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Kami! Unlimted!

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Kurokitty, Aug 13, 2013.

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Mods: jackitch
  1. Kurokitty

    Kurokitty Naughty Black Kitten

    Server Name: Kami! CTF! * Holy vs Darkspawn *
    Player Slots: 32
    Gamemode: Capture the Flag (Might change at times)
    Server Location: Germany
    Max Ping: 450
    Global Moderation: On
    Unit Limit: Depends on amount of players

    Mostly just a clan server, but usually open to all players! Friendly and helpful moderators who will help you if you need anything.

    Server mods currently:
    Creator: Kurokitty
    Admins: Centurion_, CpDevil, Retrofit

    Looking forward to playing with you soon!
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2013
  2. RadioActive

    RadioActive Guest

    The server is very cool but not at night, I mean 22-1:00 GMT when I've time to play KAG. I noticed, the server is one of the most populated, most popular but there's no admins on it. Excellent gameplay is destroyed by the plague of griefers.
  3. Kurokitty

    Kurokitty Naughty Black Kitten

    Thanks, I'm still trying to get enough mods to keep the server clean. If you see any griefers feel free to report them to any of the names listed.
  4. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    So, where does one apply for admin? Do you want a PM?
  5. Trovald

    Trovald Shipwright

    ROMAN Centurion , ban me for building wall over the base. This is not allowed for your server? I didn't see any rules what was disallow it.
    p.s. Sorry for my english if it's wrong. This is not my native language
  6. RadioActive

    RadioActive Guest

    If you built a wall that slows down or blocks your teammates, you can be banned. I've seen you yesterday on the server when there were three griefers. IDK, I'm not sure if you was one of them, but this is why I can't play.. If you don't know how to built - learn it or start to play as a knight or archer.

    Btw. since my last post in this thread still there's no admins on the server. I've seen Centurion and Pottyprof (not sure if he was on this server :) ).
    This means that global guards have no power to ban cheaters and griefers? Why? At least on the IRC I could ask for help.
  7. Trovald

    Trovald Shipwright

    First, i really build construction that can be easily destroyed, but other builder strengthened its. Few minutes after Centurion has come to our team, look to it, and ban me.
  8. RadioActive

    RadioActive Guest

    So ask him! Centurion knows best. He doesn't get notifications from this topic so you should ask him by sending a PM or write sth on his profile.
  9. Kurokitty

    Kurokitty Naughty Black Kitten

    Yes, just pming me would be best at the current time.
  10. owthathurts

    owthathurts Shark Slayer

    welp, sent a PM regarding said admin application.. no replies as of yet :<
  11. Sammy257

    Sammy257 Shopkeep Stealer

    Can you ban Brave Builder?
    He's been griefing his own team by; killing his teammates, letting enemies in, spamming the spawn with stone, not allowing us to use our shops (for example the tunnel) and destroying the base.

    Here are some snapshots:

    screen-13-10-01-12-54-44.png screen-13-10-01-12-54-52.png

    I've got roughly 15 more snapshots of him griefing if this is not enough.
  12. Kurokitty

    Kurokitty Naughty Black Kitten

    Thank you for the report, will look into it.
  13. Sammy257

    Sammy257 Shopkeep Stealer

    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 3, 2013, Original Post Date: Oct 2, 2013 ---
    This map is quite big.
    Samuels Map.png
  14. Retrofit

    Retrofit Kami go bye bye Donator

    Say, sammy, do you make maps allot?
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 3, 2013 ---
    Its a bit tooo big, but.. talent.
  15. Chumind

    Chumind Bison Rider

    Perma ban "Seung"

    He is a greifer! Do i need to provide logs
  16. RadioActive

    RadioActive Guest

    I know 10-15 nicknames of the people who griefed like this one but I'm too lazy to take screenshots. Moreover, it's the role of admins who are almost always absent. If they join, they are online for a few minutes.

    Btw. Awesome map Sammy! =]
  17. Retrofit

    Retrofit Kami go bye bye Donator


    Well we trust you, a bit. But for everyone , you cant just shout " he is a greifer" and expect them to be insta banned, we need evidence.

    We try... we have had to hire admins who are not even in kami, just cause kami people are so unreliable
  18. RadioActive

    RadioActive Guest

    Yes, I see. I posted about this problem 2-3 weeks ago and still there's no new admins
    We really need them. This server is the most populated so griefers love it.
    As i can see 2 dudes in this thread said that want to be the admin. Idk how many sent applications in PMs but it must be hard to Kurokitty and others to decide and select them.

    We can't play there. Seriously many people can tell you that. How long we have to wait?
    Kuro should kicks in the ass of those lazy admins (not all) and tell them to play more often.
  19. Kurokitty

    Kurokitty Naughty Black Kitten

    I'm trying to get active people. However it seems like after people get admin position and play 1 day, they're never seen again.
  20. Chumind

    Chumind Bison Rider

    Kuro hire me :D

    Im on like 3 hours after school.
Mods: jackitch
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