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Reloading scripts question

Discussion in 'Modding Help' started by KaBooM, Nov 9, 2013.

  1. KaBooM

    KaBooM Horde Gibber

    Can you reload mod scripts on fly, when server is running? So that you don't need to restart whole server to apply changes.
    I've tried setting g_reloadfiles_count and g_reloadfiles_wait to 5, but nothing seems to happen. :X3:
    (sv_test is 1)
  2. VanHuek

    VanHuek KAG Guard Tester

    Should do it automatically. Just to check you aren't playing the steam version and editing non-steam version? And you are editing .as files?
  3. KaBooM

    KaBooM Horde Gibber

    Not playing steam version, and yes I'm editing .as files. It doesn't seem to reload them at all, before I close and restart server. I tried files Mod folder and Base folder. Should they reload immediately when files are changed and saved?
    Or is there some setting in autoconfig.cfg, that I have to set? (other that sv_test)
    --- Double Post Merged, Nov 11, 2013, Original Post Date: Nov 10, 2013 ---
    Okay, I found out why it was. I was running dedicated server, it doesn't reload them there. It works well in Solo Sandbox. ::): :yes: