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King Arthurs (Himself)

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by joshua4637, Nov 14, 2013.


Should this be implemented

  1. Yes

  2. Nah

Mods: Rainbows
  1. I've been thinking why is this game called when in it there is basically no references to him at all NOT EVEN IN SINGLEPLAYER! SO what i was thinking why not u be crowned king arthur in the end of the
    campaign and start out as young arthur to MAKE A LITTLE MORE MEANING ya know what i mean???
  2. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    First of all, there's no real campaign in the game. Those challenges are really not much than a little singleplayer mode or an advanced tutorial, because that's what it is. Next thing is, what would that namechange do?

    Also, this game itself was partially inspired by an old snes game (I think it was) called King Arthur's World, that's where they got that part of the name (I suppose).

    Anyway, there's a thread about a campaign mode in the suggestions list, why don't you check that one out and add your two cents to that idea? (I'd quote it, but that's kinda difficult on a phone)
    UnnamedPlayer likes this.
  3. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

  4. WeirdEarb

    WeirdEarb Catapult Fodder

    I´m thinking about a gamemode called

    Maybe like the RAMBO mode in Soldat. In the start a random player is King Arthur with a lot of hearths and special weapons. The rest is fighting against him. The guy who kills him gets King Arthur.
    Dont know if it will be really fun. Im also not a

    Kind of VIP Mode. A tiny team with KING A. is trying to run from the left side to the right side of the map. King Arthur himself has 10 hearths and is a kind of mobile respawn point. The other team has twice numbers.
    Everyone, except KING A can spawn only 3 times.

    Just raw ideas.
  5. JeysonMcfly

    JeysonMcfly Catapult Fodder

    Interesting ideas. However, I think the first game mode idea is a little under-developed.

    If someone were to be King Arthur, I'm assuming they'd be either Red or Blue and would obviously facing the other color respectively. But when the "King" is killed by a player, and that player becomes the "King", EVERYONE would have to then switch sides AND either a new map starts, AND/OR it becomes a never-ending all out killing spree to gain King Arthur's crown, as it were. Still, the first idea is a little one-sided.

    Now, there's not much to say about the second idea, except perhaps you could merge the two ideas and add a timer counting up.

    For example:
    -Game Mode- King Arthur's Last Stand (or something better)
    • Two teams, one team is composed of a slightly buffed King Arthur (6 hearts perhaps? and chosen at random OR either the last person to kill the previous king in a game) and perhaps 4 knights (depends on server capacity and number of players). The other team would consist of perhaps 10 players, all normal.
    • King Arthur and his men would be allowed a small fort or something from the start(or not) while the opposite team would not, and would have to build their fort from the ground up.
    • Build time of perhaps 120 seconds. (shorter if needed)
    • Use of tech tree?
    • King Arthur's team lasts as long as possible.
    • The attacking team assaults King Arthur's team.
    • Any of King Arthur's team that dies switches sides and joins the attacking team. (kind of like Zombie Tag when you were little.)
    • The game ends with the death of King Arthur.
    • After game concludes, teams are switched randomly, maintaining a similar ratio (attackers>defenders), and the player who kills Arthur is automatically made King Arthur.

    - While the attacking team does have an advantage in terms of manpower, the defense will already have a
    castle to start building off of, from where they may counter attack. So, I think that may balance gameplay

    - Also, to paraphrase: this would be an upwards timer displayed below the map.

    - And lastly, this game mode would be more for fun than for score.

    What do you guys think?
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2013
  6. 8x

    8x Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Realité Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    What WeirdEarb meant with the RAMBO mode is for DM, no teams. Like a HoldTheFlag Deathmatch mode, more like HoldTheCrown*; the more you stand as King ARthur, the more points you get or your kills get x2 in points.
  7. JeysonMcfly

    JeysonMcfly Catapult Fodder

    Ah. I get it now. However, it's still a "how long can you last" scenario.

    EDIT: I think I will suggest my first post as a new game mode.
  8. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk gaurenteed shitter

    KAG is by definition a competitive multiplayer game. There really doesn't need to be any sort of focus on singleplayer, nor is it likely that there will be. That is all I have to say on the subject.
    EhRa likes this.
  9. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    I dunno, I think having a singleplayer mode would be fun. In fact I would totally love to make a singleplayer campaign, though I'm waiting on the addition of further resources (map maker and maybe some enemies).
  10. 101i

    101i Haxor Forum Moderator Tester

    Dragons :o
  11. Infiniterising

    Infiniterising Amorous Duelist Donator

    Goblins. Trolls. Dragons. Giants. Hydras. Giant Eagles. Dinosaurs.

    Play as King Arthur and start out with a randomly generated castle.

    Castle is made up of "Throne room" where you respawn (you possess unlimited respawns), "Staging ground" where Troops are recruited (Dem Henries). The "Throne room" is on the very inner most of the castle, then walls and then the recruiting layer, then more walls. Castle is sieged by said above monsters.

    Resources is super-scarce, or there are too many creatures assaulting to make time to repair, but defenses can be buffed by hiring moar troops, and maybe special mercenaries that have random special stats, like extra hearts, or ballasta and catapults. A small marketplace exists inside castle and is randomly generated, and slowly upgrades itself per wave survived. Mercenaries and Improved "Tech" is available inside market. The marketplace will typically be in the same part of the castle as the "Staging Ground" or on the very outermost of the castle, protected by the front-most wall.

    Resources may be bought at marketplace and used to repair castle. The higher level the marketplace (The longer you survive) the more cost friendly resources are and better "Tech" and mercenaries can be bought.

    Map has Arthur's castle on one side of the map, while a haunted castle (Smaller) on the other, and inside lies the dreaded Necromancer, Sedgewick. Lmao.

    Game is won when your manage to build a large enough force and fights across and destroys the Necromancer's throne, where dem monsters spawn. (Mostly goblins, monsters are rare and occur maybe once every 10 waves.). Game is lost when your throne room is taken and destroyed.

    I think that this would be a better idea for Arthur, because instead of making him just a buffed knight, it gives the feeling of actually being a glorious king.

    Possible Multiplayer version when instead of a throne room, you have a roundtable, and everyone plays as one of Arthur's beloved knights.
    --- Double Post Merged, Nov 21, 2013, Original Post Date: Nov 21, 2013 ---
    Did I make it too big?
  12. 101i

    101i Haxor Forum Moderator Tester

    Tis' remindes me,
    Kag may have a sequel and singleplayer could play a large role in it, However for the current version of KAG, Multiplayer should be its strong point,
    (Look at Geti's Profile Page and there is a comment from me about this where he replies "We might do something like this for a different game, wont happen in KAG I'm afraid.")
    Just makes some mods, heard thats all Beta is good for :D
  13. Saigon

    Saigon Builder Stabber

    Something like that sounds really fun! Though you all look past one thing.. It's called King Arthur's Gold, which would reffer more to his gold than himself; some sort of gamemode where the 2 teams have to gather gold, and at the end of the round (timer) the team with the most gold wins! Gold is obtained through kills, smaller objectives (For example, maybe a large chest of gold is dropped in the middle of the map If this were to work, all blocks had to be made more expensive, as it then else would just become a matter of expanding the quickest. This idea was just off the top of my head, no thinking through really
  14. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    That is what the first gamemode of KAG was about.
  15. Saigon

    Saigon Builder Stabber

    Oh... Never played that XD Sorry, didn't know
  16. JaniKutscher

    JaniKutscher Builder Fan Donator

    Great.Add the king , it seems pretty nice :D
Mods: Rainbows