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Grappling In mid air

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Gurin, Sep 2, 2013.

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  1. Gurin

    Gurin Stop That! Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Operating System: KAG client
    Operating System: Windows 7
    Build: 866
    Description: When grappled to a tree, and someone knocks the tree down, you can grapple to mid air.
    Steps to reproduce: Grapple to a tree, let someone knock it down, (stay grappled, with right click) And there you go, you're flying!
    kaizokuroof and butterscotch like this.
  2. Dude! That is cool!:D
  3. kaizokuroof

    kaizokuroof Agkubuk|'Kaizokuroof' Cilobakil, Roofpointy Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    This is fixed in recent hotfixes, locking thread.
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