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Overworld and Adventures

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by SirSalami, Oct 19, 2011.

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  1. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

  2. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Oh... Well that didn't work the way I thought it would.
    I tried to merge the two threads so Geti's would be the dominant one, I guess it didn't like that his was posted later :/

    Anyways, there's some feedback :p
  3. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Haha, not a worry shad. Top of the page anyway.

    To answer the stuff from the thread that I didn't see but have read now:

    sadly not. Next release will have workshops and mobile catas, one after that will be zombies + hopefully customisation, and then we'll start working on all this goodness.

    I've been thinking about this too. Tentative yes as it'd work well for slavery and for rescuing team-mates - and would make temporary hospitals at the edge of the battle (with a crapload of medical supplies to pump revived 1 heart juggernauts back up to 10 hearts so they can go decimate some more enemies). It'd help make permadeath less punishing if you had a good team. Gibbing the enemy's body would likely still be possible though.

    This one got asked more on the blog than on here, but yes. You'll be able to set up camp wherever you like and slowly build up a fortress - or just a small mining cabin.

    That'd be determined by how the game was set up. There might be a "search for the holy grail mode" to give a bit more urgency but the "main" mode would likely just be a persistent simulation with civs rising and falling over time. You'd likely be able to reach a top level class with 3 hours of work, but most of your strength would come from items, skills and buffs that you'd gain via exploration of dungeons caves and forests (such as stronger metals to improve your weapons, or a triple shot skill that allows you to fire multiple arrows, or a hookshot to climb walls and cliffs), or by taking on other civilisations (for example if you went and killed a necromancer king at the top of his dark castle you might get his necromancy powers to turn any corpses into zombies) - gaining those sort of improvements could take much more time.

    We'd like to give players the ability to become very powerful, which would make permadeath all the more important.
    IloveElectro and Foxodi like this.
  4. Noc

    Noc Bison Rider

    This is what I'm looking for. Id also like to play a game with my friends or clan, but wouldn't that make us way overpowered? I guess if the two of us have to search for each-other it would be fine, but I wouldn't get much of a chance to play with him...

    Id also love to be a necromancer king with caged in zombies I can release as a defense mechanism.
  5. SpitfireXero

    SpitfireXero KAG Guard Tester

    Geti I sometimes wonder how you can read all these huge walls of text. It's so overwhelming. Regardless, in the Zombie mode... besides just being a survivor and killing off zombies, will people who die become zombies as well? I haven't seen anything like this mentioned. Maybe I'm not searching enough.
  6. Bandwagonman

    Bandwagonman Shopkeep Stealer

    How is the leveling system going to work? I've always been more partial to no levels and just loadout myself, that way it's less about how patient towards grinding you are and more about how adventurous and lucky you are.

    From what I know now, it seems more like the game will just end up as a race to see who can level up the fastest and dominate everyone else. I'm pretty pessimistic when it comes to stuff like this and I'd really like to see this game succeed... along with me playing it. I don't know if I hate it or like it yet, but I'm pretty worried.
  7. AHrEJl

    AHrEJl Shopkeep Stealer


    what about fog? when kag team add this in game? And bots AI would like to see better. Now bots too stupid. If you do not fix bots AI, it will be very dull adventure mode...
  8. Trae

