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Roll to Dodge I: Insert Fancy Subtitle Here

Discussion in 'Spamcan' started by tlc2011, Oct 24, 2013.

  1. tlc2011

    tlc2011 Base Burner



    I've seen the forum game style "Roll to Dodge" on other forums, and I liked it. So, basically, I'm bringing it over here.

    So, RtD is basically:

    1: Detail what your character does, if you so choose to make one rather then just jumping in and making it up as you go along.

    2: I head over to Random.org and roll for a number between 1 and 6.

    3: Depending on the number, something happens. For example:

    User: I kick the golem in the groin.

    Me: Hmm. -2 because it's made of stone, so 2. You successfully injure your foot attacking the golem. Now what?

    So... yeah.

    I'm just gonna drop a list of things that happen depending on the numbers, and then the plot, and we'll start.

    1: Critical Failure. More likely to kill yourself by sleeping when I roll a 1 then get any rest at all.

    2: Failure. Something bad happens. For example, if you're fighting, you drop your sword by accident and are incapable of attacking for a single round.

    3: Neutral. Nothing bad or good happens, but you waste a round.

    4: Success. You... Well, you succeed at whatever you're doing.

    5: Critical Success. If you're fighting and you roll this, you win the battle. From simply dodging the nigh-unavoidable laser cannon to successfully shooting a photon torpedo down the exhaust port of the nigh-invincible spaceship, if you roll a 5 you win.

    6: Overshoot. If you roll this, you're either damn lucky or fucked. Suffice to say, you do something better then you need to. For example, if you mean to disarm someone you literally disarm them, as in you chop their arm off. Needless to say, this can result in deaths as often as a critical failure.

    Plot: The evil Count Ason has kidnapped the princess of Veryald. You are a mercenary with little money hired by the King to rescue the princess. However, in order to do so you must brave the Barren Wastelands and Ason's tower, both of which are filled with a variety of nasty things.

    That's the entirety of the starter plot. More will be added as we go on.

    So... anybody up for it?
  2. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    This sounds interesting. Of course, being an interesting kind of fellow, I shall put on my adventuring hat, a nifty green felt fedora, and attempt to perch it at a jaunty angle upon my head. My character wears a hat, a nifty green felt one, in case you didn't realise.
  3. tlc2011

    tlc2011 Base Burner


    You place your hat on your head at such an angle that it makes you look nicer. 1+ to everything involving charisma or otherwise looking nice unless you lose the hat.
  4. TEMUTAI: Are these crowns awesome OR WHAT?!

    PO: I know, right?!

    TEMUTAI: Have you tried it at a jaunty angle?

    PO: [Points to his crown.] Livin' it!

    Anyway, how do the stats work?
  5. tlc2011

    tlc2011 Base Burner


    Well, there is no leveling up or real stats, per se. Instead, you can try to do a variety of things to boost your skills, most of which have a temporary effect, though Critical Successes and Overshoots are often semi-permanent. A failure reduces your skills, and is generally undesirable.

    Lemme just give you some examples:


    Player: I focus on how to cook.

    I roll a 6

    Me: You focus. Suddenly, there is a burst of knowledge in your brain. You are now a master chef. +3 to cooking all food you're familiar with and +2 to everything you're not familiar with.


    Player: I practice my swordplay.

    I roll a 1

    Me: The sword falls out of your hand halfway out of the scabbard and chops it off. -3 to everything hand-related.

    Skills are, in a nutshell, how skilled you are at things. If you otherwise improve yourself, you still only get bonuses to skills, because stats don't exist in this game.

    For example on how skills work:

    Minus Skill:

    Player: I attack the minotaur.

    I roll a 6. Since the player has a -4, it goes down to 2.

    Me: Okay, 2. You attempt to hit the minotaur with your sword and instead bash yourself in the head with the handle. You are dazed.

    No Skill:

    Player: I attack the minotaur.

    I roll a 4.

    Me: Okay, 4. You attack. Your sword slices its finger off, but the minotaur is just angrier.

    Plus Skill:

    Player: I attack the minotaur.

    I roll a 4. Since the player has a +1, it goes up to 5.

    Me: Okay, 5. You charge at the minotaur, running along the wall and jumping onto its neck. You break off one of its horns and stab it in the back of the neck with it, dealing a fatal blow. The minotaur is now dead.

    Is that detailed enough?