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Changing Grief Policy

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Duplolas, Nov 30, 2013.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    The griefing policy for reporting griefers needs a change. By keeping it in it's current state, more and more griefers will get away with what they do.

    Currently the policy for making grief reports is as follows:

    I don't agree with this. Saying that a video is needed to prove they are griefing doesn't make sense. I never have enough time to fire up my recorder before they leave, but always manage to capture a good amount of screen shots showing perfectly well that they did so.

    Here is an example.


    Look at the first 9 pictures on the page.

    These pictures show a player named Helious3D griefing before the round starts. He destroys our class workshops and is working on destroying the main base.

    He even says that
    He says this because I blew up the enemy's base, the team he was on's base, and the capped their flag in the previous round.

    In the previous round his brother switched to the team I was on and blocked me from capping their flag and almost causing them to retrieve their flag. We ended up vote kicking him. The next round the brother I caught griefing, Helious3D said,
    I try everything I can in game to stop them, saying that theyll get their account banned, lose all their money, obvious lies, but in some cases it stops them.

    The current grief report policy just isn't right. From the example I provided, you can easily determine that he was griefing. He admits to it. And gives reasoning to why he does. Why shouldn't this be enough?

    I also have two other reports that show perfectly well that a person is griefing, but they are only screenshots. It is important to change the policy so that more members of the KAG community can contribute and report easier.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2013
    Fate and Crabmaster like this.
  2. Jlordo

    Jlordo Nobody Donator

    Screenshots are very easy to modify to falsely accuse players. Videos are not.
  3. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    You can't modify a screenshot if it taken through steam. Every photo is put into your photo library, each one being unchangeable in any way.

    If I were to link a image, and not the photo library that contains each image, it could be modified, but not ones that are in the photo library.
    Fate likes this.
  4. Crabmaster

    Crabmaster Bison Rider
    1. Zen Laboratories

    I agree entirely, it is pretty annoying to deal with griefers and something new needs done.

    I guess this is a good place to post this quote from earlier and another idea I had. Click the spoiler for them.

    So yeah, enough photos and reports of a player should be able to be used in SOME way to moderate grief.

    The other idea I had was a sorta "ban stacking" idea. How it would work would be if you get kicked from a server you get the standard 30 minute ban(I think that is how long it is), but if you get kicked from the same server again within 24 hours you get a day ban, if you get kicked maybe x more times within a week you get a full week or even month ban. This would cause griefers to work a lot slower as to avoid long bans, if this could be too easily exploited then increase the number of kicks needed for these long bans.
    Ontop of this you could add it working for global bans. Get kicked from enough servers in 24 hours or a week and you get a long global ban.

    Do not make this effect pingbans...I get a lot of them and if pingbans were to stack like this I would be gone within a week!

    So yeah, those are my ideas on how to moderate things...for the second one you couldn't have too little a number of kicks cause the longer bans because I still see the kick system abused sometimes.
  5. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator


    Not only you people need proof when reporting someone - it's about stuff like money here. The KAG team is on a safer side if they only ban people (speaking of premiums) when having sufficient proof.
  6. ShnitzelKiller

    ShnitzelKiller Haxor

    It's not like they can be refunded anyway.
  7. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    I would think that typically you wouldn't permaban someone for just griefing. That a warning or tempban would be issued. In either case. Why not keep the grief report open? Instead of deleting it, allow others to submit proof. Then people are able to see they are under review and then can be on the look out for them. If enough people report them, then punishment can be issued.
  8. JaniKutscher

    JaniKutscher Builder Fan Donator

    The truth has been spoken.
    We need to change something .
    Its not okay that griefers can get away with all the bad mood they spread.
  9. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    I totally agree with OP.
    There should also be a new griefer / hacker reporting system. For example Pressing F3 for example, will still freeze ( For admins ) and also show a window for everyone ( Even admins ) for reporting people. It should take screenshot every second and those will not be modifiable and will be sent.
Mods: Rainbows