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Class Upgrader

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by FlamingDragon96, Sep 4, 2013.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. FlamingDragon96

    FlamingDragon96 Shark Slayer

    :lantern: Class Upgrader :lantern:
    This is just a small idea I came up with yesterday night. Some people still think the archers are OP, I don't think that but they get damn annoying (damn archers dangling far up with their triple shots). This idea involves 1 new room and a few more sprites. I was only going to add archers but I don't like leaving out the other guys, anyway time to explain! How about having an armory room or some kind of blacksmith? These don't enhance your armor or anything but they just change your inventory for a small amount of money (giving coins a use in other gamemodes). Damn I suck at explaining... Just look at the different class sections below.

    In this room the archer/knight/builder can upgrade their class (resets after death) for a certain amount of coins. Could look something something like this:
    Armory or Blacksmith.png

    The archer starts with the good 'ol dagger, if he uses his coins in the blacksmith/armory he can upgrade the dagger to one of the other items (this is not adding the other items to your inventory, this is replacing it so you won't be able to have triple shot and grapple at same time) . Either a grappling hook or the triple shot; since I suck at explaining just look at these pics on how they would look like on your inventory.

    Grappling Hook:
    Grappling Hook.png
    Triple Shot:
    Triple Shot.png

    Note that these items are items are already in the game so it would be fairly easy to do, plus it brings the dagger back! ...and gets rid of dangling triple shotters.

    The knight well... I wasn't sure what to make of it so I went with the most generic thing, an axe! The sprite can be easily done as it has been done in texturepacks over and over. Of course you won't be able to block with the axe but it will have a higher area of attack. Instead of jabbing, it will hit with the butt of the handle and push back the enemy (1 second cooldown). So basically it can only attack by doing a charge attack. So yeah... this "upgrade" is just a filler to get the other classes involved. d

    By default the builder uses his pickaxe, axe, and small hammer to collect resources and slowly break away at the enemies' defenses. His upgrade could be some sort of sledgehammer, which can break blocks much faster and can stun enemies (with large area of attack infront of him but only does .5 damage) giving him time to escape. He cannot collect resources from blocks with the sledgehammer though so its only for attacking.

    If you still don't get what I'm trying to say then just look at this pretty picture! :)

    Now feel free to leave suggestions on how this could be improved, maybe how it would destroy the game, or maybe how it would make it better. Heck, I for one sure want to see a bit of variety on our combat.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2013
  2. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    I dunno, I'd rather make class changes like these a part of tech progression somehow. You should be rewarded with additional items for doing well (coins == bombs), but the core elements of a class shouldn't be tied to per-spawn upgrades.

    Your mockups look cool though.
  3. FlamingDragon96

    FlamingDragon96 Shark Slayer

    All of this was just so archers wouldn't have grapple and triple shot at the same time, the other stuff were just fillers. Plus I always thought it would be interesting to see some variety, seeing some archers stabbing and others just grappling their way.
  4. Raelian

    Raelian Bison Rider

    I'll have to be against this idea, mostly since it would be a big nerf for the archer, to the point that with their current health and damage they would be even weaker then before the grappling hook got added. If you take away the grappling hook, he loses mobility and makes them easy prey, if you take away the tripple shot you make them do only 1 damage with a charged shot. So yes, I would be very much against the idea of splitting up the grappling hook and triple shot so you'd have to choose only one of the two at any given time.

    On a side note, I do like the idea of being able to "specialize" in some way but I would keep the archers as they are unless they get a considerable buff and even then I prefer the current archers since they are a bit more fun to play than previous beta versions.

    A few ideas from the top of my head would be to allow the players to choose between 3 specialized archtypes that offer a unique advantage/ability:


    Hunter: "You look delicious, let me have a bite." - any creature you kill gives one piece of raw meat (new item) which only you can eat in order to regain lost health (1 heart)

    Beast-master: "This is Fluffens my pet shark. No Fluffens! Let him go! Bad Fluffens! Spit Henry's arm out this instance!" - can tame a bison or shark automatically without the need for burgers, simply by riding them (only the beast master can ride them, not his allies)

    Scavenger: "Can never have too many arrows, lots of targets are also nice." - enemies you kill always drop 1 random special arrow (fire, bomb, water etc.) or a stack of 10 normal arrows that only you can pick up and use


