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Archer changes general

Discussion in 'Balance' started by Landoo2, Oct 31, 2013.


should there be arrows that do more damage then just 1 heart?

  1. yes, but they should cost much

    15 vote(s)
  2. yes, because 4 arrows are too much to kill a knight

    38 vote(s)
  3. no, because archers are already overpowered

    28 vote(s)
  4. no, because ..... (post your reason in the thred pls)

    19 vote(s)
  1. Crabmaster

    Crabmaster Bison Rider
    1. Zen Laboratories

    Which is exactly why I suggest a slight increase (2-5 extra blocks of range and no more than that) to the shield stun on legolas shots.
  2. RogueCupcake

    RogueCupcake Haxor Official Server Admin

    I don't know about that, I rage enough with the knock back the arrows do when archers do the legolas shot. It is very annoying!
  3. Aeynia

    Aeynia Obligatory Mute Girl Donator

    I get annoyed when I land all three shots, only to realize they did absolutely nothing because of a shield.

    I guess the simple fact of the matter is that the shield and knockback arrows are useful to use, but they aren't fun to play against.
  4. RogueCupcake

    RogueCupcake Haxor Official Server Admin

    100% true!
  5. steve_jobs

    steve_jobs Bison Rider

    This thread has a problem. We have eight good pages arguing (not debating) about what to do about archers, but everybody had different opinions about what archers should be. If I know the internet, people simply don't follow logic. No matter how much of the stuff you cram down their throats, people will always be bias to their own opinion, including me.
    In the end, the final decision is made by Geti and MM. They haven't responded to this thread yet, and as there is so much varying opinions, and unnecessary pages of arguing, I doubt he can be bothered reading all of it. I don't blame him.

    If you want to be heard, make a separate thread for each of you suggestions, so if he sees one that might work, or they might be interested in trying, he can click on it and read some details.
  6. Aeynia

    Aeynia Obligatory Mute Girl Donator

    That sounds like a good idea until you have dozens of threads - many of which are similar ideas and it becomes much harder for the staff to moderate :P

    But here's what most people seem to be agreeing on:
    • Very slightly increasing shield breaking range (2-5 blocks max)
    • Increasing arrow damage to 1.5 hearts
    • Decreasing gold costs for special arrows and slightly increasing stack size for special arrows.
    • Removing arrow spread
    All of which seem reasonable, but of course would need to be tested. Except arrow spread, that should really be a given - there's no skill in RNG.
    Scynix and Crabmaster like this.
  7. One

    One I got 99 problems and my name is One Donator Tester

    Whats the point? We don't want to fill the thread with 8+ different archer bitch threads. We only need one.
  8. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Ok. Its been a bit since last time I posted in this thread. So far we have made 0% progress into actually coming up with a solution.

    Most of the major suggestions made:

    Increased HP
    Better Stun
    Better Accuracy
    Increased Firing Distance
    Longer Grappling Hook
    More Damage from Arrows
    Cheaper Prices on Items
    Faster Running Speeds
    Increased Effects from Special Arrows

    If I missed anything let me know.

    I suggest we stick to the few suggestions I have compiled here. This is a general suggestion for archer thread. If you have any unique or special ones that you don't think could be classified as general changes, post them in their own thread.

    Now to stay on subject, I would suggest only talking about the ones that I have listed.

    Now. For my own opinion.

    I think HP is a good thing to add. Bumping up archers hp by 1 heart would be nice. Keeps them from dieing for slashes.

    Armour is kinda dumb.

    Better stun is ok, though, I think it would change the gameplay too much and make archer as OP as he was in Classic. Especially now since he has his triple arrow shot.

    Better accuracy, both with legolas and regular shots would be a good thing to add.

    Increased Firing Distance would also work well.

    Longer Grappling Hook wouldn't change much. I think it would be a good idea to test on a modded server before trying it on official servers.

    Increased damage is out of the question

    Cheaper prices for bomb arrows I think would be a good idea.

