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[947] A Few Questions

Discussion in 'Classes & Mechanics' started by Trakasis, Nov 23, 2013.

  1. Trakasis

    Trakasis Catapult Fodder

    Hi, I'm new KAG, and I have a few questions. It would be really helpful if they were answered.

    -how to get bomb/fire arrows
    -how to ride sharks
    -how to get a better sword (I have a dagger, I've seen other people with longswords)
    -three arrows at once
    -something's production is maxed?
    -saw mills insta kill me?
    -multiplayer auto connects me (I like to browse)
    -length of researching time
    -why are soldier bombs so sucky?
    -lastly, keep getting pwned by vets

    Please answer some, would be super helpful!
  2. Yagger

    Yagger Kouji's bitch 5eva Staff Alumni Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Apronymous and Contrary like this.
  3. jackitch

    jackitch :(){ :|: & };: Global Moderator Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Get bomb / fire arrows by either collecting coins and buying them from the appropriate shop (in CTF) or by collecting them from the autodispensing shops (in TTH).
    To ride a shark furiously click down arrow when above one and hope it works.
    You can't get a better sword, it's just the animations you're seeing (unless the server is modded)
    To shoot three arrows in quick succession, hold down the left mouse button until you see a flash animation and then release and click quickly two times in succession.
    production maxed means you don't have enough migrants to work at all the factorys in TTH mode.
    saw mills instakill.... yes.
    multiplayer won't autoconnect you if you hit the browser button. Selecting either take the halls, ctf, or team deathmatch will autojoin you.
    the rest aren't questions, just statements.