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Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by bru-jaz, Dec 18, 2013.


would you like this kind of weapons/material in KAG?

  1. Yes, as way you describe it, it would add fun to gameplay.

    27 vote(s)
  2. No. It would dull the game play

    8 vote(s)
  3. Yes, but no in the near future. KAG doenst need it inmediatly.

    6 vote(s)
  4. I would like it NOW but changing...

    1 vote(s)
Mods: Rainbows
  1. bru-jaz

    bru-jaz Haxor

    Poison weapons
    poison arrow.png Poisoned Arrow:
    • More expensive than the water arrows but cheaper than the fire ones.
    • If hits directly*: common arrow damage + infection . One target , no dispersion.
    • If hits ground: arrow stays as a destructible object + releases green gas_arrow (4x4)= Hurt anyone of both teams if where inside of the area, no infection.
    • The arrow in the ground could be destroyed by everyone to end the gas release.
    *It could be stopped by a shield.

    bomb.png Poison gas bobms:
    • The price could be 40 coins (the next price of the water bomb)
    • Explodes by time, not by hit ; Exploding time = normal bomb: 4 secs (?) .
    • Explotion ratio = normal bomb (dont know how many tiles).
    • When explodes, releases green gas_bomb.
    green gas_arrow
    Tiles: 4x4 in ground, 2x4 if horizontaly in wall. Hurts anyone of both teams if where inside of the area, no infection. Lasts 10 seconds

    green gas_bomb
    Tiles: 5x5. Can't be stopped by shield. Hurts only enemies (and yourself). Disappear inmediatly.

    The player poisoned turns slightly green. He loses half heart each 3 seconds (something more slower than the water drowning). He could die if still poisoned until loosing all his hearts. The only way to cure is grabbing something that give health (heart, fishy, burger, beef, etc).

    Concept snapshots i've made:

    I would like Skinney's opinion, since he is developing "King Arthur's Armory", a great mod that promises lot of fun with new implementations. He seems to be a good scripter and pixel artist.

    Edit: I changed my mind about how many hearts the poison takes to you. Maybe would be more fair if just take a max of two (or three) hearts : if you have 5 hearts you will keep just
    three, if you have only one heart you will die after 6 secs.

    Edit 22/12: I'm trying to rewrite the first post resuming and adding what we talk.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 23, 2013
  2. Warren2997

    Warren2997 Shipwright

    I like this (Plus it would be easy to put an bomb in a cata and aim... FIRE!
  3. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    I think instead of it being gas, it should be poison water. Other than that, it is a great idea.
  4. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Not sure how this would fair for an official (read:widespread) implementation, but it sounds like it could be fun for something modded in.
  5. bru-jaz

    bru-jaz Haxor

    Yes! this could be fun. Also i thing it's quite balanced , but i change my mind about how many hearts the poison takes to you. Maybe would be more fair if just take a max of two (or three) hearts : if you have 5 hears you will keep just
    three, if you have only one heart you will die after 6 secs.

    I tough of gas because it will add another weapon particles to the game. But i thought about it just an eyecandy, of course the gas will scatter inmediatly, otherwise would be very easy to spam a large portion of terrain with impenetrable posion (throw it to your own flag, hall).

    Yes, that's why i asked skinney to take a look at it. But if we do have water ammo, drills, and all other stuff that day by day are in discussion if they are fair to the gameplay (and also, those little features are what gives KAG beta so much expectation for the future) why not another weapon specie?
  6. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    By the way, something to consider is to lose quarter hearts and just twice as often.

    If Skinney doesn't see this I'll message him on IRC for you later.
    Varion, Froghead48 and bru-jaz like this.
  7. bru-jaz

    bru-jaz Haxor

    Thanks, BlueLuigi!
    I thought the effect could be more faster and less harmful, but i think that would make annoying for the player view a twinkle red screen each 1,5 secs. Three seconds is a very short time, but long enough (if you have full health) to run for your life to get a heart/fish.
    It wouldnt be a powerful weapon. It has the same damage range than the normal bomb so, if you are an archer and being hitted by a bomb: you die, and that doenst make the bomb a powerful weapon.
  8. poison the water for swimming, eh?
    P.S. spelling is a thing
    you may want to use it

    //edit from Kouji: and you might want to use proper formatting and grammar yourself before calling out other people on it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2013
  9. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    You may also want to think about how you talk to people, or you won't talk any more at some point. Just saying.
  10. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    I like this idea, I think it's great. But the devs need to fix water bombs' spamminess before they add anything new to the game. Wonderful idea for a mod though.
  11. Ecued

    Ecued Shopkeep Stealer

    Should it stack? And if so, by duration or damage?
    I think it should stack in duration, but only up to the full normal duration. So if normally lasts 12 seconds and you get hit again when you only have 2 seconds to go it goes back up to 12.

    Alternatively, what about lowering the damage to 1/4 heart every 1.5 second for 12 seconds, but making impossible to heal while poisoned?
    BlueLuigi likes this.
  12. bru-jaz

    bru-jaz Haxor

    Thanks, Galen. I really dint know how to confront that kind of reply (i even didnt understand what he tried to say). If answer him in bad way, or explaing one, or just tell him to stfu showing my perfect spanish gramar(?). Any ways, my signature explain why i cant state with ease: i dont speak english.
    Thanks for comming in and keeping the peace in the thread.

