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omg effin' griefers, please do something

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by WillyBoy, Oct 27, 2011.

  1. bilbs

    bilbs KAG Guard Tester

    Clearly Willy is open to suggestion and improvement upon his idea.
    How could we improve on something so perfect though?
  2. archont

    archont Shopkeep Stealer


    0. User's infraction is screenshotted and uploaded to server
    1. Introduction of global bans
    2. Global bans are MAC || hash(hardware ID) based
    3. When getting a global ban the user gets a mail sent to his registration email telling him he's an asshole and containing a link
    4. The global ban starts counting down once the link is clicked
    5. Whenever the user, a user with the same MAC or a user with the same hardware hash is loaded instead of the main menu the client downloads the screenshot of his infraction with a big timer in the centre. If the user has clicked the link in the mail the timer is counting down, otherwise it stays still.

    Oh and a note saying "Enjoy your ban"
    illu likes this.
  3. archont

    archont Shopkeep Stealer

    Constructive, yes.

    Yours is the incoherent mumbling of the uninformed.
  4. WillyBoy

    WillyBoy Shipwright

    Oh ok, thanks.

    Thanks for referencing a vague memory of a random discussion elsewhere as a basis for unequivocally discounting the usefulness of a suggestion.

    You were very constructive.

    Look, what I'm saying is that there are clues as to whether someone's behaviour is counter-productive to his team, yes? Clues, that can be determined and actions that can be taken via software, i.e. not relying on people to click on a box (clearly doesn't always work) or guards (not always there). I suggest a high negative score is one such clue. If we put our heads together, maybe we could think of more ways to identify this behaviour in code. I mean really, logically, are you gonna tell me that a player with -100000 score and is breaking multiple blocks (especially, if they can be identified as allied blocks) is a legit player? Really? Right, let's give them the benefit of the doubt... I say no. Clearly that is griefing behaviour. Now, does he have to be necessarily kicked outright? Well, no, but at least bring up a vote-box automatically, because that is something that everyone can see and understand. Pressing tab and looking for the person's name and then finding and clicking the tiny box to the far right seems to evade people.

    I've been playing since the early builds, before the eyecandy build. And rarely do I ever have to break other people's structures. Usually it happens at the start of the game, where a griefer will try build something counter-productive like a wall the closes you into the base, or spikes everywhere. Ok, so, yes, you should be able to break those things without penalty. But what about after the initial build period? Lets say, when your team has reached mid, and no one is spawning from the base tent? That's the perfect time when griefers like to go to town on your defenses.. and you come back later wondering what happened and who did it, and summarily lose the game due to griefing. Come on, I'm not alone on this. Happens like every other game. It's a major problem.

    So, given that, we can adjust the conditions of the original pseudo-code, to say:

    "if 1.) the game is past the initial build period, 2.) the player has a very low score, and 3.) he/she has broken more than, let's say, 5 blocks or whatever limit you want to set, and it's within a screen's distance to the base (or however you want to determine it's an allied block)... then, it's fair to say this person is probably griefing, and put up a vote dialog automatically or just kick them immediately, whichever you think is more fair.

    And please don't say this is "loosely planned", like I said, I'm spitballing, so obviously it is. OR that it will cause lag, because I know for a fact, such code would be trivial and not effect performance. They are simple if-then-else statements, not complex calculations.

    Well, I think I've beaten this dead horse long enough, take it for what it is, im out.
  5. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    I really like this suggestion. Especially the bolded stuff. Very interesting approach (your ban duration only counts down if you had read the mail before) even though it needs more discussion of course.
  6. Luffy

    Luffy Shipwright

    there's not enough moderators playing! too many griefers get away with crap because the kick system sucks and no one knows how to use it.
  7. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    The only efficient action you can take against griefers is to ignore them or build in such a way that it's difficult or pointless to destroy your structures. I do the former, sometimes the latter.

    The latter usually involves me building walls instead of castles, which in retrospect works much better than a castle anyway.
  8. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    I would suggest you to just freeze them, let them explain why they griefed and eventually kick them. You are a KAG Guard, you forgot? ;)
  9. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    Well I could, but it helps when people know what to do when a guard isn't around.