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Thief Class

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by ZuluTickleHands, Dec 11, 2013.

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Mods: Rainbows
  1. ZuluTickleHands

    ZuluTickleHands Troll King

    This is an idea that I've been wanting to put on writing for a while. This is just for fun. Suggestions are welcome. No trolls please :)

    The Thief (<3 <3)

    Main Benefits:
    1) Easiest class to gain money.
    2) A real counter to the Knight.
    3) Disables enemy shops
    4) Steal enemy resources
    5) Can get past doors.
    6) Great at escapes

    1) Squishy
    2) Only really effective when behind the enemy
    3) Cannot pick up the flag despite being a person who steals

    STANDARD ATTACK: (twice as fast as a Knight's jab)
    Dagger swing (1/2 heart. Very fast attack speed).
    Backstab (1 heart. A normal attack that deals extra damage if it hits an enemy's back. Steals 1% of enemy's total gold.)


    Last Laugh: Upon killing an enemy, the Thief gains 30% of the enemy's total amount of money post death. This is great for money farming.

    Feather Foot: The Thief can walk on enemy trap doors.

    Shadow Meld: If the Thief remains inactive for 4 seconds underground, he will cloak himself. This deactivates if the Thief performs any action.

    Tunneler: The Thief can use enemy tunnels. Upon using one, the Thief cannot use active abilities for 3 seconds


    Devil's Deal:
    The thief left clicks at an enemy's shop, allowing him to purchase one item from the shop, free of cost. After "purchasing" the item, that item is removed from that specific shop's inventory permanently. Thief can only use this ability once per shop.

    Lockpick: The thief is able to pass through doors. Unlocking a column of 2 doors takes 2 seconds for wood and 3 seconds for stone **This does not 'open' the door for other allies nor does it damage the door**

    Viper's Strike (Charge Attack):
    Hits enemy's back - 2 heart, Disables enemy Knight's sword for 3 seconds and his shield for 10 seconds. Slows enemies run speed by 20% (does not effect jump height or grappling hook). Destroys all but 3 of an Archer's arrows
    Hits enemy's front - 1 heart

    Falcon Dive (Ariel Charge Attack): At the height that any other class would take damage from, the Thief is able to prepare an arial dive that instantly kills a single enemy upon contact. If this attack misses, the Thief loses 1/2 heart.


    Orb of Shadows (1-3 charges):
    Upon activation, the thief becomes one with the shadows for one second, allowing all units and weapons to pass through him. Thief cannot attack or hold items in this state. This does not allow the Thief to walk through walls. **When Orb of Shadow reaches 0 charges, it will break. The amount of charges on an orb is random unless the Thief has 3 kills in a row, in which case the Orb will always start with 3 charges.

    Lock Change (2 charges): The thief right clicks an enemy door, starting a 5 second counter. At the end of the counter, the door switches over to your ally's side.


    The Thief class has the highest movement speed and jump height.

    Wall Grab: Can grab a wall that he is touching and hold himself there for 2 seconds. He cannot attack while holding on to a wall, nor can he use it as leverage to wall jump higher.

    Feather Fall: Thief does not take fall damage.

    There will be more to come soon!...
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2013
  2. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Do you even read the forums? this has been suggested before. And the devs have previously stated that they won't add it.
    BlueLuigi likes this.
  3. steve_jobs

    steve_jobs Bison Rider

    lets just humor him, it looks like he spent a lot of time typing that.

    It seems like the kind of class that archer is being accused of. he can get around fast, he is agile, he can breach bases, ect ect.
    but he wont have a very big effect on the game. his attack is short ranged, and isn't very powerful. he has no explosive stuf or anything.
    so yeah...
    virtually useless.
  4. windwizard999

    windwizard999 Haxor

    Make a mod for this! ^.^
  5. steve_jobs

    steve_jobs Bison Rider

    One does not simply mod a new class.
    especially me.
  6. ZuluTickleHands

    ZuluTickleHands Troll King

    Thank you, Steve. Your advice is blunt, but at least you stated your opinion instead of being the bitter elder troll of the thread *cough cough auburn**

    Perhaps he could have a sticky bomb which would at least give him some destructive power. I also see him as a more of a replacement for the archer except stronger against the knight, and still a large threat to the builder.