    Bloodthirster: "I'll tear out your heart and eat it! Yeeaargh!" - every enemy you kill always drops 1 heart which only you can consume in order to regain some health back (1 heart)

    Bomber-man: "Chew on this you arrow throwing tree swinging monkey bastard!" - always start off with 1 extra free bomb (even if you don't have any military supply factories made)

    Raider: "I'm not kidding! He came back from the red's camp and brought a catapult, three kegs a trampoline and a shark named Fluffens." - every time you destroy an enemy factory or workbench they drop a random item you can use depending on the structure you destroyed (ex: military supplies factory drops one bomb or arrow stack, keg factory drops one keg or one mine, workbench can drop either a tramp or a sponge or a boulder etc.)


    Artillery Master: "Arm catapult! Take aim! Fire! Shit... I think we just hit Henry again." - you can buy boulders 50% cheaper and you are able to pack/unpack catas twice as fast

    "What do you mean our storage is full? Then move your butt and build some more!"
    - you gain 25% extra resources from wood, gold and stone and recover 50% more resources when destroying buildings

    Engineer: "Breaking stuff is easy but keeping it in working condition? That's what makes your side last longer." - drill takes twice as long to overheat when you're using it and you lose the ability to damage enemy vehicles with your pickaxe but instead you can slowly repair your own vehicles (catas, warboats, long boats, ballistas etc.) by hitting them

    I'm honestly not expecting such ideas to be added but I figured I'd still add them just for the fun of it. ^^
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2013
  5. FlamingDragon96

    FlamingDragon96 Shark Slayer

    Hmmm very interesting. Would these abilities be earned through some kind of shop and need anything to change ability?
    Raelian likes this.
  6. Raelian

    Raelian Bison Rider

    Honestly? No freaking ideas. As I said, I kinda expect the devs to not even bother with this since it would require modifying existing classes and what not, plus balancing them out so I really didn't think further than that. Mostly added these just for the fun of it since they sound cool and seem that they might spice up a match somewhat.

    And yeah I'm aware that steaks and all food replenish fool health, originally I wanted the steak to do that but realized it would be OP and didn't switch it to heart since I didn't want to be too similar to the Bloodthirsther (even if the effects are the same). Renamed it to "raw meat", consider it a new item that only replenishes 1 heart or just add one heart like the knight's and it should do I guess.
  7. SMASH1413

    SMASH1413 Bison Rider

    Considering how it looks already perhaps you should make it as a mod first?
    Looks really cool, would work well!
  8. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    CoD style loadouts pls
    Pizza, Sou, J-man2003 and 5 others like this.
  9. SMASH1413

    SMASH1413 Bison Rider

    If anything shouldn't it have tf2 style loadouts?
    SlyStalker and eamono like this.
  10. Axatros

    Axatros Ballista Bolt Thrower

  11. eamono

    eamono Arsonist

    I think KAG should have a system like the one in Fat Princess (ps3/psp game, look it up) where the workers will throw materials at the class-change machines to give each class an alternate loadout.

    I think this would work pretty well in KAG, but to mix things up I think each class should have 2 seperate loadouts and once enough materials are given to upgrade a class a little vote prompt will appear on the screen (like the votekick/voteban ones) and whichever upgrade gets the most votes is the one the team will get to use. I didn't put to much thought into the upgrades but here are my basic ideas:

    Knight Upgrades:

    Barbarian- relatively fast guy that does alot of damage but has no shield and crappy health


    Paladin(?)- slow class with more hearts and a bigger shield, but won't do as much damage as a knight or barb

    Archer upgrades: (these both need a lot of changes so don't think of these as legit ideas)

    sabotager saboteur: loses legolas shot but will get a "powder charge (name WIP) that can be placed/thrown and will explode in a few second, they won't do as much damage as a bomb but will do a shitload of damage to structures. He also runs faster, won't trigger mines, and I haven't decided if he should be able to defuse/steal mines or not... probably not


    Sniper: can't use the satchel and can't use the grapple hook (might change) but his shots charge much faster, and the legoolas shot will be much more accurate. He will also spawn with 1 food

    Builder Upgrades:

    Elite builder- Will gather materials 50% slower but will gain more materials to offset this and bring it back up to regular mat gathering speed (this is to make them bad tunnlers). I'm not entirely sure what to give this guy, I'm debating between making everything cost less mats to build, or having everything they build be more sturdy. He is good at building.

