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[928] The problem with bombjumping.

Discussion in 'Knight' started by Vania, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. Rawrzor

    Rawrzor Catapult Fodder

    Am i the only one that finds these knights bombing themselves up extremely high walls just rediculous ? I mean i don't feel making this a real experience of the middleages would be fun, but this is just taking the piss.

    As builder allot of times i wonder why i even go through the trouble of building def when a knight can just jump on top with his bombs and after that muller the entire town and drop his extra bombs to destroy everything.

    the game is really fun when people just play normally and rush the base as they should, but gets boring extremely fast when you see 3 knights just jumping over every defence made.

    Most likely this mechanic has been around for a while in this game, but it atleast gave me a hint as why the population in this game is so low. It's really a fun game, but this bomb running ruins any fun you could have as archer or builder making knight the only class that's a 100 % viable.

    Oh well it's mostly likely here to stay, but an eyesore in what for the rest is a enjoyable game.
  2. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    Merged your thread over here, since it's the same
    So apparantly the answer is no.
  3. Rawrzor

    Rawrzor Catapult Fodder

    apparently the awnser is yes or did you not read the thread you just merged mine with ?
  4. the answer is "no" for people who have an idea how to play and "yes" for people who are 11 and what is this

    most people seem to forget that if you make a proper base, a bombjumping knight isnt even able to do anything
    UnnamedPlayer, eamono and Guitarman like this.
  5. eamono

    eamono Arsonist

    uuh *hello* grapple hooks make it easier to climb towers than bomb jumps do, neither of them need any major changes though so it doesn't matter, if I bomb jumped into a well built base the worst I could do kill a builder before getting trapped between closed doors until a knight kills me. Build better bases
  6. Rawrzor

    Rawrzor Catapult Fodder

    Ah so a mature thing to do is simply insult first in crippled english and explain normal facts later. Who is the 11 year old i wonder ? Sorry your comment will be dismissed untill you can reply normally in 1 go. Try discussing things normal it's not that hard.
    --- Double Post Merged, Nov 1, 2013, Original Post Date: Nov 1, 2013 ---
    I agree that archers can climb over all walls at any time, but they lack the "omgwtfpwn" factor that knights have. Sure some skill is needed to do this, but once attained it gets way too OP compared to the archer or builder.

    I have seen a really REALLY good archer one of the last rounds i played. Still he couldn't hold a candle vs a normal knight. I fear the day this guy will play a knight.
  7. eamono

    eamono Arsonist


    no need to specifically dismiss ej's comment, of you had been listening to any of these comments you would realize that bomb-jumping is not OP and this thread would have been over 2 pages ago

    oh yes now we can all take you seriously and this completely validates your point /sarcasm
  8. Raelian

    Raelian Bison Rider

    Although I agree that knights have very high potential in causing mayhem (and can be a one man army) when used properly, bomb jumping really isn't the problem. All that bomb jumping does is help get the knight from point A to B. From there on it really depends on the knight and how well made the base is.

    If you've left all your workshops uncovered and even your tower then yes, a bomb jumping knight can cause all kinds of havoc by buying a keg from your own shop and destroying your buildings but in the end, if such a thing occurs, you have only yourself and your team mates to blame for not bothering to seal your own workshops.

    Every time I play I keep shouting in team chat for builders to seal off the workshops so enemy archers/knights can't use them against us but my words usually fall on deaf ears.
  9. Rawrzor

    Rawrzor Catapult Fodder

    The point of it being OP or not is a personal oppinion and we can discuss about it untill the end of time which i don't mind doing.

    On the other side the server list doesn't lie when it comes to the ammount of players that are currently playing the game.

    Now why would that be ? As i said it's a very enjoyable game in essence and should be more popular (which is a compliment when read well). Just every time one of these knights jumps over all the def to simply massacre everybody behind it is an annoyance. A general rule to this is ... when it is a annoyance to you most likely more people share this annoyance.

    A big annoyance towards a certain game mechanic results in low population which you see in allot of online games. Ofcourse you won't see allot of posts about this on the forum, since everybody who didn't like it already left.
  10. so youre saying you gonna complain on knights owning you for next 50 pages?


    also my sides when "people quit because bombjumping is op"
    i think ill quit this thread at this point, have fun during next 3 months
  11. Rawrzor

    Rawrzor Catapult Fodder

    I will be very honest and tell you i don't even touch the builder class in this game simply because i feel they rely the most on their team of all chars. Yet most of the times nobody protects them and chase after that one archer with 5 knights. Secondly i simply lack the creativity to build something remotely usefull as of now.

    Meh all in all this discussion probably already has been done a 10000 times. I notice that most people here reply overly defensive on the first response they give. The others reply with counter tactics like seasoned vets (like you). I will drop the discussion as the small community that is left has embraced the bombjumping entirely.

