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Reviving Team Mates

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by LostPix, Aug 24, 2013.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. LostPix

    LostPix Base Burner

    I had this feature in mind for a bit that allows you to revive wounded team mates, basically you don't end up dead instantly unless the enemy player finishes you off, I thought it would be an interesting game changing element, wounded players could be picked up, brought back to safety and revived, especially during lengthy sieges, could save up time re-spawning and actually break down stalemates. Wounded player would have cross icon over the body showing the state then once finished off skull icon showing up over the body.
    Pecola1033 likes this.
  2. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    Yea I had this idea to. If you don't get gibbed and your bodie is still in tacked you could get revived. It could be a craftable item, just a heart/burger, or you just press a button
    LostPix likes this.
  3. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    Well, you can put items into the inventory of dead people, and vice versa, take item out of bodies.
    Could we somehow use that to our advantage?
  4. SuperTurdBoy

    SuperTurdBoy Tree Planter

    Good idea, seiges wouldent end so fast because everyone would revive eachother.

    Mabye you wuld have to pick up a teammate with the red cross above their body,
    And bring them to a warboat, hall or balista...?
  5. LostPix

    LostPix Base Burner


    Especially worth it so you can revive players you know who are good players.
  6. Duke_Jordan

    Duke_Jordan King Arthur's Knight Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I Like the idea, but i'd like it more for a modded server that has some sort of special gamemode made for this
    AcidSeth and Digger101 like this.
  7. Vermilicious

    Vermilicious Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I've been reluctant in commenting this suggestion, because I don't particularly like it, but found it hard to come up with arguments.

    I think that:
    - Such an activity is "opposite" of the other activities (building, conquering).
    - It isn't intuitive. Dead bodies are dead.
    - It's not a fun/rewarding task.

    (I don't think we should have a new medic class either.)
    AcidSeth and Duke_Jordan like this.
  8. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    Eh, I'll still hand a burger to a dead body, not as hard as you think, you can hand live bombs to corpses.
    [Insert/Remove Item from Backpack, a rarely used feature.]

    Anyways, a large issue is that people die ridiculously quickly, and pushes die down just as quickly, it'd be interesting to see people fight over burgers and hearts, just a bit more, and whether or not they should use it to revive a downed teammate.
    [Since WAR is a pretty resource-heavy game, you either build, and use them, or you suffer, and die]

    It's not like you need an entirely new class to heal people. You just need a reason to. I would like there to be more of a reason.
    [Of course, they'd have to spawn with only the things they have on their dead bodies, but that gives more of a reason to gib, pilfer, or stuff them]
    [And, since hearts only heal 1 heart, they would be less valuable than food, which does a full heal]

    The reward would be primarily allowing a teammate to spawn faster, which would mean that the value of hearts, corpses, and food becomes all that much higher, and you get someone to help you on the battlefield.
  9. LostPix

    LostPix Base Burner


    If you can't come up with points then don't come up with half assed ones at all, save the hassle, also read what Boea said because he has good points.
    Duke_Jordan likes this.
  10. Vermilicious

    Vermilicious Ballista Bolt Thrower


    I think it's better that I speak my opinion that not. Don't just trash other people's opinion cause they differ from your own.
    Digger101 likes this.
  11. SMASH1413

    SMASH1413 Bison Rider

    I think that if the Devs brought back quarters there would be no need for this, because well once your dead in my opinion, (1) it would be a drain on the team to have a few people not fighting, building, or mining, just carrying around trying to revive dead bodies, and (2) like vermilicious said once you are dead you are dead. Sorry but that's my opinion. But if quarters (or a similar system) were brought back then, when you are low on hp you just run back to your nearest quarters regain health and carry on, the problem with the current bakery system is that it runs out, is almost always right back at the first hall, and almost always all been used up. (Sorry I seem to have ranted on a bit here, but I think my point is in here somewhere)

    Maybe as a alternative to this idea there could be a medic class (yes I know about the clan medic, I am in it) you are allowed 1 medic per team and they have a aid station (only they can build) they carry around a Heart or something and help injured players. Oh, this is a completely different idea almost, but anyways...
  12. LostPix

    LostPix Base Burner


    What I meant was if you are going to write it poorly then just don't.
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 26, 2013, Original Post Date: Aug 26, 2013 ---

    I don't see any issue with reviving system, I only see benefits of it, it's not like people will focus on reviving each other all the time during attacks, but still being able to grab someone and bring back to safety, revive then this itself contributes to teamwork and players will return favour, of course this system could only work if you fell down after being shot from bow or killed by the sword, I'm always annoyed by the fact that I will die in the middle of interesting action and I have to respawn in hall that is far away, or I'll barely walk out of the spawn and then get killed by stray arrow or some laggy player.
  13. SMASH1413

