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[New Game Mode] Assassin

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Ninja12, Dec 8, 2013.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. Ninja12

    Ninja12 Haxor

    I'm sure all of you have heard of Assassin's Creed. In the first game, you are required to kill certain targets, as with all of the other games (except Black Flag). This is what this new gamemode is about.

    The entire map is a huge city, and civilians are easily hidden. One player is selected at random to be the Assassin, and they are required to kill a person. A sign will drop into the Assassin's "base" and tell them who they are required to kill, and why. The victim also gets a notification, and they get a slight head start to get hiding, or equipping.

    There is a 30 minute time limit, and if the Assassin fails to kill the target, or if he dies, the match is over. The victim is allowed to fight against the Assassin, and they can do whatever they need to do to survive. If the victim survives, they become the next Assassin.

    Please provide feedback!
  2. Sponncx

    Sponncx Builder Stabber

    I could see this being fun, but not working, as only two people would really be doing anything in a large server, unless it works like a train system, where everyone has a different target, and they form a 'circle" of targets
    A B C and D play, A chases B, B chases C, C chases D, D chases A.

    Also, how will stealth work, would this use the current three classes, or have special custom classes?

    Might work better for a modded server.
    Guitarman and Contrary like this.
  3. Ninja12

    Ninja12 Haxor

    I suppose you would use a modded archer or knight. The archer is invisible when crouching, but if hit, or if they attack, they are revealed, alone with moving. The knight has a higher resistance, and can take targets out easily.
    As of the train system, I guess there could be the train system, or it's A-B, B-A, C-D, D-C?
  4. Sponncx

    Sponncx Builder Stabber

    What I meant is that Player A would hunt B, Player B would hunt C.

    Or did you mean something different.
  5. Ninja12

    Ninja12 Haxor

    I meant something different. The first assassin goes after the first victim, then it's vice versa, then another pair goes up.
  6. Warren2997

    Warren2997 Shipwright

    I see where this is going. But I think it should be like this:
    One player is chosen to assassinate the other players the kill thing won't show up (Warren2997 :sword: N00B) so the assassin is not detected only the players near the area can see what has happened and this is all happening in King Arthurs Castle but there is a small rule no more then :knight::builder::archer: players in a room or they will be told by a royal guard Non shall pass unless there are no more then 3 people inside, If they tried anything to get passed
    :knight::knight::knight: :migrant:-RUN!!!
Mods: Rainbows