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[928] The problem with bombjumping.

Discussion in 'Knight' started by Vania, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. SamuraiCupcake

    SamuraiCupcake Builder Stabber

    Using the archer correctly is a really long learning curve. The main rule you gotta learn is that you must run away ALL THE TIME. Newbies don't exactly know this, and many don't even know they have a grappling hook. The only moment that is relatively safe to get close to a knight is when your triple shot is charged, and to get time to charge you either have to backpedal, or hide behind a door.
    Otherwise, you stick to heights. But even then, you aren't safe. Many games I've bombjumped over to some camping archers, and they didn't even seem to notice me. I sat there next to them for like 2 seconds, before I got a triple-kill with one slash.
    That is the main issue I guess : archers are super-squishy. You have to do everything you can to stay out of harms way. But if you master the tools at their disposal they are really useful. Its often easier to capture a flag by swinging like Tarzan, out of reach, then firing one or two bomb arrows at the flag box and snatching it.
  2. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk gaurenteed shitter

    I think the main issue I have with Archer right now is it doesn't really suit my playstyle, which I can describe effectively in one word: sniping.

    I really miss having the ability to snipe people. If you try to snipe nowadays, you do 1 damage and then all the Knights raise their shields. Makes me sad. ::(:

    That said, I am adjusting to the new Archer, but I don't really like it as much. I kind of wish the devs would implement different weapon loadouts for that very reason; so people with varying playstyles could still be satisfied playing the game.
  3. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay


    You run away when three knights are charging you by yourself. You stand your ground and charge-shot stun a single knight coming your way by GETTING IN CLOSER. Today I watched as the archers kept running away, futiley charging their shots while maintaining a 5 tile or greater distance from the knights, making their shots worthless. Terrible strategy, 0/10. A single archer can hold off a knight until help arrives, or even possibly distract two or more knights and annoying them, with the proper movement strategy.
  4. mari_kiri

    mari_kiri Catapult Fodder

    They have. It's called "going to a shop."

    But really, does a game need to have every single possible class and loadout under the sun? Of course not! It adds unnecessary complexity, which results in really really horrible imbalances.

    Of course, if you really want something, you can always code a mod. And don't give me the "but I can't code" excuse. Have you tried looking at files and changing little things and seeing what happens? It'll help you to get a footing.
  5. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    I hate it when people say this. It isn't our job to fix the game. For unnecessary requests like "star wars mode" or whatever sure, but for actual fundamental problems with the game like the woeful state of archer- well it's the devs job to address that.
    Crabmaster and Nighthawk like this.
  6. SamuraiCupcake

    SamuraiCupcake Builder Stabber

    True, if you can manage to charge your shot before the knight is on you, you can hold your ground. But if there's more than one knight, you're pretty much ****ed if you don't hightail it. A good tactic I've found when dealing with multiple knights is to find high ground (if there is any), triple shot some water arrows at them, then jump on the head of one dude while at the same time firing some shots, then jump away immediately with the grappling hook.

    Also, if you use your grappling hook on the ground, its sorta like a sprint function.
  7. H3llO

    H3llO Shopkeep Stealer