    I do think it is rash to compare this unit's effectiveness to the archer. Quick farming gold and robbing units of their resources can be completely crippling to the enemy, while giving your builder tons of gold to make shops/catapults/etc.

    You are also completely neglecting that a Thief could steal a keg/catapult/ w.e from an enemy shop and set it off right there. That could be as devastating as a griefer lighting a keg where your flag is. It will also teach builders to strategize where they put their shops.

    Consider how much of a counter this unit is to the (arguably) overpowered knight. The Thief can jump over the Knight even at the Knight's highest point in a jump. This adds a completely different spin on how the Knight will have to adjust since this battle is not just about who timed the power attack first and charged forward.

    @windwizard999 I was going to look into that. I only discovered today that they are making a new map editor and my imagination just spazzed out and I wrote this.

    @Auburn , read the third sentence of my first post. I told you that this thread does not care for your elder forum troll wisdom. Go away.
  7. link6155

    link6155 Haxor Staff Alumni Tester Official Server Admin
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Can't really take your suggestion seriously if you go around calling someone a troll for saying something that's true :huh?:

    This game is medieval based. Now I'm not saying that there weren't thieves back in the medieval times, but it's not relevant to this game. When you think of medieval times, I'm sure the first thing that comes to mind isn't a thief.
    Guitarman and Auburn like this.
  8. ZuluTickleHands

    ZuluTickleHands Troll King

    I can't tell if you're kidding or not. What @Auburn says is troll jibberjabber. This class has not been suggested before. Just because it shares a similar name with another suggested "Thief" does not make it the same. I'm holding you at a higher regard than the troll, so in order for me or anyone to believe that this class has not been made, i'm going to need quotes or references to specific posts.

    No, when I think of medieval times, and especially in video games, I think of a Thief. And apparently Blizzard, Square Enix, and many other gaming companies agree with me.

    Read the second sentence. This build is for fun. Go away.
  9. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    BlueLuigi and link6155 like this.
  10. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Since you're so attached to the fact that I'm the "elder troll" after I stated a true fact, I guess I should actually say why I don't like your idea.
    All of the abilities that you are giving the thief class allow him to go almost anywhere, but since he can't open the way for his team, and he does very low damage and would probably be shot by an archer as soon as he opens that door. Also, his ability to basically disable knights for a few seconds is just outright dumb. How can a knife disable a knight's ability to do anything when swords and arrows can't? It doesn't make sense no matter what universe you're from. Also, backstabbing doesn't work in a 2d game. Kag archers actually had a knife in early beta, but it was removed because it just didn't work.
    If you still want to be immature and call me an "elder troll" go right ahead, but just remember what I'm saying. A thief won't work well in kag.
    Guitarman and Klokinator like this.
  11. ZuluTickleHands

    ZuluTickleHands Troll King

    No, they aren't lying. They are misinformed.

    I've read that entire thread and I'd like to respond, but you haven't specified what comment or quote you are referring to, or what point you're trying to make at all. The thread has many ideas. Please specify.

    Saying it's a fact that's true doesn't make it so. Please reread my later posts. I have already addressed your comment.

    His low damage is made up by his fast speed and backstab. If a knight is disabled from everything for 3 seconds and the Thief is faster, he will die within that three seconds for sure. Again, I've said this already. I encourage you to read more carefully. You will save us both time. The idea of a sticky bomb was mentioned when this issue was brought up as well setting off items from someone else's shop. Of course, I've already addressed this.

    I'm from the video game universe. Haven't you heard? Anything is possible in the video game universe.