    Yes, i thought about it, just because i read it in other thread to "delete or modify water ammo" because bomb spam. I didnt ever had this problem either watch it in-game, so i dont know why is so much people complaining about it.
    --- Double Post Merged, Dec 19, 2013, Original Post Date: Dec 19, 2013 ---
    Sorry, Ecued, i didnt saw your reply when i was writing.
    * I think if you lose 1 heart and still posioned (wich means that you still have to lose anotherone) and get hited by another poison weapon act like if you wherent already poisoned. <-This would be more easy to script, i think. But the way you said it seems intresting too.
    *Accelerate the harming time would be annoying, if you think, 1.5 seconds is a really short time period!
    * I think that the fact of curing the poison is inherent to the poison mechanic.

    EDIT: i know why that guy TheChosenOne2000 was angry. I commented his thread https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/wonky-aiming-fix-it-please.17948/ asking the mods locking it because it was out of topic. Pfff, even i think it was him who voted to "no" in the poison poll.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2013
    Galen, BlueLuigi and Guitarman like this.
  13. Ecued

    Ecued Shopkeep Stealer

    The reason for limiting the time is to prevent someone from getting poison spammed and dieing waiting for it to end.
    I didn't mean to accelerate the poison time, I wanted it to be half damage, so 1/4 heart every 3 seconds, for a total of 1 heart damage over 12 seconds.
    But it's really a different thing altogether, and just the way you outlined the poison to work seems pretty much fine already. I'd love to see it implemented.
    bru-jaz likes this.
  14. Landoo2

    Landoo2 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    very nice idea :) but i think it 5 different kinds of arrows would be a bit much, if you had to change the arrow type in a short time... you have to aim very good, thats my opinion, but all in all, its a wonderfull idea
  15. bru-jaz

    bru-jaz Haxor

    Making it weaker than 1/2 heart would make the weapon undesirable to buy. Player would think "why i would buy a weapon more expensive than the normal bomb that doesnt kill instantly, takes time to make full harm and doesnt has a great exploding range?".
    So, if we make the weapon dangerous enough to kill after a prolonged period of time, and also, giving the player damaged the possibility to cure himself to balance it, it would be a worthy weapon (and then you can watch your enemy die slowly :B):)

    Thanks! I never use the archer, so i dont know, but, you always buy 4 classes of arrows each respawn? If you dont, you would have your normal arrows and the special one you so hardly bought.
    But now you mean it, i talked about the difficulty to select with mouse the classes in the spawn in other thread, proposing to make a key system. It would be easier if you just use "G;H;J;K;" to select the bombs/arrow kinds.
    Unfortunately, nobody replies it.
  16. Skinney

    Skinney THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator Tester

    Good ideas however I think the Poison Arrows overlap mechanics wise with the fire arrows, perhaps adding some unique conditions such as slow, blind (dark overlay), confusion (reversed movement) or something along those lines would make it feel more worthy.

    Regarding the Gas bombs, I do really like the idea and it's very doable. Just a matter of sitting down and putting in the time.
    bru-jaz, Guitarman and Varion like this.
  17. JoshTG

    JoshTG Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Skinney i think he intends the poison arrows to be a pure form of damage, as fire arrows are good for killing but are expensive and don't stack well. I might be wrong but i dont think he meant to create another utility arrow.
    bru-jaz likes this.
  18. Ecued

    Ecued Shopkeep Stealer

    Just by not being able to get rid of the poison without healing it covers the major flaw of using fire arrows to do damage: water maps.
    On every map with a large amount of water I don't even bother buying fire arrows since they'll either do nothing, or be put out within seconds.
    In addition, poison arrows would be safe to use in your base, eliminating the fear of missing and burning down your towers, shops, setting your teammates on fire, etc...

    I've also been killed a surprising number of times by people who used the fire "running" animation to catch up to me.

    I actually have a question: Should poison arrows work like water arrows currently do (breaking on impact, having a splash range and working through shields)? Or will they be like fire arrows (single target, able to be deflected by shields)?
  19. bru-jaz

    bru-jaz Haxor

    First, thanks to gave a look to the thread.
    I didnt thought about give it special conditions since the water material should be the limit, i believe, of the items of that kind, otherwise it would be annoying in those big battles where all kind of projectiles are flying.

    If you think its doable great! if i could help in any way, just tell me. I dont know anything about scripting (and thats because i dindt tryied by myself) and not much about pixel drawing, but i paint on canvas, it couldnt be too far from that :smug:

    That's exactly what i have in mind.

    Yes! i didn't consider that. It's a good point :yes:

    Particularly the arrow: ( idk if will be gas poison or poisoned water) should work trough shields (being congruent to the game). But i think that the only reason why the water ammo can do it is because it doesn't make damage. I bet on a simply poisoned arrow (not with a poison pack attached on it, just green). One shoot, one target. It would be fair to avoid the spam and fun and useful to the archer if he must run for his life but has the opportunity to give one last shot.
    Otherwise, i think the bombs should pass through the shields and harm more than 1 enemy.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2013
  20. ZeldaMarioDude

    ZeldaMarioDude Tree Planter

    If I'm poisoned in KAG, I would simply suicude and respawn.
    Also what about contamination - Which when there's poisonous air surrounded a radius, that place is "Contaminated" Water bucket could "uncontimate" it
    --- Double Post Merged, Dec 22, 2013 ---
    If I'm poisoned in KAG, I would simply suicude and respawn.
    Also what about contamination - Which when there's poisonous air surrounded a radius, that place is "Contaminated" Water bucket could "uncontimate" it
Mods: Rainbows