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War Boat.

Discussion in 'Archive' started by pixelant, Oct 14, 2013.

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  1. pixelant

    pixelant Catapult Fodder


    I have a problem here, I have no idea how to change the direction of the war boat. There is always ship beak to the right. Can someone explain this?
    I tried to press left but it doesn't work.
  2. kilmanio

    kilmanio Arsonist

    Please use this form for bug reports. link
    And this should go into the help section. link
  3. Jlordo

    Jlordo Nobody Donator

    I dunno if this was intentional, but you need 2 rowers going the same direction to turn the war boat. If you just have one person rowing, it won't change the direction of the sprite.
    pixelant and Guitarman like this.
  4. pixelant

    pixelant Catapult Fodder

    Thank you very much ;D
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