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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. Krux

    Krux Shipwright

    @Worm, I am sorry to be so late. It is Middle European Timzone in Summertime. I think it is GMT +2.
  2. Tiago

    Tiago Shipwright

    Guys, do you know the admin or mods of Adrenic server? I was banned cause maybe they though i was griefing. Just because i had a lot of materials and no builders on our team and I had to move quick to the base to change my class and start to reinforce our wall as a builder, then i started to dig a tunnel to pass our damaged wall. Sad! With no warning I was banned. Couldnt tell them what i was doing.
  3. Worm

    Worm Derpship Commander Donator

    He bad admin then
    BTW: I saw in game player with nickname Tiagoo, it's that you?
  4. Worm

    Worm Derpship Commander Donator

    Banning is ban on host or on IP?
    Beacuse i see much nicknames that speedhacking with big letters and mostly with offense words.
    Also baning on host would be bit too strong, but prevent more hacking.
    @Eric_Rommel - Agree. I saw him today on one server, but i had no powers to ban him(im moderator only on solar :C)
  5. Eric_Rommel

    Eric_Rommel Catapult Fodder


    Time:Lots of time began a week ago.
    Offense:Speed Hacking
    Server: Most Eu servers
    Why get voted ban without reason?? I just get voted out because someone says I am griefing because he has seen me on the forum?????​
  6. Tiago

    Tiago Shipwright

    Not me. Im Tiago. :)
  7. Tiago

    Tiago Shipwright

    Just right now
    BluevsRed Adrenic.net

    This guy was using speedhacking and doesnt really care about the warnings of ban. He said he got bored cause the game was taking too long.

    Attached Files:

  8. Strech

    Strech KAG Guard Tester

    I know for sure adrenic has no admins...
  9. Roareye

    Roareye Shipwright

    Wow, someone already mentioned me here. How nice.

    Tiago, I really approve of what you do for the community by reporting griefers/hackers and so on. Keep it up.

    Btw, here's what I was saying at the time - This game really needs a speed bar option, so we could change it to our liking while hosting a server. Even when considered as fast-paced by some, it's a bit too slow at times.

    Anyways, try FUCKMAN. That guy speedhacks a lot. (last seen: 2 days ago, I don't really remember what server it was.)

    @Down: Yes, I did. That CheatEngine was just lying there and asked to be used. Pity it worked though, this is far too gamebreaking to be allowed. Is there no way to implement a GameGuard here?
  10. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    So do you apparently.
  11. Chiplink

    Chiplink Shipwright

    For some reason I got banned but I have no idea why? It was on a French server; something like hypaistatos. I was just playing, building an epic castle with my team and suddenly: You got banned. Help? Why? What did I do wrong? Is this a global ban? Otherwise 10 euro's down the drain... :(
  12. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    It isn't a global ban chiplink. You may have been ping kicked or one of the admins could have kicked you. Either way, its just a server ban.

    In other news, Roareye is banned.

    Yes, it is easy to speedhack.
    Does that mean you should speedhack? No.
    Speedhacking is a dick move, always will be.
    Foxodi and illu like this.
  13. Eric_Rommel

    Eric_Rommel Catapult Fodder

    Playeer=[FR] Yuri-Lowel , FUCKMAN
    Offence=Both SpeedHacking
    Server=Yuri - Euro Game Crew server / FUCKMAN polish and french server and euro too.
  14. Worm

    Worm Derpship Commander Donator

    Yuri-Lowel never speedhacked. Maybe he had lags.
    FUCKMAN - He keeps speedhacking -.-
  15. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    FUCKMAN was banned a couple of days ago... Are you guys still seeing him online or are these slightly stale reports?
  16. Eric_Rommel

    Eric_Rommel Catapult Fodder

    Offence= Lieing(saying that some else griefs, gives some random names of players with low scores not him), Griefing , Trolling(spamming the chat box and saying theat this and that player griefs without reason)
    Server=I dont remember
    Time=I dont emember but today some time anytime :P
    and I told about UCKMAN as I saw roareye mention him , I have seen him a lot of times.
  17. Fructdw

    Fructdw Shopkeep Stealer

    screen-11-10-26-01-41-54.png screen-11-10-26-01-47-46.png screen-11-10-26-01-48-20.png
    flyhack :huh?:
    UPD: ok, its just bug
  18. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    I cant get screenshots to work since the update. I tried multiple times to take screens. Neros needs a ban for swapping teams to grief. He even admitted to it but I couldnt take a screenshot. Adding his name here in case hes been causing problems before.
  19. Supersonic196

    Supersonic196 Shipwright

    Funkie swapped teams. Yelled "GO BLUE" and then proceded to demolish our fortress.

  20. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    You need more than a screenshot of him standing there. More screens to prove he wasnt just walking through there and the chatlog where he swapped teams.
    Supersonic196 likes this.
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