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Knight Destruction Of Backwalls

Discussion in 'Balance' started by Duplolas, Jan 7, 2014.


Do you think knights should be able to destroy wood backwall, both wood and stone backwall, or none?

  1. Wood Backwall

    12 vote(s)
  2. Both Wood and Stone Backwall

    1 vote(s)
  3. None

    9 vote(s)
  1. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Knights can already break backwall with bombs, that is more than enough, something you can carry 4 of you can make the choice to break a building if it's needed or not, bombs break a decent area of backwall as well, if you need more than that, then the building was made well and deserves to stand or force you waste another bomb.

    think from the other side, the builder, how much time does it require him to make that building that would be able to withstand the bomb arrow, bombs breaking bcak walls, kegs, ballista bomb bolts, etc.

    If anything and your problem is with the wood backwall and lategame, as Kouji said, address that problem instead.

    Requiring a proper farm to have 6-7 trees instead of just 1-2 would be a nice start, but when 2 trees max your inventory it's kinda nuts, I agree. However after getting the setup (saw, tree farm area, etc) you then have to actually place the blocks as a builder as well, this all takes a lot of time, and usually if there are knights hitting the front, you will die doing this as well, backwall personally I just use wood usually, even early game, stone is too precious to waste backwalling huge areas with unless it's to stop fire spread.

    Wood already gets smashed to shit by knights, at least leave the backwall there.
  2. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    That is a reason Kouji for why stalemates occur. I guess more of my arguments are geared towards CTF because it is really where I play the most and statlemates occur more often in it. Yes, you do have an unlimited amount of coins, but it isn't like the generate over time as you know. Because to get kegs it costs 120 coins, which you must gather in one life, while also keeping that safe across the entire field, whereas in TTH the distances from base to base are shorter.

    Though, now that I think about it, having the ability to destroy wood backwall as knight in TTH would impact the game more since bases are typically made high up and wood backwalled to maintain all of the factories. But even then, in CTF the bases are not "pre-built", as in that you are having to contain a flag, you don't already have a base with some minor walls.


    Yes Luigi, bombs do damage to backwalls already, but it it really worth wasting 4 bombs to take out 4 stone backwalls (if perfectly placed) or with wood wasting 1 (if perfectly placed). Think of the times where you need to throw a bomb at a wall in the air. If you miss, theres 1 bomb less.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2014
  3. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Then don't miss?

    I mainly play TTH and it sounds like a terrible idea there.

    If you really want to test something like this (and you test, don't just suggest), start up a server with the changes you want and see how it goes.
  4. hierbo

    hierbo Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    I think that stalemates occurring so often is a symptom of a larger problem. The problem I am referring to is that as one team starts to lose, they turtle up in what's left of their base(s) out of necessity, so that they don't lose, allocating only a few brave souls to try to eke out some offense while they try not to lose their last hall/flag. So, even if a team was winning handily before, now they are faced with a tough nut to crack to get that last flag/hall.

    Of course, jacking up the destructive power of the class most likely to be all over the front of enemy forts would reduce the likelihood of stalemates, but it would do so in a way that further upsets balance, in my opinion. Structures are just so hopelessly doomed already, I generally balk at any suggestion to further facilitate their rapid demolition.

    I think that breaking stalemates ought not be left in the hands of knights alone, as they are already brimming with capabilities in excess. Also, as mentioned in previous posts, they already have multiple item-based means of breaking all walls, back walls included. I can see a knight hacking his way through a wooden door with his sword, but that weapon really is ill-suited to damaging structures, as it should be.

    I know this isn't the most on-topic suggestion in the world, but it is meant to address the above contention that stalemates could be solved via this back wall idea. The stalemate problem really came to the forefront when the penalty for suicidal behavior was removed. Of course, I'm referring to tickets. Now, I am not saying that tickets are the only possible way for dying to matter. I am, however, saying that stalemates exist because each team essentially has an infinite number of troops, and only the condition of the defensive structures has any bearing on who is gaining or losing ground, since overall kills and deaths have no direct bearing on who is winning the match.

    So, if one team is pinned into their last defensive structure, then they are really hard to beat, because all or nearly all of their attention is focused on defense, and they are very near their spawn point, so an endless stream of defenders is always at the ready. If eliminating stalemates is your goal, allowing one team to eventually kill off the opposing army is the best way that I can see to achieve that.

    For those of you who are unaware, tickets are a former mechanic in KAG, in which each team had a pool of them; they were essentially team lives. If your team runs out, guys stop respawning, usually leading to the team's rapid demise.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2014
  5. RogueCupcake

    RogueCupcake Haxor Official Server Admin

    I think only enemy wood!
  6. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    I believe the biggest problem here is misallocation of shops. Of course in any 3+ hall map, of course.
    I see sadly way too often people not building on those forward bases. This could surely also be helped if KEGs were easier to move to forward bases, as it is when you have 3+ bases it is a bitch to move KEGs so you can't have them safely at the back which causes it's own compound issues.

    I think to not see this gradual increase of defense be such a thing, we would need something to get builders on the frontline more often building up that front base instead of what we see now which is usually (even on an 8man team) 2-3 builders in the back, on the first base, even if you own 3, strengthening something that won't be needed if attention is placed on the frontline instead. Less attention and materials to the front means it'll go down faster, and the back lines will last longer.

    Was never a fan of tickets (see:Action Unlimited), but this is so true. The only way to get around not needing tickets is to make maps that were not good for long games. We had a few maps that would cause is grief on the server as they would always last 2+ hours no matter what, you don't really have that problem with tickets and map creating, as it solves it for you.
    hierbo likes this.
  7. sheek

    sheek Horde Gibber

    Buildings would be collapsing out the wazoo if this were the case.
  8. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    Trampoline cannons solve this problem, if your team knows how to build them and your knights know how to use them

    You move just as fast out of a cannon with a keg as you would without :^)
    BlueLuigi likes this.
  9. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Not everyone has the coding experience and ability to set up their own server. I would really like to test this out on my own server, but servers cost money. Aswell as having someone create the mod for use, the bills just keep stacking up and up.

    And then not everyone is so good that they can throw a bomb and hit any location they want, let alone a mid-air target. Most players don't even know they can aim a bomb throw. The average player is no where close to the level of skill vets have.
  10. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    I know what you mean, but it's usually not as bad as you're thinking, it depends on if you have a job though I suppose, talk with me on IRC or conversation and I can try to help you find something maybe if you're interested. As for the 'mod', something like that should actually be very simple to do, I recall seeing it in some files (who can break what for tiles).

    Don't balance things around the 'average' player if it is something they don't even know. As they learn and more of them know you simply create a lapse of balance. You'd be doing what the dev team did for years, shit up classic by appealing to newbies.
    Klokinator and Hella like this.
  11. Shambls

    Shambls Tree Planter

    Good thread very constructive and informative.
    hierbo likes this.
  12. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Exactly! KAG is balanced best when it's made to appeal to hardcores by having small niche mechanics that take a lot of time to master. It allows vets to pull off awesome things that make newbies jealous and thus incentivizes them to learn how to play better - to get up to that level.

    Edit: Personally, I'd love to see Tickets return. We have so many more options for reducing stalemates now, surely having tickets as an alternative setting for some servers (Ie: An "option" for vanilla servers that doesn't flag them as modded) would not destroy the balanceof the game. You can even set them ridiculously high, to like 1,000 or something and then tickets become a worry only after a game has grinded past the three to five hour mark anyway, at the point when the match has just become a battle of tenacity.
    hierbo likes this.