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How to become a pro Knight?

Discussion in 'General Help' started by DragonShark, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. DragonShark

    DragonShark The one post after the other. Donator

    I played this now 179 hour but, I am still a huge noob! ::(:
    So please tell me the techniques I have to follow.
    Thanks for the help. ::):
  2. Humblar_Tabulu

    Humblar_Tabulu TURTLE Turtle turtle... Donator

    Timing. Timing, timing, timing, timing, timing. OH! And did I mention, Timing?

  3. DragonShark

    DragonShark The one post after the other. Donator

    But, I am not good at timing..
    Is there any way to train your timing? :knight:
  4. Humblar_Tabulu

    Humblar_Tabulu TURTLE Turtle turtle... Donator

    Come meet me in Last Kings TTH
  5. vik

    vik THD Team THD Team Tester

    plat more, even 170 hours is not that much in kag, most good players have 1000+ hours
  6. DragonShark

    DragonShark The one post after the other. Donator

  7. miniu

    miniu Haxor

    I am playing thid years this game :> It's about timing and tricks. Just watch some good knights like : Remix, Kater, Sinox, GodOfArrow, Vlamer(meaby me too) and watch their techniques.
  8. DragonShark

    DragonShark The one post after the other. Donator

  9. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    There's no easy way to become a 'pro' knight. Who is pro seems to mainly change with builds and what they are mainly used to. Perhaps the most important thing however to consider is the understanding behind how everything works, if you understand the different moves and their limits you will be leagues beyond normal people, it's not something easy and you may spend much time doing just this. If you want to get good enough to fight those other knights, you have to understand as much s them at the very least, then study how they play and attempt to counter it.

    A good start to this is to go play with them or spectate, and if your computer can handle it, record them fighting, analyze it later and attempt to duplicate it, find out how it works and repeat until you've mastered it.

    This won't help you learn things that others don't know, but with at least what is currently known by the top tier knights, you should be able to make more than do with that.

    I've poured easily over 1,000 hours into this game myself, and I'm perhaps of medium skill at the moment, no that's not right I'm probably close to 10k. There was a point where for at least 6 months straight I played 16-18 hours a day, and many others did with me or close (18*31*6=3,348), and I've played wayyy more than that, and I'm sure there are many who have played more (as I took several hiatuses)

    That said in beta I've probably only spent 2~ hours a day the 1.5~2 months to reach the point of about a medium good knight. People have spent both more and less time to get accustomed to the changes and become good. For example I believe someone said Maverick played for about 5 minutes before becoming an absolute beast again.

    tl;dr - Learn your pace and study well and you will become better, understanding is a key to power.
    RadioActive and Piano like this.
  10. wilpin7

    wilpin7 Lewd~ Donator
    1. KAG Competitive League

    Totally not true lol, I played 174 hours and I'm always the number one scorer in a game :3 Mostly, sometimes I'm rarely second.
  11. Humblar_Tabulu

    Humblar_Tabulu TURTLE Turtle turtle... Donator

    I don't like to gloat or brag. ;)
  12. RadioActive

    RadioActive Guest

    You've to try multiplayer leleleelel
    Time to cut that shit yo kid. You probably have not heard of the good clans. If those guys are awesome, good, pro etc. I'm goddamn:
    Just staph with that adoration everywhere.

    Back to topic: The observation, training, someone who will teach you a few tricks. This is what you need. If you want to be the best knight you've to know how everything works. There is no way to explain it on the forum.
    BlueLuigi told you everything you need to know and what you need to pay attention to.
    Btw. It all depends on how quickly you'll learn those things. You can play three months and be as good as the oldest best players (maybe a little less :P).
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2014
  13. Humblar_Tabulu

    Humblar_Tabulu TURTLE Turtle turtle... Donator

    So new. Much frustrate. How Knight??
    bout likes this.
  14. miniu

    miniu Haxor

    win duel with Remix, so we can start talk.

    Tricks, timing, watching good players. You need to learn how to bomb jump, and how to make you'r bomb kill enemies. You need to learn how to kill archer without any bomb.
    Nateris likes this.
  15. Bullshit sorry for rudeness but u need at least a fuking year of playing! To become very good if dat dog up dat comment is so good...it's obvious teached by somebody very good anyways beta pysics can make u suicide
    sucks totally. Maybe u just have some natural talents win now come to classic and try to be NICE in 178 hours with true pysichs without bombs barrels water arrows and all of dat shit.My hint is a one OR come to a pro and be teached by he u can be very good in 3 days... :Por jst watch technnique of op players like kater
    dat all..i'forgotted beta is more easy than classic can u be nice in a month or something like dat.
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 1, 2014 ---
    btw dude do not think just at kag.
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 1, 2014, Original Post Date: Feb 1, 2014 ---
    Remix...dat suk like me... :> but he can be called pro becuse is more gud than other nabs

    he have like 100 kills 30 deaths in a game FTW GG
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 1, 2014 ---
  16. miniu

    miniu Haxor

    Good player need to teach you ? Bullshit. We also didn't talk about beta so ... And i am not a dog okay ? You need to insult me because i didnt apply you to clan !? Huh . Also use edit, dont merge so many posts. Watch technique is good thing to learn, so stop saying liars.
  17. Nah i'saying dog to wilpin but it's true in 2 days u cant know all techniques and more it's not a liar if u got teached by an ice player u can be nice in 2 days but if u want to be very nice in 2 days u need to ppractice 24 h up 24 h
    and im not angry.
  18. DragonShark

    DragonShark The one post after the other. Donator

    Thats nice. ;)
    wilpin7 likes this.
  19. wilpin7

    wilpin7 Lewd~ Donator
    1. KAG Competitive League

    Damn you Dragon what are you doing here stalking my ass, gonna stalk your server!!!
  20. Yagger

    Yagger Kouji's bitch 5eva Staff Alumni Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Considering I played only archer in classic, and then came into beta when it was in testing, I'm a pretty decent knight. Fighting knight V knight is all about timing and how aggressive you are. Timing a slash and using something for momentum, whether it's height or even shooting off a wall can easily score you a slash stomp or jab. Jabbing will almost never work unless you're lagging or just interfering in another knight fight.

    Bombjumping is underestimated, considering stomping someone and throwing the bomb down can net you a kill and a jump at the same time. Learning how to prioritize in a battle can also save your life within seconds : an archer with a water arrow brigade or a knight who's about to charge a bomb throw in the middle of a fight. @BlueLuigi made a nice point about time played. I've seen some instantly transfer from classic to beta and regain a nice amount of skill, while some seem to just never get more than cannon-fodder in the field.