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KAG Unable to play/login from Steam

Discussion in 'Help' started by rockettier, Nov 13, 2013.

Mods: makmoud98, Mazey
  1. rockettier

    rockettier Catapult Fodder

    I purchased KAG on Steam earlier today but have been unable to log in or play. I read the FAQ, searched for similar topics (found some but all they said to do was reboot - which I have done with the game client, steam, and computer, multiple times), and have done everything else I can think of. There should be nothing blocking the client from accessing the internet either, but how would I go about double-checking that?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    KAG Errors.png
    class101 likes this.
  2. class101

    class101 KAG Lover Donator

    There is a wrong character in your steam name, way to fix, create your account without special char, and hit Link to Existing Account

    I had the same problem because im starting my steam username with a hidden hyphen
    UnnamedPlayer likes this.
  3. rockettier

    rockettier Catapult Fodder

    My username only has letters in it, though...and I've tried with only lowercase and with upper case.
  4. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Something in your PC is apparently blocking the API calls. On MAC parental controls were doing it. Here I'm totally lost now. Do you have any firewall running? Try disabling it. What is your operating system?
  5. rockettier

    rockettier Catapult Fodder

    I'm on Windows 7, I'll try to find any firewalls that could be halting it, though. Thanks!
  6. Dopeflash

    Dopeflash Catapult Fodder

    Same Prolem here. The program is alowed to comunicate and i had it running yesterday all night. and sudently i get exact the same maseges as screen´d above. so it cant be an isue with the firewall or the my acout name which by the way only has letters. Any other sugestions what could be the problem ?
    Sorry for the spelling im dislexic
Mods: makmoud98, Mazey