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[808][Gen] Start of the Round, What to do

Discussion in 'Builder' started by amgtree, Jul 7, 2013.


What do you do at the start

  1. Fortify hall

  2. Traps

  3. Ocean front tower

  4. Factories

  5. Other(post a reply)

  1. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    With the added redzone at the start of the round we have some time to prepare for the onslaught.

    People always do different stuff such as
    killatron46 likes this.
  2. CrispyChips35

    CrispyChips35 Bison Rider

    At first, i fortify the main hall a little bit, when the round starts, i try to capture the next hall (if there is one) and try to hold it for my team. But i usually fail :(
    TROPICALear5 and Duke_Jordan like this.
  3. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    If you have time to do even one of those during the "warmup" You're some kind of super builder or hacker.:p

    I like your thread idea, however, some of your suggestions would be nearly impossible to complete before warmup ended. You also setup a poll to indicate a choice between them not being able to do them all in the time allotted. I would suggest working on a few simple resource efficient buildings--addons for each item on your poll, and posting them here for people too look at. :)

    Also added build number.
  4. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    Thanks for the build number, I still dont know how to put those on. Sorry.

    I know that these buildings are kind of resource crazy, but what I meant with the poll is what type of building. They could be any old tiny tower, wooden door spamed hall, little trap, or 1 or 2 factories. Hopefully this post makes sense
  5. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Yeah I totally understand if they were just examples. From your post though I couldn't tell if they were examples or your recommendations on what should be done in the specific area.
  6. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    Just make one factory, and start building the ocean tower.
    If every builder does that you'll have a big advantage.
    When the ocean tower is finished, get some builders to fortify the main hall.
    Don't start with the main hall though; This one won't be attacked any time soon, so as long as you make sure it's eventually fortified, you'll be fine.
    Traps are bad. Use the same materials for another tower, and you'll live twice as long.
    If you make them, make them fast, make them easy, too much will just alert the enemy.
    Just make them either hard to see and simple, or so obvious that the enemy will not even notice.
    (An entrance with a pit behind it works very well, as long as the entrance is hard to reach: They'd probably forget to think and check for traps)
  7. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    If you are a talking about a saw pit trap. It is very effective and will stall them for about 30 mins enough time for you to push behind them and try to get other halls
  8. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Generally, it's way better idea to use all the resources you manage to collect on the warmup to building towers. Use the wood package that arrives at the start of the round to build factories, it's much more effective.

    I usually gather some 400 stone or so during the first 80 seconds, then I fortify the towers already constructed with stone doors, as they're much harder to break through, even if it's just a single stone door piece next to a wooden one. That 50 stone can easily save your team.

    If there are no structures yet constructed, I will be sad and use my resources into building a decent-sized tower close to the hall - this happens most often.
  9. Chaoticredux

    Chaoticredux Shopkeep Stealer

    create a tree farm for reasons...............*cough scroll of carnage
    Hawxx and Gofio like this.
  10. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    Tree farms are useful even if you don't find a scroll.
  11. tlc2011

    tlc2011 Base Burner

    Actually, once, when I played builder, I made two three block wide saw traps.

    +10 from those two alone, and I never stopped playing builder. I even placed another two in front of the enemy hall, giving me another +20.
  12. Guitarman

    Guitarman Haxor Tester Official Server Admin

    I either gather a shit ton of materials to put in storage or I make a tree farm.
  13. Boxpipe

    Boxpipe single, female, lawyer

    Play knight and jump around in people's faces while they are trying to build.

    fwiw KAG beta building still and has always sucked and felt awful to do.
  14. This. Basically I always leave server and move to the other where I can play unless building time is less than 60 seconds. I used (and still use to) enjoy building in Classic but in Beta I can't build at all and unfortunately I can't find any remedy for this.
  15. Stealthkibbler

    Stealthkibbler Shark Slayer

    The Beta mechanics are actually a lot better than the Classic ones, it influences more creative building more strategy, also a lot more effort. You just need to get accustomed to the way it works!
  16. Boxpipe

    Boxpipe single, female, lawyer

    More creative buildings like 1-3 block thick towers with 1-3 layers of backwall behind with ladders going up your side?

    "Beta mechanics are better", they aren't better then classic at all, they are just different then classic. Except movement physics suck now in beta.

    Did you even bother to read the post before you started brown-nosing?
    Yagger likes this.
  17. Stealthkibbler

    Stealthkibbler Shark Slayer

    They definitely are better, Oh trees just fall vertically in classic, in fact they don't even fall at all they just decrease in height.
    You can no longer use notched movement, in beta you actually have to BUILD LADDERS AND CLIMB.
    Oh look, water, that has physics.
    Oh arrows no longer go a million miles.
    Knights can no-longer bomb-jump a million miles.

    Plenty more reasons, But yeah I'd say beta is better than classic in terms of physics.
  18. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    He meant the movement physics, which do feel more consistent and controllable in classic. You get used to Beta ones though.
    IIRC movement in Beta uses box2d which causes it to be shit, but Geti's planning on replacing that box2d stuff with their own fake physics that are used in classic. IIRC.
  19. Stealthkibbler

    Stealthkibbler Shark Slayer

    Well at least you weren't rude about it, but thanks, I was talking about building creativity and mechanics though, and she insulted it with horrible building schematics :QQ: My legacy as a builder was ruined, thus I committed seppuku in the name of Lolth
    Guitarman likes this.
  20. Boxpipe

    Boxpipe single, female, lawyer

    -With powerslashing and walljumping you can jump over 8 tile walls and with walljumping alone and two walls you can infinitely jump upwards. If anything you need even less ladders now then you originally did. Unfortunately since movement physics suck, platforming is annoying and still a chore.

    -Oh look water where each tile is a source tile and will eventually fill the entire map just like it did in classic. Excellent griefing potential too if the mapper doesn't properly bedrock higher pools of water.

    -From an un-elevated surface an archer in beta can shoot 60 tiles, this includes shooting bomb arrows and fire arrows, think how far I can shoot when on a tower.

    -Do you even know how to play knight?

    All your points are moot and have proven nothing towards beta being "actually a lot better then classic and influences more creative building more strategy, also a lot more effort.". I agree with the "a lot more effort" part because movement mechanics still suck.
    Guitarman likes this.