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Hawxx's Maps

Discussion in 'Maps' started by Hawxx, May 10, 2013.

  1. Hawxx

    Hawxx Haxor


    I decided to make KAB maps since there aren't so many. Hope you all like it
    I'm happy enough if I see my maps on servers so no need to credit me :D
    Feel free to give me feedback and criticism, want to improve maps as much as possible. :)

    IMPORTANT EDIT:Since the Modding section is going to be removed you will find my creations in the Resource section :) This means from now on this threads no longer going to be updated with maps though I will provide links to the resource page.

    TTH Maps

    Sky War!
    Dimensions : 399 x 89
    5 Halls

    TDM Maps

    Non here yet. :)

    RTDM Maps ( For Clemo7's Fast Round BETA )

    Non here yet. :)

    CTF Maps

    No Name!
    Dimensions : 202 x 64
    Flags : 3
    No Name! 2
    Dimensions : 200 x 64
    Flags : 2
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2013
  2. ewox250

    ewox250 Shark Slayer

    wow dude one map impressive...
    Ciasteczko and DobryMurzyn like this.
  3. Hawxx

    Hawxx Haxor

    Of course i'm going to make more, but for now. One will do i'm afraid. :(
  4. Antman

    Antman Base Burner

    Nice job Hawxx :D
    Nice to see I'm not the only one around here making TDM maps.

    If you're stuck with something related to map making I'm willing to help :) Keep it up!
    Hawxx likes this.
  5. Beo

    Beo Bison Rider Tester

    Thanks for the map, dude. Moar TDM maps plz :p
    Hawxx likes this.
  6. Hawxx

    Hawxx Haxor

    Just uploaded a new map 25252525 Hope you like it Beo :B):
  7. lavalord

    lavalord Haxor Staff Alumni Donator Tester

    Cuttin' to the chase.
    Thumbs up for maps :B):.
    Shorten the depth of the oceans.
    Add more flat areas for knight duels as on slopes one player has an advantage.
  8. Hawxx

    Hawxx Haxor

    Thanks for the advice :) You're right I should add more flat parts,I'll do that actually in my next map. I actually suck on my own maps when I play :p
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 22, 2013, Original Post Date: Aug 21, 2013 ---
    Get ready for 2 CTF maps everyone :D
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 23, 2013 ---
    First CTF Map done, also I need some help from you guys. You need to name my maps :eek: I'll be waiting for great name suggestions :p
    Guitarman and Beo like this.
  9. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    Very good map. Those are a lot of details, good job!
    Geti maps are nice but they are all in same style - Your(s in future I believe) seems different, and it is very important to be a good mapper.

    Keep doing it, if you want tips, don't be shy and ask me, lavalord, on irc...
    Hawxx likes this.
  10. Hawxx

    Hawxx Haxor

    Hawxx submitted a new resource:

    [TTH] Sky War! - A TTH map for Beta with 4 halls and awesome sky battles on floating islands!

    Read more about this resource...
  11. Hawxx

    Hawxx Haxor

    Finally some feedback :) Thanks for complementing my maps and sure if I do need some tips don't worry I'll ask you. It does take me quite some time to think of ideas, I might make a new map tomorrow or start one.
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 25, 2013, Original Post Date: Sep 24, 2013 ---
    UPDATE : I fixed and tweaked some stuff on my first CTF map and finished the second :)
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 25, 2013 ---
    UPDATE 2 : Edited my post a little bit, still looking for names. From now on I'll only post in the resource section but these maps will stay here :)
    Asu likes this.
  12. Hawxx

    Hawxx Haxor

    Hawxx submitted a new resource:

    [CTF] Hawxx CTF 1 (No Name) - Two dried out lakes with overgrown bushes with two mountains that have a little lake.

    Read more about this resource...
    WarrFork and Asu like this.
  13. Hawxx

    Hawxx Haxor

    Hawxx submitted a new resource:

    [CTF] Cliffs, Craters and Mountains. - You spawn in a cliff side and you face yourself with spiky mountains and lots of craters!

    Read more about this resource...
    butterscotch and Asu like this.
  14. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    Good map.
    Lots of details, good ore placement, very nice flag placement too.
    Maybe a bigger sea at middle? Then warboats / longboats are not useless.
  15. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    Very nice too but should need more terraforming precision ( Too linear for me )
    Hawxx likes this.
  16. Hawxx

    Hawxx Haxor

    Hmm, I actually intended it to be a little shallow lake, but I'll make a separate version sometime with a filled lake. )
  17. Hawxx

    Hawxx Haxor

    Well I could re-make it some day since I'm better now, I had quit map making for like 2 months then went back to it and that's how I created this so I guess your right.
  18. That is very impressive, I'm no judge when it comes to these things, but that is really cool.25252525:migrant::yes:
    Hawxx likes this.
  19. I like the set-up, if I had a CTF server, this map would be the first on it. ;)
    Hawxx likes this.
  20. merged all your map threads as you have already made on map thread for yourself, cheers