    Faster running and swimming speeds would be good. Adds to the archer's offensive and defensive capabilities.

    Increased stun on water arrows would be good. Also increasing the stun radius would be a good buff.
  9. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Everyone disregard any balance suggestions made by this man.
    Superblackcat, Aeynia and Contrary like this.
  10. Raelian

    Raelian Bison Rider

    I'd agree with the extra health, range and accuracy only, everything else seems pointless or it would do more harm than good.

    The increase water arrow stun/radius sounds like a bad idea, making archers faster is pointless since they can escape pretty quickly using the grappling hook. Except maybe on water but then builders would be the slowest so yeah, unfair for them. Bomb arrows are already powerful so I wouldn't advice making them cheaper, I rather see people use them in a smart way than spam with triple shot.

    I find the damage buff essential because even if you add the better accuracy, longer firing distance it still isn't work jack if you can't get past those damn impervious shields. The damage buff atleast helps make archers more useful in taking down other targets and a bit more threatening when they finally do manage to get a hit.

    Overall I find it kinda shitty that I have to priorities damage increase instead of better accuracy/range but given how archers can only do reliable damage at close range, when you knock down a knight's shield, I guess its the only way to deal how archers have been made in beta.
  11. Landoo2

    Landoo2 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    ok guys, i didnt read all those posts, cause i was too lazy, but like i see that, is the opinion with that, that 4 arrows are easily too much, the most chosen one. i see too that many guys chosse that, that archers are already overpowered, in my opinion they arent. An archer needs 4 aimed arrows to kill a knight, a knight needs 1 slash to get them, and you dont have to be skillfull for this, my idea of the deadlier arrows was, to give the new guys, and the old players some more chances, because i really love the archer class and i dont want it to get under numbered, because i already see many more knights then archers.
    Crabmaster likes this.
  12. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    How bout faster arrows? Gives knights less time to react to an archer's shot. That, along with more accuracy and further firing distance might be enough of a buff to make it fair.

    Also, maybe its just me, but I have never had a problem with water arrow stuns. I rarely am ever stunned by them so if you disagree you probably have more experience with them than I do.
  13. H3llO

    H3llO Shopkeep Stealer

    Sure Archer is against an equaly good knight always in disadvantage but thats how it should be. Don't change major things because it would probably decrease the balancing.
    ->not stealth, the archer are invisible enough. i tricked so many enemies as Archer. find a good tree, attach grapple hook to the peek of the tree and be sure no enemie noticed you gettin in the tree. Play dead works better if you hide behind an enemy corpse...
  14. Landoo2

    Landoo2 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    nah, faster arrows wont be good, its already now very unlogically to spam arrows that fast, they need 2 seconds or so to load...
  15. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    He said faster arrows, not drawtime.
    Duplolas likes this.
  16. Raelian

    Raelian Bison Rider

    Just because you think it should be as such doesn't mean that everyone agrees with that sort of setup. I'd rather see archers take on knights and have the outcome decided by player skill and not some mechanical advantage one class might have over the other.

    On an unrelated topic I just noticed that 13 players voted that archers are OP. Wow, really? I would of understood if some would think they're 'fine as they are' but OP?

    I do hope those were just voted out of hate or as a joke because I'm starting to wonder more and more regarding the definition of 'balance' some of the KAG community members seem to have.
    bobotype likes this.
  17. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    That was me :X3:
  18. Aeynia

    Aeynia Obligatory Mute Girl Donator

    Faster arrows are pointless when the knight approaches with shield up.

    You mean the corpses that knights slash to bits for fun? :P
  19. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    I rarely ever approach with my shield up. You move slower that way. To be good at knight you need to time your shielding right when the arrows are hitting so you aren't left incapable of offensive attacks.
  20. Aeynia

    Aeynia Obligatory Mute Girl Donator

    As soon as any knight sees me readying an arrow, I see shields go up.
    Scynix likes this.