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[509] The perfect tower...

Discussion in 'Builder' started by faygo94, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. faygo94

    faygo94 Catapult Fodder

    • wrong section, moved and warned
    I'm in search of a tower that is universally safe and effective. It should meet the following requirments.

    • Should be less than or equal to 250 stone and 250 wood
    • Should be able to construct in about a minute
    • Easily repairable and upgradable
    • Hard for knights and builders to get into or around
    Optional but recommended

    • Archer area (nest, arrow shop, hideout etc...) because everyone loves archers defending their towers
    • Area for shops (bombs and bed)
    • Easy for new players to get up to (I.E. no boost pads most new players do not know how to use them.
    • Easily navigable (easy to get to all parts of the tower without getting stuck or speared by a spike)
    I look forward to see all your buildings, the ones that meet all the requirements and most of the optional ones I will consider to be the perfect tower. Good luck to all. 25252525

    P.S. Build 509
    butterscotch and Guitarman like this.
  2. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    no tower is perfect, there is always that minor flaw like archers letting the bombs into the archer nest full with 17 archers inside.

    also catapults stuff things up. a lot.
    miniu and Dioxyde like this.
  3. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    If you found the 'perfect' building that would be in your opinion, and may not be 'perfect' to others. Maybe you should change 'perfect' to something else. And also like Conquerer said, No building is perfect.
    CrystalClear and killatron46 like this.
  4. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    I3lue, UnnamedPlayer and LucasTT like this.
  5. faygo94

    faygo94 Catapult Fodder

    I saw these posts and they aren't quite what I'm looking for, I'm looking for a Tower not a shabby 1 block thick wall with some supports.
  6. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    Perfect depends on the kind of builder.
    If you're the type that will defend a tower, repair it, and upgrade it, then you should make a bighuge, which can be upgraded easily, and can hold back knights and builders just as well as every other tower. Then add archernests, kneecappers, catapult nests...

    If you just build a tower, go offensive and hope it will hold back enemies long enough, you should use stairs, they are very usefull on hills, and can be very annoying for the enemy. They can be termited, though, but towers can be termited too. (and it takes longer to termite stairs, because the same amount of blocks can be used to make a wider structure.

    After making one of these, start making it better.
    The perfect tower doesn't exist, just use a good model, then make it "perfect".
  7. faygo94

    faygo94 Catapult Fodder

    Thanks for the advice ;)
    Gofio likes this.
  8. owthathurts

    owthathurts Shark Slayer

    "I saw these posts and they aren't quite what I'm looking for, I'm looking for a Tower not a shabby 1 block thick wall with some supports."

    what do you want for 250 stone and 250 wood? seriously..
    Superblackcat, Asu, Piano and 3 others like this.
  9. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    The perfect tower does not exists. And if it was exisiting, you would need a thousand of stone.
    There is always a weak area in a tower.
  10. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk gaurenteed shitter

    I don't care how good your tower is - one keg right at its base and it's over.

    As such, I think the best tower would have to be protected by countless mounted bows.
  11. Did you know that he's talking about Classic?

    Superblackcat, Dioxyde and Conquerer like this.
  12. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    A 'perfect' tower with 1000 stone isn't perfect. It would take a good while to mine that stone and then to build the actual tower - not to mention the cost of repairs.
    I3lue likes this.
  13. Gurin

    Gurin Stop That! Global Moderator Donator Tester

    It isn't just the tower that does all the work, the main builder needs to keep an eye on his tower, to make sure nothing happens to it.
    No tower is perfect, it is the player that makes it seem that it is perfect.. From collapses, mini spikes, and baiting; one can simply rek your oponent if he/she knows what he/she is doing with that tower.

    Less that 250 stone & wood? You should check out gather for once, small, great towers that will do.
    You say that you want less than those mats? One should build its tower, build shops, then build "modifications" on his/her tower. If needed.

    Oh, and catapults will just rek everything, lol. Thick towers are worse than skinny.
    A] Thick towers, if damaged, cannot be repaired from cover.
    B] Wont let your team up.

    A] Can repair.
    B] Not much mats. Also, if damaged, your team should be able to get back up, with some parkour.
    You don't want to waste your materials at all! It could mean life or death!
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2013
    Force and I3lue like this.
  14. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    But for Conqurs's ultra impenetrable thick+repairable tower, try this! 25252525
  15. PixelatedHero

    PixelatedHero Catapult Fodder

    Thats acctually a really good idea... :P
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 23, 2013, Original Post Date: Sep 23, 2013 ---
    Actually, there ARE KEGS in classic.
  16. I know this, pixel, but notice the part of the quote that is bolded and underlined.

    Also, what Gurin said has a lot to do with it. Towers can't manage themselves and will always fall without their stouthearted builders. Sigsson on BC Flatmaps a couple days a go built a tower right next to our Vidar-looking thing even though he was on the opposing team. He was literally 5 blocks away from our main tower on red.

    But, with his great defense and constant repairs he was able to fend off 50 tickets. Again, Sigss was on blue and built RIGHT next to our Vidar tower. A good design, sure, that's pretty important but the lifeblood of what makes a tower so great is the builder that manages it.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2013
    Gurin, CrystalClear and Hawxx like this.
  17. If it were to be perfect you wouldn't need thousands of stone...
    Superblackcat, I3lue and Guitarman like this.
  18. Chumind

    Chumind Bison Rider

  19. sinnertie

    sinnertie Ministry of Hatred Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive


    Maybe this one isn't perfect too, but for sure it will require some struggle to pass through.
  20. Are you sure you can get over with that door right there?