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KAG [Sandbox] Spawning inf resources when certain keys are pressed

Discussion in 'Help' started by BloodStalker, Oct 27, 2013.

Mods: makmoud98, Mazey
  1. BloodStalker

    BloodStalker Haxor

    First of all, hello to everybody, thanks for entering this thread. My problem is that I cant play Sandbox without spawning resources on the ground. Some keys on the keyboard spawns resources when you press then and it conflicts with my key configuration layout. Does it have a way to disable "Spawning resources when you press x key"? Thats the only problem I got. (sorry if I spell something wrong, english isnt my main language).
    Thanks for the attention.
  2. Jlordo

    Jlordo Nobody Donator

    I don't think there is a way to disable hotkeys in sandbox, but out of curiosity, what kind of layout are you using to hit the x key? I don't believe it's a default control.
  3. BloodStalker

    BloodStalker Haxor

    Well, I mixed the Half-Life style to the defalt because I play better this way:
    • W=Jump
    • A=Left
    • S=Down
    • D=Right
    • F=Show Inv
    • G=Drop
    • Q=Emoticons
    • E=Action
  4. Jlordo

    Jlordo Nobody Donator

    Isn't that default? And I don't see the [X] key being used.
  5. BloodStalker

    BloodStalker Haxor

    I deleted the Editor.as in Sandbox\gamemode.cfg as you said and it worked. Thanks for helping me. I think the thread can be closed.
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 28, 2013 ---
    Oh no, I said X as a way to generally speak, like when I pressed G and it spawned lots of wood from my cursor.
    Jlordo and norill like this.
Mods: makmoud98, Mazey