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Viridi Militis == Sandbox Survival & KAG beta Projects

Discussion in 'Community Dev Corner' started by VanHuek, Apr 28, 2013.

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Mods: Downburst, Mazey
  1. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    I thought that, I saw something about that on the website, I forgot where.
  2. Jlordo

    Jlordo Nobody Donator

    It was stated a long time ago that it might be donate only, but after a while they said that SS will be completely free, but people that donate will get some extra perks like special hats and customizations.
  3. VanHuek

    VanHuek KAG Guard Tester

    I never said the multiplayer would cost - just want to make it clear and donators will not get any game changing perks or bonuses but just cosmetics and able to input into design if they wish.
  4. Jlordo

    Jlordo Nobody Donator

    From your thread "Welcome to Virdi Militis" under "Frequently asked Questions"
  5. VanHuek

    VanHuek KAG Guard Tester

    Gurin, Joiken and Sarkalest like this.
  6. RogueCupcake

    RogueCupcake Haxor Official Server Admin

    WHen does this come out?
  7. VanHuek

    VanHuek KAG Guard Tester

    Hopefully next week, may extend into two but hopefully not.
    --- Double Post Merged, Nov 9, 2013, Original Post Date: Nov 7, 2013 ---

    Viridi Militis: Sandbox Survival Interview

    1. Could you introduce yourself and your "work" (as a guard) in a few words?

    About myself, I enjoy studying and reading, especially mathematics and physics. I used to be a keen sportsman but I injured my knee in a running accident and only now go for small runs to keep fit. I spend a lot of my time designing things and I am learning basic code, but I am quite lazy and watch a lot of TV shows and play a lot of games!

    My work as a guard is quite simple: hang out on IRC, respond to calls when I am active but there is more to it than that. I try to be as helpful as possible in-game, it can be frustrating sometimes with so many questions, and also try to help people as much as possible on the forums and on IRC, but I have been very busy lately with work.

    2. Could you explain your sandbox project (Viridi Militis) for our listeners?

    Virdi Militis is the name of the modding group I have set up and we have a great team, although a lot of people have been busy recently. We have an amazing concept artist for backgrounds, extremely good sprit artists and great coders, who are sadly limited in number.

    Our project is to make Sandbox Survival, which has three aspects to it: solo, co-op and multiplayer (called KARPS – King Arthur’s Role Playing Server). At first it will only be multiplayer using King Arthur’ Gold but eventually we hope to use our own client:


    Our project is to make a word in which you can explore and have adventures. Choosing your race: human, dwarves, elves and orcs – with more eventually, you go out and make friends forming a faction. There will be a diplomacy system between factions to form a war and monsters to fight. On our first release it will be simpler but it will still be dynamic.


    Although the difference in races will only be the sprites at first. Maybe once we get this sorted we may add things like a trading system, an arena, dungeons that teleport you to challenges to treasure, introducing iron and gems, a weapon system to add more weapons into the game (crossbows, spears, battle-axes, maces).

    We hope to improve sieges and make lives last longer and try to reduce the amount of killing, from capturing victims, and introducing more activities, such as making farming necessary with a hunger/thirst system.

    3. How did you get this idea to create that ambitious project?

    Well I first made KARPS on classic and I enjoyed the multi team role play with deeper gameplay involved but there were always problems such as random killing and griefing and I want to sort them and make the game mode more complicated and immersive. I felt that beta provided the framework to make this – so why not!? Knowing that I had no art skills and little coding skills I looked to the community to see if it was possible, as with classic (alpha) I could make it all myself, with some help, but not this time!

    4. What was your inspiration (books, movies) for this project?

    I first thought of my races through playing Dragon Age: Origins, although often people think it is through the inspiration of Lord of the Rings. Lieber was very helpful in writing our Lore and Compendium, with it is the world we have created, the history and about the races.

    Here is a small snippet:


    5. What are the main difficulties you are encountering at this moment?

    At this moment our main difficulty is the lack of coders to make significant progress and a lot of people being too busy. This has meant progress has been slow but our art has been finished for a long time.


