed to fix the movement and now im just scared to test out these new classicish controls. also to the people who dislike beta because your stuck in classic mindsets. the key currently is to try to gain momentum and slash a little bit earlier then you would think. maybe this new system changed some tactics... we will see :(
  4. Taiga

    Taiga Based God Donator

    I still prefer Alpha/Classic over Beta for now.
    PainGiver and Beepo like this.
  5. ArtemNaumov

    ArtemNaumov Builder Stabber

    Where's all awesome stuff I saw at official YouTube channel of the game? I bought this game a year ago… Beta is good, I like all new stuff it has, but there's a lot of little things I loved in alpha version and I'm kind of disappointed there's none of them in new version now.
    PinXviiN likes this.
  6. Classic

    Classic Bison Rider

    KAG Beta have more things to do. More things, more fun. :D
  7. Chiplink

    Chiplink Shipwright

    This poll is just showing that the devs are dividing their community wich probably isn't a smart move.
  8. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    This whole thread, along with the poll is no "official" thread posted by any dev or member of the KAG team. Thus, your assumption is totally wrong.
  9. RXShorty

    RXShorty Catapult Fodder Donator

    I must say I like the Beta better.
    Played Alpha for a while... but like Beta better. :)
  10. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    So you'd rather have classic force patched into Beta?
  11. Duke_Jordan

    Duke_Jordan King Arthur's Knight Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I Loved playing alpha due to Zombies mostly, that's what kept now Classic, alive for me and that's why I still log on to it sometimes even though beta is out, but mechanics for the game are just horrible and broken to play, I like betas features and just everything about it in general so zombies or not i love the game classic and beta, but beta is just...better :)

    (this is not ment to start a zombie discussion)
  12. kedram

    kedram Drill Rusher Tester

    betas only getting better and better now. there are servers actually capapble of withstanding large crowds like the bhtp server.
    Duke_Jordan likes this.
  13. Chiplink

    Chiplink Shipwright

    I know it isn't official. Still shows that there is some sort of division between the Alpha-likers and Beta-likers.
  14. link6155

    link6155 Haxor Staff Alumni Tester Official Server Admin
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Why is this poll public?
  15. DoubleFistFTW

    DoubleFistFTW Catapult Fodder

    I've been playing video games for over 20 years. I'm very picky about my games and as a picky gamer (from having experienced so many games) I would have to say that my heart lies in alpha. I'm 26, so I represent the adult crowd that plays KAG and here are some points I would like to make about why I feel alpha is better than beta.
    1. In Beta, Stone door is OP and makes it annoying to try to siege a castle. There are too many defenses and not enough tools to destroy defenses. Camping is a huge problem in alpha, and it is way worse in beta.
    2. Knight combat in beta is terrible. Whoever can time a slash charge better wins. Given whoever wins slash battles is based on PING alone, usually the person with a very high ping (300+) or very low ping (33 and under) just dominate in combat. It is completely unfun. At least when you jump blocked in alpha you would just be knocked back by a slash.
    3. Archers are more overpowered in beta than they already were in alpha because they can now melee attack.
    4. The graphics for beta are blurry compared to alphas crispy graphics.
    5. There are too many bells and whistles in beta that make it difficult for newbies to understand. Let's just put it this way, everyone in alpha I've talked to that has played beta has had difficulty understanding what to do in it. I can't even imagine if experienced users are having issues how difficult the learning curve is for newbies. What do we know about high learning curve games? They typically don't sell well.
    6. The movement physics of beta don't even feel like they were written with the same engine as alpha. The movement of alpha as far as climbing up structures and walking around in the game in general is better because there are too many collisions with invisible mesh structures in beta. It makes it hard and is not intuitive for users to get where they need to go.
    7. I've run into too many paper shield bugs in beta where bombs kill me even when I'm blocking them.
    8. The UI system for buildings and building structures in beta is terrible. Alpha's building menus offered users simple, intuitive choices. The UI options for beta force users to go through trial and error of trying to figure out what the stupid symbols mean when you press E under a structure.
    There are probably other things bothering me, that I can't think of right now, that I dislike about beta. I would have to play beta while I wrote this post to name them all. My overall impressions with beta are that uniformly it just feels like crap compared to alpha. It feels like the developers went too crazy with it and made a completely different game. A game that unfortunately cannot compete with my heart for a game I already love (KAG Alpha). I will probably be a customer that supported this game by buying into alpha, but will not transition into beta. I have tried my hardest to adjust to beta, but ultimately I just end up quitting halfway through a match because of all the frustrating things I've listed in this post.
  16. Marijuana