    Trae Shopkeep Stealer

    Well, here is my draft of what i would think would be an interesting leveling system, that revolves around customization.
    You pick a knight. You start with the normal stats, then you go adventuring, killing some boars, heck, even a couple of orcs!
    You level up. Feels good, you get a little popup menu, giving you 3 "perks" to choose.
    1: Health, you toughen up, and now have 4 hearts.
    2: More Stamina. (as i have heard, stamina is going to be your resource, so with more stamina, you can be in the fray stabbing some more)
    3: Tenacity. When stunned, 30% of the stun is cut off.
    Now, with your additional stamina, you go and find a couple of people, they are pretty nice, and you join their team/clan/civilization/whatever. You go with them to raid an nearby enemy outpost, and then explore an adjacent tile, where you find a giant spider. With your single archer and three knights using good teamwork, you get it killed (yes, the two builders were helpful too, making fortifications against snoopy enemies that might have come. they didnt). The leader of the group, a level 4 knight, get the golden grenade, a bomb that explodes 3x the radius, and totally doesnt say hallelujah, or have a "holy" label.
    You level up. You can choose between 3 active skills.
    1: Sprint. i dont have to explain that one. you move 2x speed for 5 seconds, yaddayadda
    2: Charge. a stamina-costly skill, that makes you deal and recieve 2x dmg, and move 2.5x faster for 1second.
    3: Shieldwall. When activated, you lock the shield in place, making it impossible to knock you out, but you cant go out of it without disabling it either.
    Thinking that the charge will go well with the stamina, you pick it.
    You get into a dragged-out fight defending your small fortress, but you prevail against the superior forces. After having slain 2 of their knights in a smart pincer, they retreat, leaving behind resources. You get a better sword, and your builders can now expand your fortress with stronger facilities.
    In the end, you just barely level up, but this is where the real shit happens. You can now choose between 3 specializations.
    Juggernaut: A lot of health, slow speed, strong shielding, this is the ultimate tank for your sqiushies.
    Swordmaster: Low staminacosts makes this fighter an extremely good duelist, able to outmove and outdamage others. Squishy though, making him bad in giant fights.
    Lancer: Believing in the glory of the all-out aggresion, this fighter bets on killing you in 5 seconds, since his staminacosts are too high to sustain anything else.
    Well, turned into a wall, maybe more to come! Now comes the question to Geti/MM: What are YOUR plans for leveling and customization?
  9. AHrEJl

    AHrEJl Shopkeep Stealer

    I would like to see bison mount in adventure mode :D

    By the way, if you already are necromancers in the game(in terms of developing), you can add later dinosaurs.
  10. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Then play the CTF and INF?

    Jeez, you'd swear people can't read. Geti has said loads of times already that normal gamemodes won't go away for premium, so you don't have to get involved in ANY levelling stuff if you don't want to.
  11. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Clans will be so awesome and have a sooo new meaning when these goodies are out!
  12. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    You can only speculate the sorts of cool items you can collect. Here's a few I would love to see.

    Bomb silencers:
    A bag of muffles, you can attach to your bombs, in order to silence them and keep the enemy unaware that you're using one.

    Amulet of luck:
    Fall damage is negated entirely.

    Feather boots:
    You run much faster than usual (class defined buff)

    Explosive arrow pack:
    Heavy arrows that drop fast if fired long distance, but have the advantage of being able to cause explosions.

    So many possibilities..
    IloveElectro likes this.
  13. Trae

    Trae Shopkeep Stealer

    A question to all: How much power do you want leveling and itemization to have?
    Personally, i want the powerlevel to maybe in maximum be tripled when youre full level. Meaning if you have 3 level 1 opponents, you are evenly matched. What do you feel?
  14. Rainbows

    Rainbows KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    I want all the Stronghold traps... Maybe bison in a cage instead of rabid dogs?
  15. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    Kind of confused with the permadeath. Some comments in the Tumblr are suggesting that if you die your whole account will be banned from a server while others kind of insinuate a loss of everything but the possibility to start over with the same account.

    Anyways... Wonder if HA will force its members to all start together... lol hopefully we can all create our own kingdoms or whatever and make it into some sort of empire with each member having their own map/castle as their kingdom and then clan members can help each other out with sieges and such... Always wanted to design my own fortress from scratch :p Sounds like resource gathering is going to suck though for building those massive castles (make NPCs do it). NPC guards would be awesome for solo defending... especially if they can be leveled up as well :D

    I also wonder... since each server technically will have their own world we would need to organize all of the clans starting in the same server to maximize awesomeness of clan wars and etc. Would kind of suck to be in a server without YB or SK to play with or against.
  16. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Nah, it will be that character, you can start a new character once the first one dies, but it won't have any of the same stuff, and will start at peon again.
    Fellere825 likes this.
  17. who

    who Shopkeep Stealer

    No thanks, I don't think level 1's will be doing much PvP, they will probably need to kill some easier stuff first to get stronger. Also, what would be the fun in getting to the highest level with the best stuff, if you could be taken down by 3 wimpy peons?
    Neat likes this.
  18. solidamus

    solidamus Shipwright

    I love these kind of ideas. Big features that make the game more unique but still won't remove the fun from those who just want to enjoy basic CTF or other simpler game modes.
  19. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    I hope that you will be able to create multiple characters with the same account. Or that you'd be able to make lots of different journeys in different servers with the same character, but without getting all the stuff from the previous server.
  20. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    It's not an account. It's a character per server I believe. Maybe there will be limited numbers of character slots per server.
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