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Buying Migrant slaves with Gold

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by amgtree, Aug 1, 2013.


Buying Migrants

Poll closed Aug 15, 2013.
  1. Yah

    28 vote(s)
  2. Nah

    2 vote(s)
Mods: Rainbows
  1. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    Thats why they would cost gold. This would prevent spamming and allow players more freedom when it comes to giving your team a better edge.
  2. LostPix

    LostPix Base Burner

    The moment you get map with more gold people will spam them, even if it's not going to be an official map.
  3. Raelian

    Raelian Bison Rider

    Wow, I see the topic is still going strong. Wasn't aware that so many people enjoyed sacrificing migrants to their dark gods. XD

    But, on a more serious note, I think adding the ability to buy more migrants for more factories, with the risk of losing them, could add a certain strategic value.

    I can't recall if you can trade 2000 wood for gold anymore but if that got removed than this might open up an interesting type of strategy.

    Gold at the moment offers the ability to buy new blue prints that a team might not have, thus offering more versatility and if the gold is limited it requires a bit of forethought. Now, adding this "buy-a-migrant" idea can offer an alternative, exchanging versatility for quantity, so instead of buying a catapult blue print you could buy 2-3 more migrants and simply create more factories with ballistas or military supplies or something else that you already have researched.

    So basically the strategy with this would be:

    Gold for blueprints -> more versatility, easier to adapt to certain situations, less firepower
    Gold for migrants -> less versatility, more factories of the same type (think 4 military supply factories), more firepower

    I'd love to see such an idea be added, it offers a more in-dept strategy to KAG but... I kinda see it difficult to be implemented since the quantity of the gold available on the map must be limited to the point that players must choose to either buy only blueprints for versatility, buy migrants (maximum of 5) for more firepower but less versatility or a middle ground of both but much weaker than a specialized team.

    Allowing a team to get ALL the blue prints (or atleast the major ones that count) AND 5 migrants simply brings back the whole "hotels" fiasco the devs wanted to avoid, not to mention it pretty much screws over the whole idea of such a strategy, making it null. Unless a balanced middle ground can be achieved, I don't think it will be worth it. Even though I love the idea, if it's not balanced I think it will only do more damage than good.

    Plus I could always just sacrifice more migrants to my dark gods in Zombie Fortress so no real loss!!! >:3
  4. sheek

    sheek Horde Gibber

    A lot of the more recent games that I've been in have gone on for substantial periods of time. I think this is mostly because of the even distribution the devs made of halls and migrants. I'm still on board with this idea, just saying that devs really thought this through and is probably for the better.
  5. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    It would be much harder to acquire migrants with gold from the shop because you cannot sell wood for gold anymore. :QQ:
  6. sheek

    sheek Horde Gibber

    Yeah which is exactly why it might work out. If you were still able to do that then people would get so much gold and thats when the spamming would happen. If people get to much gold, then they spam. But if there is a little gold then players can decide on wether they want to spend it on migrants (if this actually happens) or whatever else tickles their fancy.
  7. Crabmaster

    Crabmaster Bison Rider
    1. Zen Laboratories

    Another plus side to this is it solves the slight issue of maps with even numbers of halls. I have found that uneven hall numbers, being able to give one team an advantage, tend to not last nearly as long as the even numbered maps. If you could buy more migrants and use more factories that might fix the issue of both sides having perfect balance!
  8. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    I thought of a really high price, before when you could sell wood for gold, but now,yes I would say you need to choose carefully how to proceed, but there is always a danger of some noob getting all the gold and buying his pyro, which doesn't make any good because the other team have stone fortifications. :D

    I agree.
  9. sheek

    sheek Horde Gibber

    Like I said before, some of these games can go on for a while. Higher prices would most likely not do shit because of one reason. Trees growing continuously + long ass games = more gold for spamming purposes.
  10. LostPix

    LostPix Base Burner

    We still get more factories and workshops when capturing more halls which is the point of CTH gamemode, it's to continuously push forward and capture more halls without camping. I see this more useful in mode like CTF where you don't capture halls and perhaps then it could be useful for something, but I'd still rather have the ability to switch production types in factories than buy more migrants with gold when gold could be spent on tech scrolls for non researched technologies to expand more, there could be perhaps something like secondary goal in the game that allows you to get specified amount of extra migrants. We don't want castles to look like hotels or giant smoking block factories once again, I have many more reasons to not like this feature because it does not contribute much but rather encourage first base camp that would prolong CTH rounds.
  11. GreenRock

    GreenRock Base Burner

    It'd be cool to have multiple migrants for one factory to be able to output items faster. It would give teams an incentive to keep buying them.

    Great suggestion, we need to see coins come back into the game.
  12. SuperTurdBoy

    SuperTurdBoy Tree Planter

    Itd be okay if factorys are spammed, turns the game into a race for gold :D

    Coins suck btw
    GreenRock likes this.
  13. Raelian

    Raelian Bison Rider

    I really can't see a good reason as to why factories should be spammed. I've seen people do stupid crap like spamming 3 factories (all 3 were warboat factories, I shit you not) despite the map having little water and the said team only controlling one Hall. This brings me to the idea that trying to adopt such a tactic (of spamming factories) will only promote mindless building in hopes of simply overwhelming your opponent with tons of bombs/mounted bows/kegs/warboats instead of promoting tactical thinking and careful management of your limited space and resources. There should be some consideration involved when players have to choose what to do with their factories and and resources, not mindlessly start spamming bomb/keg (or whichever) factories in hopes of winning.
  14. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor


    I don't support unlimited factories, but I support having bigger size of factories, but yesterday, there was this guy, the only archer, who made only for himself 2 arrow bomb factories, while we the knights have only 1 bomb factory, the other factories were, ballista and longboat as I remember, and I went to remove his arrow bomb factory, (we are talking about the second hall here) and I see him being mad about that and destroying mine and building his own again while I am telling him that I built his arrow factory back in the first hall, he didn't say anything. It is the same with building defenses around the hall, someone places workshop in front of the door of the hall, and I cannot put any more doors there or someone makes factory at the roof with 1 layer wall between the hall and outside and then wonder why knights come inside from one bombs at the roof, just makes me wonna go to the other team and do my stuff, I usually fatten the halls walls min 3 layers, with a mix of stone and wood, the wood doesn't burn only one block if targeted.
    edit: unlimited factories with increasing cost per factory in other mode like ctf or war.
  15. Krux

    Krux Shipwright

    reminds me of clonk, but yea like it.
  16. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    The people have spoken and voted. People are in favor for this idea and since this is beta it would be good to test out.
  17. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    I modded a little and made it possible for a migrant to be crafted from the workbench but he dies and he doesn't go to the factory so I asked for help in the modding help section,I tried to spawn him from the workbench because if I spawn a dorm he doesn't spawn and for the trader, I couldn't add him there because it is not the same as the items added in the workbench, will see what happens.

    If you wish to take a look or help, here.

    And if this works out, I could make a thread in game modes and name this "TTH Plus" or something similar, and a host must download few scripts and thats all.
    Or we could take a map without halls and name the game mode "War".
    Or the devs may be first to implement it. :D
    amgtree likes this.
  18. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    Its possible to make a factory above a bison and the migrant will fall off. Allowing you to pick him up
  19. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    Didn't knew that, Its actually a hall worker not a migrant, migrants don't want to work in factories if spawned :D
  20. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    Well it says migrant. Dam you kag you lied to me
    Tsilliev likes this.
Mods: Rainbows