    Here is a screenshot of our dwarf underground, not the greatest screenshot to be honest. Our past problems, slowing progress, were all the updates and changes to the engine! We hoped to finish in summer, when everyone was available but sadly that was not possible.

    As well people have a negative view of role play from other role play servers, which tend to be multi team killing servers – I want people to know that this is different! Additionally some people have been getting the idea that the project costs to play, it does not! People are only able to donate to become testers, if the need arises, and for some cosmetic bonuses.

    6. Did you receive positive feedback from devs like Geti or MM for your project?

    Well there are glad to see people modding the whole time but I think they are reserving their judgement until release. It is good to have support through advice or making things possible.

    7. Do you have others projects in mind?


    There are some small projects that I have in mind that I could also integrate into Sandbox Survival but also use Sandbox Survival code to create part of it. These ideas are from airship conquest with a lot of small islands and you have to capture these with airships fighting on land in the air, here is a little preview of what we have in mind: this will be seen in Sandbox Survival too. And also an arena, like I mentioned, and maybe an infection game mode, but I am not so clear on the game mode.

    8. Any exclusive feature to reveal for our French listeners?

    Well I’ve given away a lot and more information is available on our website and forums. Also check out our IRC channel #VMD on irc.quakenet.org.

    Website =/= www.viridimilitis.com

    Forums =/= www.dev.viridimilitis.com

    But a small present, not a background but something someone did as an example a while ago:

    Last edited: Nov 9, 2013
  8. Sirpixelot

    Sirpixelot Base Burner
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    So demanding! >:O
  9. Stealthkibbler

    Stealthkibbler Shark Slayer

    Well, they did say it would come out in 1 week or two soooo yeah and we want it!!!
  10. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    YA URY UP UR BAD U MAD :left:<:left:<:<

    Well more seriously I guess it will be like the Beta of KAG. You'll wait a lot of time, you're going to be disappointed, and, at the moment you never imagined it's out, it is and you think it is totally epic.
  11. Verrazano

    Verrazano Flat Chested Haggy Old Souless Witchy Witch Witch THD Team Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. Practitioners of War Extreme Revolution - POWER

    That's cool and all, but it's not exactly vaporware. As a programmer with likely a lot more experience than you I know what I'm doing. It's just very difficult to find enough time to finish it at this point. The discussion of what are goals are has been going on for quite while, however it has mostly been behind closed doors. On a note of "12+ hour nights hacking away at the console" this is a poor method as it is unhealthy. It is better to have a steady development rather than water fall development.
  12. bout

    bout Shark Slayer

    It's 2014 already... WHERE IS VIRIDI MILITIS?!
  13. Sirpixelot

    Sirpixelot Base Burner
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Give it time m8. Give it time to mature and grow up to be an adult. owo
  14. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Just was reading through some old threads.

    Any update of sorts on this?
  15. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester


    Also, Ardivaba ran off with the money and code
    Fellere825 and Guitarman like this.
  16. VanHuek

    VanHuek KAG Guard Tester

    Well we are still trying to get something done, despite numerous setbacks.
    Sgnt_Sneeky-Pants likes this.
  17. bout

    bout Shark Slayer

    I always knew he was shady. ;_;
  18. wilpin7

    wilpin7 Lewd~ Donator
    1. KAG Competitive League

    Wait ... someone made a sandbox mode for kag ? That's fucking awesome! Screw terraria and minecraft now I can just stop playing video-games altogether, kag ftw. But seriously, this is one of the best ideas I've ever seen, will there be any random encounters sort of things (just having some knights and a few archers run at you) and villages, maybe ? (for them shops)
  19. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    *slow clap*
    Guitarman, Noburu, wilpin7 and 2 others like this.
  20. Invaders

    Invaders Shark Slayer

    As much as I hate to say it, I called it from day one that this would not go very far very fast.
Mods: Downburst, Mazey
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