    SMASH1413 Bison Rider

    I can see what you are going for, I just think that it won't work to effectively.
  14. LostPix

    LostPix Base Burner


    I know, but it's still an idea worth spreading even though it can fail, it could still be made as mod, I realize that Beta is really fast paced in comparison to Classic, there is too much chaos going on and the first thing that needs to be done with this game is some way to control that chaos as everyone dies randomly all the time.
  15. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    The thing were you say your "dead your dead" is a nice concept, but only in games that don't have bullzhit. I'm fine without it, but its just wierd comeing from other games that have reviving. Well, even in those games you play with people who have no concept of reviving. We all been though that :>:(::D.
  16. SMASH1413

    SMASH1413 Bison Rider

    I suppose that it might work as a mod, I just feel that it won't work in general games.
    And I think that beta is too fast paced, there are too many things going on, and so mic over powerd!

    I think that KAG is one of those dead means dead type of games.

    Just my view on it though.
  17. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    In my view, KAG is an attrition game that disregards life expectancy at the door, to the point that it becomes half a game about waiting for half the team to revive.

    Any means of revival, even if it means one heart on player revive would bring the high stakes of using human and health resources so that you can get an extra soldier to shoulder one blow, or unleash a single blow.
    It would only add to the possibility of a push continuing, or succeeding, since again, life expectancy is forfeit.

    Anyways, it really isn't counter to other activities as mining and conquering, it gives you more people to do it with, even if "reviving" means "putting a healing item in their corpse to decrease spawn times" or simply "respawn at halls".
    I don't believe everyone dying at blinding speeds is intuitive, when it is met with wave after wave of absolute defeats, and a vast majority of the team being dead most of the time.
    This reviving mechanic would fit very nicely for 'support' classes: the builders and archers; reviving would allow their team to spawn faster, or, have a half dead group of knights to guard them as the burger shop churns out food, and the rest of the team revives.

    I don't think we would need a new class, whose job is solely to drag dead bodies, and carry heart/food, because anyone else can do that already, with archers becoming the most agile/mobile support class. And with the rate that the burger shop churns out burgers that fully heal people, I think the medical station would be redundant.
  18. LostPix

    LostPix Base Burner

    I believe many problems and overall chaos comes from the fact that dev team wants to stick with only 3 classes but I see adding a Tank and Medic a necessity even if it will be limited to one player per team or something, it's because a Tank would take all the damage while Medic would take care of the wounded, another thing perhaps could be a field hospital, a small tent you can deploy and then bring the wounded there, this is just the ideas and I'm sure everyone gets them.

    I just wanted to add that putting too many mechanics onto one class is never good as it becomes confusing and each class needs special priority, we know that KAG is inspired by Team Fortress 2 right, you see TF2 used to be amazing back in beta, each class had a proper role, it was balanced, any team push without heavy and medic through tight spots would fail, you have Uber Charge so you can destroy defences with ease, the game mechanics TF2 posses are still great and it proves.
    J-man2003 likes this.
  19. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    It's not that there is too many responsibilities on each class, it's that there are too many purist paths that are highly effective, to the point that a lot of the resources left at the halls are often ignored [healing items, supply drops, ammo], in favor of knight rushes, counter mining, sky bridging, and by extension humpty dumpty [camping siege engines on really tall things, and using these tall things as advancing spawn points].

    Anyways, like in Heroes of Battle, I lose a lot of interest when the wizards pop up.
    I don't think special classes are needed, just more uses for the very few healing items that we have, so that battle, and players lasts a little longer.
  20. LostPix

    LostPix Base Burner

    Perhaps easier way to use healing then, like special slot for healing items in inventory and quick switch button or quick heal button, it won't be abused since there are players who still hog on food items to heal themselves without it, right at this moment you have to open up inventory to use healing, overall I think emotes should not be bound to 1,2,3,4 buttons etc. but we should have them to switch items easily instead, while emotes can remain at Q in circular menu. Although I don't think it will benefit much to the gameplay itself much, I understand why there would not be more classes because it will take to balance them and all this, someone could go around making a mod for it. We're still stuck at the issue of being a meat bag and dying too easily, there are countless ways and many ideas but one thing changes another and even slight changes make it seem like something major during the game, for that example if you went and changed the way camera zoom works or like Chehov's mod where heads move which I find pretty cool but little bit distracting when playing, enforcing changes is hard since everyone is so used.
Mods: Rainbows