    Atleast thanks for the normal reply raelian. This was helpfull and usefull.
  12. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    i some time ago suggested that archers get bigger special ammo stacks while bombjumps would be slightly nerfed.
    it was shot into the ground

    but clearly archers still need something to aid their team with

    How about all classes being able to climb friendly arrows, not just archers?
  13. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Archers definitely still need addressing. Hmmm taking a note from Classic Gather maybe archers could be better at gaining money. In Gather a major function of archers was the ability to accumulate money much better than the other classes allowing them to generate the necessary coin for bombs (as you couldn't change class and every enemy was fairly competent it was difficult for knights to earn coin themselves). That way archers could be useful for getting kegs and catas and all that.
  14. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    That'd be fine too imo. It doesn't exactly reward taking any risks as your best bet to cash it is to sit in a tower and plink unsuspecting knights, but oh well, at least they'd be much more viable.

    I consider myself pretty good with arrows as I hit most of them, yet I have to constantly go farm as a builder to get arrows.

    Unrestricting arrowclimbing from just archers to all classes would be great as well, though it might hinder the necessity of battle builders a bit.
  15. Rawrzor

    Rawrzor Catapult Fodder

    Be professional "global admin". This game is in beta and this forum is to discuss said beta. In your first post you already flamed me without reason. In this post you're still (indirect) trying to provoke me.

    What is it exactly that you are trying to prove by flaming/provoking ?
  16. Yagger

    Yagger Kouji's bitch 5eva Staff Alumni Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    global mod is nothing but a title at the most (with the occasional deleting of posts / warning)

    you're not exactly contributing to the topic either.

    people who call bombjumping OP and should be removed have obviously never been a knight stuck in a corner / hole / tower and only being able to escape due to bomb-jumping. there's a limit on how far you can jump, and how decently you can time it and do it is another major factor. anyone competent enough can stop a bomb-jumper in the air or before he even takes off.
    Apronymous likes this.
  17. Raelian

    Raelian Bison Rider

    I'll have to agree with you on that one. Archers seem to be lacking in efficiency when compared to the knight and builder while their "support" role seems to be given mostly since they can't do anything alone and have to rely on backing other classes despite being somewhat sub-par even on that. Except maybe for very specific scenarios such as breaching walls, destroying catas/ballista.

    Gaining more coin would also mean that they can buy special ammo (bomb/water/fire arrows) much faster and often but is that really a good thing? Having the class rely so much on it's special ammo and coin? Then again, it's still an improvement so I can't complain about that.

    We also went somewhat off topic but this but, eh I feel this issue needs to be addressed either way.
  18. i was trying to shut down another pointless discussion which was started by someone not being able to deal w/ one of the game's fundamental mechanics.
    im not going to argue with you as i view it as pointless. you have stated that you dont like bombjumping, cant beat it and you will not drop the idea of it being op. you are the one who doesnt want to discuss. in fact you even said you werent going to discuss (quite ironic if you consider the "this forum is to discuss said beta" part of your post)

    im not provoking anyone. i just want people to finally get over themselves and learn to play the game properly instead of losing to some gimmick, coming to the forums to cry and then have another 30 pages long thread where people who have no idea about the game argue with ones that could beat them with any class, any time of the day.

    in fact, i think that saying "apparently the awnser is yes or did you not read the thread you just merged mine with ?" to an admin who did merge your thread and did not warn you for not using the search function is actually more of provoking and passively aggressive behavior than what i said.

    what is exactly that you are trying to prove by saying that you know that bombjumping is op and most people dont enjoy it? what are you trying to achieve but derailing the discussion of the topic of bombjumping? what are you trying to achieve by saying "im right i wont talk to you"?

    again, i am not going to reply in this thread because i think that contrary already feeds it enough. i replied only because you directed your entire post at me. i replied to it and now im gone. if you want to talk more to me, pm me and dont off-top here.

    e: ninja'd by yagger
    e2: actually, why is anyone still posting here? contrarys 1st post should have cut this "discussion" short
    e3: moved the thread to C&M
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2013
    Contrary and Kouji like this.
  19. Rawrzor

    Rawrzor Catapult Fodder

    That comment wasn't directed at you so why do you feel the need to respond on it\explain it for him ?

    That aside i never said i wanted it totally removed or not leave them any other options (and even if i did this would be my oppinion which is in its own way contributing).

    Removing bombjumps and giving them a sort of a tool you could buy that lets them jump higher would be ok aswell. Just not as high as they can currently get with the double bombjump. It would cost them extra slots so they would have to choose if they want to be able to destroy walls with bombs or mount the walls to try and kill the people behind it (or a small combo of both).
  20. eamono

    eamono Arsonist

    Yes dumbass the one thing you don't like about the game is the reason that we only have a couple thousand players, its definetly not because we're AN INDIE GAME THATS NOT ON STEAM WITH NO ADVERTISING!

    wow dude your trying to hard to be right, im outa this thread, have fun :/
    Guitarman likes this.