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"Premium players cannot be kicked"

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bromite, Oct 28, 2011.

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  1. Bromite

    Bromite Shipwright

    What. The. Hell.
    So you're telling me that, just because these people paid money, they gain immunity to kicks? Why is that? I can understand getting new features if you paid, new modes, new features, etc. But immunity to kicks!? Earlier today, me and a few others guys were hard at work on a structure to help defend out base. While we're in the middle of building, two premium players come by and destroy our structure, just so they have room to build what THEY want! Naturally, if someone goes around destroying their teammates' stuff, they need to be kicked, but WHOOPS NEVER MIND THEIR PREMIUM PLAYERS AND THEY GET TO SHIT UP YOUR MATCH AND YOU CAN'T DO A DAMN THING ABOUT IT.
  2. Bandwagonman

    Bandwagonman Shopkeep Stealer

    I don't know if this is true, but I have no reason to doubt you.
    Doesn't seem fair to me.
  3. Bromite

    Bromite Shipwright

    It's true. Just go into any random game, open up the menu, mouse over "Vote" and you will see that Premium players cannot be kicked.
  4. Kyzak

    Kyzak Ballista Bolt Thrower Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Hi, hello!

    Without going into detail of this horrible, terrible thing that's happened, nobody's able to know who's in the wrong here. If these two dudes wrecked your giant, two block thick wall that slows down the team more than the enemy, they deserve praise. If they toppled your painstakingly built utilitarian fort, they've probably earned a slap on the wrist. The best advice I can give you is to post here with all of the relevant information.

    Ultimately, though, I must ask you to realize this is a very trivial thing to make noise about. If I were in your shoes, I'd suck it up and move on.
  5. Bromite

    Bromite Shipwright

    Well, I must ask you to make sure you actually talk about my main point, which was that, even without my example, Premium players being immune to kicks is an unnecessary feature which has no purpose whatsoever. I can only assume that, before reading my thread, you took a black marker, closed your eyes, and randomly scribbled over 80% of the text, then read what was left and based your reply on that. Perhaps a re-read is in order, yes?
    Bandwagonman likes this.
  6. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Do people use the votekick a lot? As you can understand I wouldn't really know.

    Anyways I'm 90% sure guards can kick premiums, even other guards. I usually see at least a few more guards whenever I play, so I'm assuming you see guards on most servers?

    If my ignorant assumptions are correct this is a non issue?

    But anyways I agree that on principle golds should not got kick immunity.

    edit: no need to be a dick, dude
    Neat likes this.
  7. Bromite

    Bromite Shipwright

    Well, the thing is, there just aren't enough guards to be everywhere at the same time, which is the point of the votekick, so players can kick people who are doing things like destroying other people's structures. Sure, most people who are willing to pay for gold aren't like that, but what about when people like that do get into games and start doing things like that? Well, the only thing to do is hope that a guard is around, but if there isn't, you're screwed. I challenge the developers to name one good reason that Golds should have kick immunity. ONE.
  8. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Well maybe the idea is that people who like the game enough to buy it are unlikely grief? Especially with the fact they'll have to re-buy the game if their gold account gets banned?

    I am pretty surprised gold people are griefing. Also I remember you being kind of a dick when I was in a game with you. Do you have relevant chat logs or anything? Screenshots? Anyone to back up your word?
  9. Kyzak

    Kyzak Ballista Bolt Thrower Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Then I will attempt to be more blunt! No, I do not believe buying the game entitles a person immunity to the consequences of being a jerkwad; I think it more of a temporary perk to draw customers in while KAG doesn't have much premium content to offer. However, my thoughts make very little difference on the matter, so I thought it wiser to handle an individual case instead of a cause. Ultimately, this feature is moderated by the public; if a premium dude griefs, he gets reported by one or more dudes with evidence, and then that dude's account is banned and $10 goes down the drain. Nobody particularly wants that.

    You're handling this very clumsily. Sooner or later you're going to offend someone and things will escalate far too much, so I'd appreciate it if you calmed down and stated your point with a bit more tact. This isn't a severe matter, please stop treating it like one.
  10. Bromite