    Marijuana Shipwright

    I love zombie mode in alpha, that's one thing that beta can't compete with.

    To see where we really sit on the issue and rat out the opposition$
  17. Vania

    Vania Shopkeep Stealer

    There are lots of ways to deal with castles, many more than in alpha.
    -ballistas with bomb ammo
    -bomb jumping
    -fire arrows for wooden structures

    And I dont even know what you mean about camping... this game is about building castles and tearing them down, of course there's going to be "camping". Actually I dislike Beta for the opposite reason, too little building and too much running around slashing people, just like the boring alpha.
    NinjaCell, amgtree and Contrary like this.
  18. There are lots of ways to deal with castles, many more than in alpha.
    -ballistas with bomb ammo
    -bomb jumping
    -fire arrows for wooden structures

    I didn't know that there are no catas, kegs, ladders and bomb jumpers in alpha. (I wish there were no catas ;_; )
  19. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Like a few people here, I'm kinda torn.

    I love Alpha for the memories, the particular group of people who like to hang out on the same servers as me, the fact that I've played it so much I'm able to go toe-to-toe with pretty much anyone.

    On the other hand, Beta is generally speaking a better, smoother, game. I may not have the movement down, I may suck at combat, I may not have a good grasp of what buildings are well designed, I may not be seeing all the same people I used to play with in Alpha-- but it's where the active development is happening, it's where I can be more effective as a Guard (because hackers/griefers have to shell out real money if they want to come back and start harassing people after they get canned), and it's where my I have a real chance of playing with my clan because (for whatever reason) lag is easier to cope with in Beta than Alpha.

    I still split my time 50/50 between the two, but I can easily see a time when Alpha is something I only play on occasion, for the nostalgia. :heart:
  20. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Well did this post make me furious and violently headdesk onto the keyobard. It seems like you haven't actually thoroughly been playing beta.

    1. See what Vania said and add Drills to the count. Castles aren't obstacles that you just can't pass in Beta. I have no idea what you mean by camping. Have you ever played a classic match where tickets are 0 vs 0? Yeah, and that's not campy? Everyone is constantly on the offensive in Beta, only a few builders might stay back. Camping isn't even beneficial to you.
    2. So you are implying that the classic combat riddled with bugs isn't? I agree that large ping differences dominate in Beta, but so they do in Classic. Lag is impossible to fix and the guy with a good ping will have the upper hand in all games.
    3. This is the part that actually made me angry. Overpowered, what the fuck? The knife is so useless it gets used 0,1% of the time, the archers can no longer penetrate a knight's shield and they have less range as well.
    4. I don't know what you mean by blurry, perhaps you have the smooth filter toggled on.
    5. It really depends on the player, but at the moment the devs are implementing cooperative servers that will teach the newbs how to play the game before they get shred apart in normal matches.
    6. I agree with this part somewhat, though I like the fast movement, I've gotten so used to it that playing Classic now feels like swimming in molasse.
    7. I have had zero paper shield issues with bombs in Beta, you just have to be more precise with the shield aim rather than click RMB and move your cursor to left or right.
    8. Well if you like to have your whole screen blocked by menus when trying to perform simple tasks, yeah then I guess Classic UI is better. No idea how the buttons in Beta require trial and error, because they all have a pretty clear description of what they do when you hover your cursor over them..
    NinjaCell, Beef, AcidSeth and 6 others like this.