    Wrong. See Leon from Awesomenauts.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2013
  12. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    He's saying that you were supposed to reply to that thread. It's one thread with many different ideas. This way there's not a different thread for everyone who has a different idea on what a thief should be like in kag.
  13. ZuluTickleHands

    ZuluTickleHands Troll King

    I put time into this first post and I believe it is detailed enough to warrant its own topic.
  14. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Alright, let me ask you this: what will a thief class add to kag? Everything that you are saying is that the thief will be weaker than the archer, meaning that won't he die even faster? Because the thief heavily relies on closer quarters combat, the thief would be forced to get incredibly close to knights. Now of you face any knight who knows how to click, you're dead fast, and the thief is nothing more than sword- fodder. Not worth being in kag.
    Guitarman likes this.
  15. Guitarman

    Guitarman Haxor Tester Official Server Admin

    The glaring problem I see with this class is the health to damage ratio.
    That's the equivalent to running up to an archer as a knight and being shot in the face, you are only damaged by one heart. You still have three hearts left and can just jab the archer twice and he's dead. If your thief class is "squishy" (like an archer), the knight would just turn around and stab you to death after you did (at most) one heart worth of damage.
    BlueLuigi and Auburn like this.
  16. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk gaurenteed shitter

    A Thief class will not happen, especially with the abilities you have in mind, such as removing shop items permanently. It would make them an annoyance that everyone hates. I see no place for a thief class in this game, anyway; the three classes have a delicate enough balance right now, and that need not be disturbed with another addition.

    Also, Archer used to have daggers with a backstab, and those daggers were removed - for good reason. The fast-paced action of KAG and the minimal stealth that occurs in game made them practically useless, unless you hopped around on top of your enemy and spammed it to try and get a backstab, which was stupid and unfun for everyone.

    If you want this to be in KAG, mod it into your own server. Otherwise, the likelihood of it becoming a thing is essentially nil.
    Auburn likes this.
  17. ZuluTickleHands

    ZuluTickleHands Troll King

    I have explained this in my reply to Steve Jobs. Please reread my posts.

    I whole heartily disagree with this. Good Knights kill on the first engage. The Thief relies on never being hit. In return he is faster in every way to the Knight. A Thief's first attack, if it's on the back will disarm the knight for 1 heart and he will be unable to fight or defend for 3 seconds let alone use his shield (10 seconds). It would almost be enough to make a knight retreat, even if he killed you. Now that I think of it though, the thief's base damage probably should be raised slightly. The Thief can attack twice as fast as a knight's single jab.

    @GuitarSt08 Thanks, I buffed his damage

    You misunderstood the ability. The removal of the item is only specific to that instance of the shop.

    This is a good point. Perhaps the Thief should have the ability to cloak then. Leon from Awesomenauts does it and he's one of the game's favorite characters. I would then need to renerf the damage of his attacks, otherwise he would kill on the first hit with stealth. This tactic could force him to attack and retreat, repeat. This will only work if Thief is the fastest class in the game, which he is.

    This is just for fun. I have no expectations of this going anywhere past theory, unless I decide to mod.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2013
  18. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    K, I'm done being nice. I was going to let you off today because today was your first day, but you've pissed me off.

    1.) Stop throwing the word "trolling" around. You clearly don't know the meaning of the word. Just because someone disagrees with you, doesn't mean they are trolling.
    2.) These forums have rules. You clearly didn't read them. Warning Given.
    3.) You clearly didn't read the stickies that says "READ THIS FIRST" so thread locked.
    4.) If you actually did manage to read the thread, then you'd notice that Geti (A DEV) said new classes WERE NOT going to be added. As such, there is 0 point in making a thread asking for a new class no matter how "well" written it was. A better place would obviously be to post here: https://forum.kag2d.com/forums/requests.108/

    I suggest you lurk a bit more before posting next time.

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