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Building layouts

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by KaB, Sep 9, 2013.


Building layouts into KAG ?

  1. Sure

    4 vote(s)
  2. Nope

    3 vote(s)
  3. Don't care

    2 vote(s)
Mods: Rainbows
  1. KaB

    KaB Shopkeep Stealer

    There would be an offline sandbox mode where the player would be invited to draw a building inside a square, with no limit of ressources. By "draw", I simply mean that there wouldn't be any character on the screen, and the blocks can be placed anywhere he wants, on condition that it remains inside the square, and there aren't flying blocks. Once he finished, he can save it. It's saved as a layout.

    In game, in a public server, the player would be able to see a list of all the layouts he made, with the ressources required for each one of them.
    As for the workshops, when he selects a layout, a big white box appears behind him, showing him the space required for the building. Once he found the place, the ressources required disappear, the white box stays and becomes red, surrounded by yellow lines (more or less like this, it gotta show that something is under construction) with a loading bar in the middle. Once the bar is fully loaded, the building is up.

    Parameters :

    - The square in the sandbox mode prevents the layouts (and the building) from being too big.
    - The number of layouts is limited by players. If they want to make new ones, they'll have to delete old ones.
    - The time of construction depends on the size of the building.
    - The construction requires one peasant available. Once the building is up, the peasant comes back to the Hall.
    - The building must be close to a Hall, otherwise it won't get any peasant, and won't be started.
    - The players are unable to put a block inside the red box.
    - If one enemy gets into the red box, the construction is canceled, and the ressources lost.
    - The player who started the construction is able to cancel it, however he won't get the ressources back.
    - If the construction is finished, it checks if no friendly players are standing insde the red box. If there are players inside, it'll remain until they're gone.

    *New* - A red cross will be displayed on the red box that only the other players will be able to see and press. A small number will appear close to this cross, and each time a player presses it, it'll be increased by 1. Starting from 0, once this number reaches half of the size of the team, the construction is canceled, and the ressources lost.

    Thanks for reading.

    PS : Players are invited to make layouts they can put together in order to make a big castle.

    Not sure if it should be implemented : Several peasants can be used for the construction. And the more peasants are working on it, the faster the bar is loading.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2013
  2. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    It would lead for a greatly uninteresting gameplay. The ad-hoc reactionary building would pretty much disappear. It'd also enable for instant big spammy 4x4 or whatever, stone blocks.
  3. KaB

    KaB Shopkeep Stealer

    Well, Classic has more or less got rid of ad-hoc reactionary building since players started to make the same type of buildings over and over again. It'll eventually arrive on 1.0 I believe.

    Now remember the square wouldn't be that big, and the construction would remain close to the hall. So I suppose the best layouts to make would be stuff like big traps, small towers with archer's box on the top etc. Pretty common and defensive stuff you make the same way everytime (this is definitely the case for me at least, that's actually how I got the idea).

    About the spamming, know that you need to get all the ressources for it. So it can't really be spammed so easily.

    Edit : actually, I just thought about a sort of rebel vote which would allow the other players to cancel a construction : for all the other players, there would be a red cross showing in the middle of the red box, and each time someone presses that cross, a number appearing close to it is increased by 1. If this number reaches half of the total amount of players in the team, it's canceled.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2013
  4. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    It's a bad idea. I believe you'll see why without me even having to explain why.
    Guitarman, Galen and CheeseMeister like this.
  5. KaB

    KaB Shopkeep Stealer

  6. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    Seems lazy, and makes builders incredibly susceptible to loss in both resources, and utility, since it's an easily no-sold structure.
  7. KaB

    KaB Shopkeep Stealer

    If you're sure about what you're doing, and that no enemy will ever get into the red box during he construction, there's no reason to fear this easy loss of ressources. You just need to think a bit more, and trust yourself.
  8. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    With a game so fast, you can't be sure of anything, other than wasting other peoples' time.
  9. KaB

    KaB Shopkeep Stealer

    What about during the countdown at the beginning ? What about the rear halls where you wanna set defenses in case you'd lost the hall on the front line ?

    This way you can do something something else while it's building (like mining/defending/attacking).
  10. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    Rear halls have their peasants preoccupied with churning out factory goods.

    Building is faster than you put it out to be.
  11. KaB

    KaB Shopkeep Stealer

    Traps and spikes are pretty annoying to set up.

    And what about the top of the front line Hall ? You prevent enemies to get there while it's building.
  12. AcidSeth

    AcidSeth Arsonist

    Idea is really similar to the advanced copy in Gmod. But the point is that Gmod is a Sandbox.
    So maybe it could work in Sandbox mode, or what will be of it.
    In any other case, no. No.

    Square should not be too large, or the player should need a prerequisite to use the option and then you can't have multiple copies of that layout in a map and then again maybe...
    It's just too complicated I fear.

    A waste of time for developers, and not instantly doable as well.

    And I'm with others saying it promotes laziness. We already lack builders, eh.
  13. KaB

    KaB Shopkeep Stealer

    What a lack of trust towards the players of KAG.

    Imo it can only improve that part as builders will realise they can do two things at the same time. People who knows how to be a good builder will take advantage of this feature, they won't think "Finally ! I can stop playing this stupid class".
  14. allknowingfrog

    allknowingfrog Bison Rider

    This would be the equivalent of letting archers pick targets then calculating the power and angle for them.
    AcidSeth likes this.
  15. KaB

    KaB Shopkeep Stealer

    This doesn't really sound balanced, but more like a cheat that would make archers over-powered. Does my idea make builders over-powered ? I doubt that.
Mods: Rainbows