    Bromite Shipwright

    I'm not treating it like a severe matter. Also, if you're so concerned about offending people then I suggest you stop telling people "Suck it up." Still, even though there is the aforementioned possibility of ten dollars down the drain, that still doesn't excuse them being immune to kicks. I mean, if they're still able to get banned later on, but what about right then? Let's say that there are two people on a server, they are both griefing, being rude, and just ruining the match in general for their teammates. Now, one of them is a free player, and the other is a Premium user. Now, one can instantly be kicked from the server, preventing them from ruining the game. The other cannot, so his entire team is at his mercy. Sure, they can be banned later, but that's no consolation to the people in the match, who are powerless to stop him. Basically, my main problem with this is that Premium members basically have control over a team's buildings. Make a guard tower to help defend your base? Well, better hope the Premium member likes it, or he'll tear it down just because. Are you part of a group of knights, tunneling underground towards the enemy base? Well, the premium member can block you off, and you can't kick him for undermining your progress. Did you just make a special platform in just the right position so you can put your catapult there for maximum efficiency? Well, the premium member can just snatch it up and take it to wherever he wants, and, surprise, surprise, he can't be kicked for any of these things. Also, your "Membership Perk" argument is also null, since nowhere on the premium page does it mention this little bonus. And, just incase you aren't convinced yet, here's what would happen if we make Premium members kickable:
    They aren't able to ruin even one match while the players wait for a guard to kick them.
    Guards won't have to waste their time going into servers specifically to kick/ban premium players
    There won't be any 12 year olds registering just so they can grief (Trust me, stuff like that happens all the time)

    Why do you need proof? The example is not important in the slightest. The only reason I put that there is to explain just how I found out that Premiums could not be kicked. I'm starting to regret even putting the example there if all people are going to do is talk about it instead of the actual argument.
    Bandwagonman likes this.
  11. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    No I said I agree with you dude- I don't think gold players should get ban immunity.

    It's just that you're kind of coming off as a dick. It's natural people will respond negatively.
    Noburu likes this.
  12. Bromite

    Bromite Shipwright

    I frankly don't understand why everyone thinks I'm being a dick. Is there still such a thing as jokes?
  13. Bandwagonman

    Bandwagonman Shopkeep Stealer

    I don't think you are being a dick, I laughed at the marker joke.
    I agree with you 100%, as long as premiums can't be banned by normal players, the game is at their mercy.
    It isn't the MOST urgent thing for the game, I'm more concerned with damage and shield bugs, but it needs to change too.
  14. Bromite

    Bromite Shipwright

    I know, if anything I would rather the devs iron out a number of things, like the aforementioned shield bugs (Because nothing is more saddening then knowing that you can practice blocking enemy attacks all day and still lose to a random shmuck spamming M1 and bunnyhopping.)
  15. Mathewson

    Mathewson Shopkeep Stealer

    there is no known case of a goldmember banned because of cheating/griefing/being a dick.
    Goldmember lose 10 Bucks if they dont behave normal. Because of that they have a Status with a little bit more trust from the Developers,
    so you cant kick them because goldmembers are Players which are understanding the basics of the game and have a 10 Dollar penalty if
    they grief/cheat.

    So the thing is: Goldmembers MUST!!! play normal or they can lose 10 Bucks.
    Sure if someone Griefs in a game and you cant kick him that sucks but just report him, you know he lose his money
    and you never see him again (maybe :P)
    Because of that normal Players cant kick them.... a Kick is for players who dont behave normal. (Grief/cheat)
    Goldmembers CAN'T do so without losing money so they have immunity from votekick.
    THERE IS NO KNOWN CASE OF A GOLDMEMBER getting banned for such things
    fair enough for me.

    I understand your point but if you think my points through it is not unfair. you can also think of it as a burden for goldmembers ;)

    Still there are mostly enough KAG Guards around, and i hope they will announce a dozen more of them ;)

    Still KAG guards of course can kick them.
  16. WillyBoy

    WillyBoy Shipwright

    Bromite, I agree with your argument, and people saying your being a dick are skirting the issue. Premium users shouldn't have immunity from kicks, that's it.

    And yeah, the guards can't be everywhere at once, so they're not a panacea.

    Anything relating to griefing and the systems for dealing with it, are a major issue, not a "trivial thing."

    If someone makes an honest and valid point, don't downplay it or be dismissive, sadly what this community tends to be I find.
  17. Bromite

    Bromite Shipwright

    See my previous post concerning the "They can still be banned" argument.
  18. Mathewson

    Mathewson Shopkeep Stealer

    yeah they can be banned later. but you will never see him again. whats the problem? did something like that happen to you?
    Did a goldmember block your way of? like i said, there is no known case something like that happening.

    your arguments are only based on "IF a goldmember does that and that...."
    thats no argument... your just assuming it.
  19. Bromite

    Bromite Shipwright

    And? Just because it hasn't happened yet does not mean it cannot happen. Name ONE reason people would benefit from not being able to kick Premium players.
  20. Mathewson

    Mathewson Shopkeep Stealer

    world war 3 hasnt happened too ;)

    THERE IS NO NEED dont you get it? the devs had that in mind because griefers where are real problem back then.
    you are playing the game a few days now and think it is unfair? well if you would have played from build 118 or so
    you would understand this feature much more. so stop bitchin. it never happend so there is no need to change it.
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