    Demolitionist- Will break stuff very fast but doesn't get alot of materials form it. He will be good at running up and destroying the enemy's towers, he won't get any combat buffs though.
    J-man2003, Drusse and SMASH1413 like this.
  12. SMASH1413

    SMASH1413 Bison Rider

    This idea seems good in practice but in KAG in reality I think that it will be too game changing.
    J-man2003 likes this.
  13. eamono

    eamono Arsonist

    While I really would like a class upgrade thing I think the game is way to close to an official steam release for it to make any sense, we can wait for modders i suppose
    SMASH1413 likes this.
  14. SMASH1413

    SMASH1413 Bison Rider

    I agree, if it were to be introduced it would hold back the game by Months!
    Also, it is too drastic even for beta so for it I actually happen, it would need to at least be modded, if it was a big success, as is the idea with any mod, maybe the Devs would consider introducing it....but it would be a long way off that yet!

    I say get beta done, then, fix alpha bugs!!! E.g. Corpse glitch!
  15. Sirpixelot

    Sirpixelot Base Burner
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Here's an idea. Fuck coins... :I
    Go for the Kill Death Ratio.
    When a player hits a certain ratio of kills to deaths, they upgrade automatically. Now, I know what you're saying "OP!!!!!!"
    Noe. Noe. Not op. By upgrading, all that's being upgraded is his/her weapon layouts and/or skills. Like.. say you got 10 kills in game as well as 5 deaths in game. You can upgrade a certain class at any time and keep that upgrade for as long as possible... until that ratio goes a bit off kilter... then that upgrade is gone. o-o

    Said upgrades, like I said, wont change how powerful the character is, just how he/she actually preforms. Like, if you have a knight for instance. Get a certain K/D and you can upgrade to a Lancer.... or if you wanted to upgrade a archer, he would go up to a gunner or something. And if you upgrade a builder, he'd turn into... I dunno... a trapper. A lil guy who can make traps ranging from mines to bear traps... to spikes.

    Now, I bet your wondering, what kinda upgrade would it be. Well.. knights would get a half-heart upgrade. Meaning they get an extra half heart added to their health as well as a slight fall damage reduction. Archers would simply get fall damage reduction as well as speed enhancement. And builders... speed, fall damage.. and maybe a grapple... maybe even building speed. owo

    Soooo yea. Hopefully this makes some sense. :o
    SMASH1413 and Hawxx like this.
  16. Hawxx

    Hawxx Haxor

    Looks really interesting, are you actually going to mod this in or is it just an idea? I'm actually practicing to mod in KAB and so far it's been going quite good (i was able to add a bomber to a workbench lel, also this is my 1ooth post, u mad. )
  17. FlamingDragon96

    FlamingDragon96 Shark Slayer

    It's just an idea, never had luck with programming.
    Hawxx likes this.
  18. Sirpixelot

    Sirpixelot Base Burner
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    It's fancy... really fancy. But I believe the idea I just pitched might make it slightly better. owo
  19. eamono

    eamono Arsonist

    Let me make sure I got this right, if I am over a certain KD during a game I autmatically upgrade to a certain item set that will be different but balanced with the current item set.

    This idea could definetly use some work. here are some things to consider

    1. What if I'm kicking ass but still want to play as a non upgraded class? do I have to die alot on purpose?

    2. If the game starts and I get 1 kill does that autmatically put me at this next upgraded class?

    3. KAG is a team-based game, and like in most other team based games K/D is one of (if not the) least important stat. No offence but the 99% of the time people that care about K/D make really shitty team-mates, they never help the team because they'd rather boost their kills, it's like the tf2 medic that only heals one person, or the dota 2 teammate who never shows up for a push and whines the moment someone trys to share his lane.
    J-man2003 and Klokinator like this.
  20. SMASH1413

    SMASH1413 Bison Rider

    I agree with most of this but, if the enemy are closing in (tf2) and your team has a heavy, the medic should heal him so e an pin them back while the rest of the team snipe or spy...etc.

    But sirpixelot your idea seems feasible but will need LOADS of rules to make it work.
Mods: Rainbows